Up All Night

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At Metin's house Sanem had fed the twins and got them to sleep for hopefully a couple hours so her and Can could spend sometime alone. He was sitting in the sofa thinking about all that had happened earlier in the evening. Sanem layed down and placed her head on his lap as he covered her up. "Sanem, I am so sorry that I must leave in the morning. But, please know that this is my last case. I turned in my resignation letter. That's what I gave your Dad and mine before we left" ......... "You don't have do that. I will adjust somehow" ....... "I know you will but, this is not about that! This is about you and the twins now. You three matter more to me than this damn job. I still have a good photography business and will work on that more. I didn't tell you this but, I was able to buy the Island from the profits so that tells you how successful it is" .........."Are you sure that is what you really want to do Can?" ......... "Yes, but I want you to do one thing for me while I am gone...............finish this presentation campaign. Than you don't have to continue to work there. You have a beauty line business waiting for you and I would like to see you do something with it. Will you please do that for me?" ......."Yes, I was thinking about doing it anyway. I was going to talk to you about it." ........ "Good, you work on making more creams and when I get back, you and I will promote the hell out of it. And I won't be a bit surprised if CeyCey and Ayhan want in."......."Me either" ........."Now sit your mighty fine ass on my lap. I will need some extra Loving from you to hold me until I return." ......"Like I won't need it"  She climbs on Can straddling him and they kiss very passionately. The next thing you knew both of them were stripping each others clothes off of each other and they made out right on the couch. They layed in each others arms afterwards. Can's pants were laying next to them on the floor he reached in one of the pockets and pulled out a small box. "Sanem" She said huh laying there with her eyes closed on his chest. "Can you sit up for a minute" She does as he asked covering herself with the blanket. "Look at me please"  They begin to stare deeply in each others eyes. "I was going to wait because I wanted to plan something extra nice for you." She looks down at the box and her eyes get super big.

Can then opens the box and a light appears shining down on a ring

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Can then opens the box and a light appears shining down on a ring

He then looks back into her eyes and said "Will you marry me? I choose this ring because of the bird on it

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He then looks back into her eyes and said "Will you marry me? I choose this ring because of the bird on it. I am your Albatross that had searched the whole world to find its mate. And you Sanem are my life long mate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up with you laying in my arms each morning. I want to do everything for you. You Sanem Aydin is my one and only, my beloved, the mother of our babies and the most amazing woman in my life. Will you spend it with me and marry me?" .......... Tears began to fill in her eyes as she looked at the ring and then looked Can straight in the eyes smiled and finally said "Yes Can, I will marry you"

 Tears began to fill in her eyes as she looked at the ring and then looked Can straight in the eyes smiled and finally said "Yes Can, I will marry you"

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"When I get back, we will go to the court house and get married. CeyCey and Ayhan can be our witnesses. Unless you want a big Wedding" ........."Nope, that is fine with me going to the courthouse" They kissed and kissed and than had round number two of Love making. The twins began to fuss because it was time for their next feeding. Sanem feed Ates first and switch out to fed Deniz on her other breast. She still had some milk in the other one so she let Can go at it on that one. She held the three Loves of her life right there in her chest. And she was perfectly content with that. The rest of the night was spent making Love between the twins feeding. Can and Sanem didn't want to sleep they wanted each other close and intimate. The sun was beginning to appear in the horizon and Can layed there with Sanem and said. "Well all this mighty fine love making I hope we don't add to the clan right now. Its to soon for that" ........ "I agree but you should know it is probably not going to happen. Let me explain something to you.
Exclusive breastfeeding (by itself) is 98-99.5% effective in preventing pregnancy. So I won't get pregnant because my periods have not returned. They are exclusively and frequently fed from my breasts-Our babies are less than 6 months old. The Doctor told me that I fall in the category that it could take more than six months for my cycles and fertility to return. It is also important to mention that after six months, there is a higher chance that I might ovulate and possibly become pregnant when I stop breast feeding. So I feel we are fine in that department." ......... "OK then, can we go at it one more time before I have to leave" Can said as he planted kisses on the base of her neck and rolled her over so he was on top of her. "I wouldn't have it another way" ....... "I LOVE YOU SANEM" ........ "I LOVE YOU MY FUTURE HUSBAND" This last round of Love making was over the top and it would hold them over until the next time they could be together again. Can got up and took a shower  leaving Sanem there to rest. He came out and went to her one final time to give her a tight hug and a very passionate kiss that made either one hard for them to part. "Please be careful Can." ........ "I will because I have you to look forward to on returning home this time. I Love You and make those creams. Hope to see you sooner than later" he kisses her one last time goes to the twins and kisses them and had to one last time before he walked out the door lay one more long passionate kiss on Sanem. They held on to each others hand until Can could no longer do. She watched him walk away until he was no longer in site. Metin was downstairs waiting to take Can to catch the plane "Are you two ok" ....... "Yes, but the hardest part was to leave the woman that I Love laying naked in bed knowing it maybe three months before I will see them again" And the two of them walked out the door locking it before the got in the golf cart.

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 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now