Chapter 24

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I looked around Anders' large office space.
He really liked views since he had a large window on the far wall just like he did for his bedroom.

"This is nice. Not that I expected any less." I said and did a 180 to look around.
"Did it meet your expectations?"

He had a large glass desk, a huge painting on the wall behind it, a smaller desk in the corner that had a printer and a coffee machine. He also owned a couch with a coffee table in front across from his desk.
The desktop on his desk was definitely the most expensive one on the market at the moment.

"I'd say it did." I replied.
"Glad I could suffice."
"Mhm..." I grabbed his paperwork and flipped through it.

"Do you even understand what you're reading?" he asked and leaned against his desk with his arms and ankles crossed.
"No, daddy. Words too big, I can't think. No read. Can only sit and be pretty for you." I mocked as I read it.
He scoffed.
"Wow, look at you doing real work." I teased as I read it. "Not that I know more than you, but if it were me, I'd really consider switching these two." I pointed and placed the papers on his desk beside him.
He looked down to where my fingers gestured.

He looked at me and picked them up to observe better.

I continued looking at the rest of the papers.

"These are ideas someone wrote?" I asked and looked at him.
He looked at the ones in my hand. "Mhm."
"Business plans? Maybe add ons to your company?"
"Both depending on what you read. But they're all ridiculous." He looked back at the paper in his hands.

I looked back at mine.

"Debatable..." I told him. I walked over to him and stood with my back facing him, leaning against his firm chest like he did the desk so he could see what I would start talking about. "For example, it wouldn't be terrible to subsidize this."
"Because you'd know?"
"Mhm. If you compare this to...last year's and what the issue was, you'd be fixing the problem. Not that this is any of my business, and I doubt you're even listening but even at the cost of what it would be to subsidize it, you'd earn it back and then probably double or triple it. And that money could help go to these fundraisers you have written down. Which is so very sweet of you."
"And you know this how?" He asked with a hand on my waist as he looked over me at the papers in my hands.

I turned around and faced him.

"I got a marketing degree and a masters in business then worked under a CEO for some tech company while I escorted for a few years." I explained. "Granted your companies are different, he wants the world to be futuristic and you want the world to survive. But he used to force knowledge about running a large company down my throat like a coach. The man was a genius and I spent a lot of time with him."
He looked at me with confused brows.
"I may have only gotten hired for that job because I pegged the man I later called my boss and made him cum until he met his savior...but I quit once I started making six figures in escorting."

That was the first man I'd ever dominated sexually. I was going through a rough patch and for forty five, he looked fantastic. No regrets. I wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't.

Anders laughed lightly and took the papers out of my hands. "You're a very interesting woman."
"Thank you."
"Mhm." He leaned in for a kiss but I pushed away from him.

"Lunch now, right?" I turned around before walking out of his office. I heard the door close behind me as I headed towards the elevator.


We were on the way back to his home and he was on the phone.

"David, do me a favor and prepare lunch for Layla and I." he instructed. "We'll be back in the next ten minutes but you don't need to rush, we'll be in the pool not long after we return."

I thought he'd make lunch. But so long as he made dinner, I didn't mind.

"Thank you." He hung up.

"You're choosing not to make lunch?" I asked him as if the answer wasn't obvious.
"Yes. It would just drain my energy and make me too lazy to make dinner. Plus, I'd have no time to be pool side with you if I did." he explained.

That made sense.

I just sat back and continued to ride the rest of the way back to his home.


We made it back and were greeted by David.

"I'm sorry, I haven't started on your lunches, yet, but I didn't know what Layla might be allergic to." David stated.
"I have zero food allergies, David, but thank you for asking." I smiled.
"Of course." He smiled back and nodded before walking towards the kitchen.

I was a bit humored by the fact Anders had a British butler like some early 90s sitcom.

I saw Anders head upstairs and I followed behind him.

I had to think about which swimsuit I'd want to wear.
I couldn't do burgundy, I'd worn that one already.

We made it inside and Anders sat on his bed and got on his phone.

"Shouldn't you be getting changed?" I asked him and stepped into the closet.
"In a minute. I missed a phone call."

I let him take it as I got dressed.

I chose the black bikini I owned that was a strapless top that tied in the back and bottoms that were a half an inch in width away from being a thong.
I had a cream colored cover up that was much like a long thin robe. And I chose different sunglasses from earlier that would match better.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Anders sitting there on his phone call.

He looked at me.
I leaned against the bathroom doorway and he gestured for me to walk to him.

"No, I don't like that idea. Tell him to turn it around until I can figure out a better resolution." he said into the phone.
I stood between his legs and he pulled my coverup off of my shoulders.
His hand held my waist while the other held the phone to his ear.

"Correct." he responded to the other line.
He kissed my hip then turned me around.

I felt another kiss on my ass before he smacked it.

I walked towards the door of his bedroom with my coverup in my hand.

I let it drop from my grip and land on to the floor purposely then bent over to pick it up, knowing the look I would get from him.
I was right.
He licked his lips as he stared at it.

"Unh huh..." he agreed with the other line.

I stood back up straight then continued walking out of his room.

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