Chapter 75

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Anders had a presentation in one of the conference rooms so I sat at a bar they held in the dining room while I waited.

"You realize that us running into each other again after all these years is a sign, right?"

I looked next to me and saw that Will had made himself comfortable.

Why am I approachable? It's annoying honestly.

"I'm this close to telling security to get you away from me. Stop speaking to me." I threatened.
"That wouldn't work out well in your favor since I'm one of the very rich guests they asked to attend here. I doubt they'd believe you and if they did they'd give me a slap on the wrist."
"So you know that and are using it to your advantage to harass me? God, I never knew you were such a fucking creep."
"I'm not harassing you. I'm very calmly speaking to you."
"After I told you to leave me alone."
"Where is Claiborne? Presentation?"
"None of your fucking business." I got up and began walking away.

Of course he followed me.

"Don't you have something else to do?!" I asked and stopped to look at him.
"Better than talking to my first love? No."
"First love is a really weird title to give to the woman you cheated on."
He took a deep breath. "If that hadn't happened would we still be together?" he asked me.
"Why not?!"
"Because you're clearly a shit person and I would have noticed sooner or later. Stop. Following me." I commanded and walked off again.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Are you fucking serious?!" I asked.
"Is this about Shelby? I'm not even with her! I don't know where she is. She didn't even have the baby. I fucking left her because I didn't love her and she made me lose you. It was one mistake."
"Butkus, I really don't give a fuck." I promised.
"You don't mean that. Come on. We were perfect together and you left me. You fucking disappeared off of the face of the planet and I finally see you again, somehow more beautiful than ever, and you're with some prick that doesn't deserve you. Babe, we were beautiful together, come on. Come back to me."
"Let me go. Now." I demanded.
"No. Agree to talk to me."
"Let me go!"
"Keep your fucking voice down." he grunted.
"My voice will be the last thing you have to worry about when I punch you in your face. Let me go."
"You won't touch me."

I swung my other hand and slapped him across his face.
He scoffed like he couldn't believe I had.

"You fucking bitch." he insulted.
I hit him again and yanked my wrist out of his grip before backing away.

"Alright." he huffed and felt his jaw.

I must've started a commotion because when he was about to approach me, we were both wrapped in security.

"Get off of me!" he shouted.

"Let me go, please." I begged.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here?" I heard.
Anders showed up next to me.
"I leave you alone for an hour and you get arrested?" he joked.
"He was harassing me and I dealt with it." I explained.
He turned and noticed Will.
He looked back at the guard that was holding me.
"Let her go, I got it." he instructed.
I was let free.
"You okay?" he asked me.

He turned and faced William.

I watched him swing the quickest right hook into Will's face. Then knee him in the stomach while he was bent over.
"Fuck, that felt so good." Anders panted in relaxation.

My guard came back and walked towards Anders.
Anders looked at him. "You touch me and I have you fired."
The guard didn't move.

Anders looked back at Will.
"You speak to my woman again and you're gonna have to put me behind bars a second time and you better hope I somehow don't have the money to get free." he threatened.
"Are you really that obsessed with what I've already had?" Will asked.
"Yes, you've had your turn and you did a shit job at it. It's time for someone to do it correctly."

Anders looked at the man holding Will.

"He's been harassing my girlfriend throughout this trip, if I see him near her again I'll kick your ass. Then your boss's ass. And then I'll sue for putting her in danger. Do you understand?"
He nodded. "Yes, sir."
"Great. Don't let it happen again."

I love being around someone with power. It does something for my soul.
And my pus-

He took my hand and pulled us off.

"I think I handled it well..." I stated.
"Yea, you're definitely a fighter."
"Well he called me a bitch, so..."
Anders turned around.
He turned back and looked at me. "Don't lie to me. Did he call you a bitch?"
I just stood there.
"Candace. Did he, or did he not, call you a bitch?"
He began walking again.
"BUT!" I yelled and pulled at his arm. He stopped again. "I handled it and you handled it. So it's fine."
His head turned to look back over at Will.

I softly held his cheek in my hand then turned his face back to me before putting my lips on his.
"Thank you." I smiled at him then turned around so we could leave.

I didn't hear footsteps behind me so I turned around to see what he was doing.

He was just standing there and his eyes lifted to mine.

"Were you watching me walk away?" I asked him.
"Yea. Keep going." he said with a lick of his lips.
I scoffed and turned back around to leave.

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