Early Bird Down

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Bulut had the driver haul ass to the airport where Ozgur was waiting in the Helicopter. "Bulut, please tell us that Sanem is alright! My sister just came back into my life. I can't lose her now and her babies also need her more."........."Leyla calm down and let me examine her just in case we need to get her to the hospital right away" Ceycey was as much upset as Leyla was. They both tried to comfort each other while waiting for Bulut.
"Hey Ozgur! Where is the first aid kit?"........."Under you seat" Bulut reaching under it to pull it out. "How is she Bulut? Where do you want be to go?".........."Go to Aziz's Island. It just appears to be a superficial wound. The bullet didn't go into her just caused a good size scrap on her upper arm near her shoulder. Mihriban will clean it up and bandage it. She will probably be sore for a few days"........."Good! Wait until Can finds out what happened to her if he ever snaps out of this spell. He would never forgive himself." CeyCey said."We can't worry about that right now. Emre and Ibriam can deal with that once Ceyda is out of the way." Bulut called Aziz to let him know that the early bird was down but ok. He told him to have Mihriban ready with her nursing kit to take care of Sanem's wound. Aziz knew he had to tell Nihat and Mevkibe about it and made his way over to the guest house to break the news.

Sitting in the guest house livingroom:

"DAMNIT AZIZ! I knew this was a bad plan. You had better me thankful that my daughter was not killed or I will have all of your asses including Can whether he snaps out of it or not"........"Ceyda must had planned this without our knowledge."......... "That's not good enough. You promised her, Mevkibe and myself to protect her. Alot of good that did! That's it, I going to meet the Helicopter" Nihat storms out the house, gets on the gulf cart and heads towards the landing. Mevkibe  started her way of giving Aziz the silent treatment which meant he knew it was time to leave. Mevkibe called Osman and began packing some clothes for Nihat and herself. Then made her way over to the main house to help with the twins so Mihriban could take care of Sanem's wound. She was sitting in Sanem's room as the babies slept grabbed a suitcase and began to throw Sanem's clothes along with some for the twins in it. She was bound and determined to leave the Island tonight or first thing in the morning whether or not it was safe. It was a chance she had to take. Knowing that Nihat probably would feel the same.

By the time Ozgur had landed, Sanem was awake. She just sat there thinking about how this day had ended. All she wanted to do at this point was go to her babies and hug them for dear life and never let them go. Bulut help Sanem get out of the Helicopter because he had put a sling on her arm to let Mihriban be the judge to determine whether or not if she would have to wear it for a few days. Leyla and CeyCey grabbed everything else. Nihat took Sanem in his arms holding on to her ever so tight and not wanting to let her go. She wept on his chest wanting to hear her Father's heart beat. He placed her in the front seat of the gulf cart and drove them back to the house. Ozgur joined them waiting to hear about what he had to do about going back to the Mainland to pick up Can, Emre and Ibriam. Mitat was informed and became just as pissed off as his brother and wife were. It was his niece and he felt bad because he should of been there with them. Nihat told him to not worry and deal with taking Ceyda down and any of her men she had on her team. Mitat promised  Nihat he would call him regularly to give him any updates.

Mihriban took care of Sanem immediately. She cleaning and sterilized her wound so she wouldn't get an infection. Wrapped it good with gauze and had her wear the sling to help with the discomfort she was having. Sanem than went up to her room with Mevkibe and Leyla following behind her. She  sat in the recliner to have her mother hand the babies over to her. Mevkibe and Leyla placed them in her arms in a comfortable position. Sanem unbuttoned her blouse and began to feed the babies which brought much comfort to her. Leyla knew that Mevkibe had to go down and deal with the situation between Nihat and Aziz because you could hear them yelling at each other. Leyla stayed with Sanem to help her out. After a while Leyla help her carry the twins onto her bed. Sanem wanted to lay their with them. She layed on her good side as Leyla layed down on the other side of her with the twins in the middle of them both. "Leyla could you sleep here with us tonight. I don't want to be alone with all that could be happening over on the Mainland. I can't help to feel that I may be loosing Can forever. I can't believe what I saw today at the office. He had such coldness in his eyes when he looked at me. Do you think that he is that far gone and has erased me and the twins from his thoughts and heart?"..........."I will stay here with you. I truly hope not baby sister. All we can do right now is pray that he will snap out of it. Emre and Ibriam have it all under control. We just will to wait to hear from them the outcome of the huge mess. Why don't you close you eyes and rest. Your still not fully recovered and all that you have been through today hasn't helped. I'll be right here and will not go anywhere"........."Thank You Leyla" Sanem closes her eyes to rest while Leyla layed there watching her sister try to sleep with her precious little babies.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now