Chapter 16

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I'd (Anders) bought the dress, and the woman at the register informed me that it came with long velvet gloves that matched and slid up past my elbows. Of course I had to get them as well, they were beautiful. I also bought a pair of shoes and two purses. One that goes with the gown and the other that could go with almost anything if need be.

"Where to now?" I wondered.
"We'll go back to my home so I can get some work done before it's time to get ready."
"I'll be outside."
"In the pool?" he wondered.
"Yes. It's been a while since I've been near one. I'd like to use it as often as I can."
"Alright. As you wish."
"Yes." I agreed. Precisely.


I swam and relaxed for as long as I could bear before getting out. It was so soothing to just float around without a care in the world. The warmth of outside with the coolness of the pool was one of the best feelings.

After I got out, I showered and took a nap.

I could really use a spa day.
The pool was nice but hot rocks, a facial, and a massage would be amazing.
I just needed to know when I'd be free enough to get it done.

I didn't feel like I rested for long before I was woken up by Anders.

"Come on, sweetheart. We have an hour and a half before we need to be at the hotel." he stated as he rubbed my back.
I wiped over my eyes and looked at him. "Do we really?"
"Yes and I'm not sure how long the drive will take."

I sat up and got out of the bed to get dressed.

I first brushed my teeth in case my nap had an effect on my breath.

Anders went into his closet.

Once I spit and rinsed my mouth out, I started on makeup.

Anders came out for a split second and looked at me as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Are you about to question my makeup like your father?" I wondered.
"I just...find it interesting." he stated.
"What?" I asked as I pat in my foundation.
"Well, you look great without it. Perfect glowing skin. Beautiful eyes. And yet're capable of enhancing it which I didn't think was possible."
I stopped and looked at him.

He focused on buttoning his cuffs then turned back into his closet.

I looked back at the mirror to finish.


My makeup and hair were done and I'd slipped on the dress with the assistance of Anders zipping it up again.
He was now applying the diamond necklace I chose to wear with it while I slipped on the matching bracelet over my long velvet glove.

"There we go." He kissed my shoulder and we looked at our reflections. "Even prettier than the last time."

I turned to face him and took the ends of his bow tie then tied it properly.
I slid my hands down his collar to straighten it then looked into his eyes.

"You're very handsome." I said kindly.
"Means the world coming from you."
"Are you flirting with me?" I joked.
"I always am. Are you ready?"
"I'll need to slide on my shoes."
"Can I meet you downstairs?" he asked.
"You can." I let him free and we both went into our different directions.

I slid on my heels and grabbed my clutch. I needed to find my cards so that I could pack them and hand them out to potential clients.

I walked into the closet and stared into the mirror a little more to make sure that I thought I looked okay and nothing was messed up.

I look fantastic.

I headed out of the room and made sure to turn off the lights as I exited.

While walking down the stairs, I saw Anders waiting.

"Ready now?" he asked.
"Yes, are you?"
"I am."

He held his arm out for me and I slipped my hand underneath to hold onto it.
We walked out and towards the car we'd be taking.

We would be chauffeured this evening and I wondered if Anders actually drove.

"Anders." I called.
"Yes, angel?"
"Do you drive at all?" I wondered.
"I do. I only don't when I know parking will be a bitch." he explained.
"So a lot of people are attending tonight?"
"That's correct."
"You said it was at a hotel, right?" I clarified.
"Can I ask why?"
"A friend of mine is opening his first hotel in this state. He has plenty elsewhere but I believe this is the first one here. He's celebrating."
"So the rooms aren't booked yet?"
"No. I don't even believe the doors are locked yet. After tonight they will be."
"Good for him."

"Anders..." I called again.
"Yes, angel." he repeated.
"You are aware that I will take whatever job may come to me tonight if I'm offered one, right?"
"And I don't want you interfering."

I looked at him.
He looked at me.

"If I am going to remain with you, you will not come between me and my job." I reiterated.
"I wouldn't dream of it, doll face." he smirked.

I didn't trust that smirk one bit.

He looked at his phone.

"Yes, baby." he answered exhaustedly with eyes still on his lit screen.
"I am very serious."
"Are you?"
"I am."
"And if I interfere, then what?" he asked and looked up from his phone and out the tinted window.
"Then this no longer happens." I answered.
"Is that so?"

He turned to look at me and swung his arm over the back of our seats as he manspread.

He looked into his lap in thought. "Hm..."

He looked at me and leaned in closer. Our eyes were locked, and his other hand lifted to gently hold my cheek. His thumb caressed it.
Quickly the thumb switched sides and he held my face in his hand.

Not tightly, just enough so that I couldn't look away.

"Your threats are cute, very cute. But...and I mean this in the most pure way, I think you're stuck with me now." he stated in all sincerity.
I stared at him. "If you want me to stay then don't interfere." I responded.
And if I realize I'm not that keen on sharing?"
"Then I suggest you get used to it."
He chuckled with a grip still on my face. "Right..."

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