Two Sisters

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Sanem goes over to CeyCey as he was passing out drinks to his workmates to say goodbye and will see him after work at her place with Ayhan. When all of a sudden Leyla enters the room seeing her sister "Sanem!" She turns to see her sister standing there "Leyla!" ...... "What are you doing here? Are you a new hire?" ...... Everyone stops what they are doing to observe what was happening. "Why do you care? For your information I had a meeting about possibly using this Company for a Advertisement Campaign that I am planning" Just then Can, Emre, Metin and Deren walk out of their offices to leave seeing these to women talking as well as the employees watching. They stop and stand at the half wall in the hallway. "You don't have to be rude Sanem" ...... "Whatever Leyla! If I remember correctly, you were always rude to me. How does it feel? Oh, wait a minute do I know you because you my Ice Queen of a so called sister never acknowledged all these year that you didn'tknow me" ...... "Sanem, that is in the past. Give it a rest. Can we talk and clear things up between us Please" Sanem looked Leyla straight in the eyes and said "Look. I don't have anything to say to you. Just act like you have always done as if you don't know me. Remember Leyla, you did it so well. Why start now acting as if we were sisters and putting on a act of concern in front of all your workmates"

Hearing loud voices coming from the center of the room. Huma, Polen, Aylin and Yigit came over to see what was going on hearing. "I have nothing to say to you Ice Queen. Just leave me the hell alone." Aziz came walking down the hall and nodded over at the PI to let him know he was there. Can and Emre saw him coming and was very surprised. He put his finger up to his month to not say a word. Huma stood there thinking this was not how she planned this and didn't see Aziz walk in. "Sanem, I am sorry" ...... Huma couldn't stand it walks in the area clapping her hands. "Well, well, well! Look Polen, it's the Aydin Sister's." Polen placed a smart ass smirk on her face. Can saw it and Aziz whispered to him <Don't say word. Just listen, things are about to get very interesting> ...... "Sorry won't cut it. Was there ever a place in your Snow Queen ice heart for me? You didn't stand up for me. You let Polen and her so called bitches (she points a Polen) bully, pick on me, hit me and make fun of me right before your very own eyes. You NEVER wanted to be bothered with me" ...... their voices started to become louder "Dad took you away! What was I suppose to do. Sanem, I looked for you for so many years, but sadly I didn't find you. Please somewhere deep in your heart find a place for me to be in your life again. I will do anything to make up for what I have done to you. I am so so sorry. Please believe me, I didn't give up on you. I was clueless at that time and didn't realize it until Dad brought it to my attention. I even walked away from Polen and those other girls" ...... "Leyla you stopped looking for me! Bullshit, you knew where I was the whole time. It's been six years. You didn't try hard enough. Not one fucking single phone call. Why, Leyla Why did you shut me out and abandoned me when I needed you the most to stand up for me! You just stood there and let them abuse me. Tell me why Leyla Why?" ......"Dad told me that you did want to see or talk to me when he took you to Gram. I wanted to come and fix things between us Sanem." By now Sanem had tears running down her face. "I was stupid! I didn't know how cruel I had been at that time. I will totally take the blame! Hit me, push me, do what you have to do. I can handle it. I should have been watching out and protecting my little sister. It's all my fault"  Seeing her little sister in tears Leyla walked over to her sister and pull her into a hug.

The next thing Huma walks up to them clapping her hands again  "Well, isn't this a touching scene

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The next thing Huma walks up to them clapping her hands again  "Well, isn't this a touching scene. So girls how is your mother doing? I see your father still has the store. Leyla, how did he pay off his debt. Rumor has it you somehow stole money out of this Company in a gradual manner." Leyla let go of Sanem turned to her and said "How in the hell can you stand there and put accusations on me like that. I never did such a thing" .............."Dad, don't you think it is time to intervene" Emre said "Nope, let your Mother dig her own hole. Just watch and listen. When the time comes I will step in" Can and Emre look at him with curiosity. Now here come Polen joining in on things "You know it's true Leyla" ..... "Kiss my ass Polen. You aren't any different. You two have used and screwed my family over for years. Its time for it to stop" ...... "Sanem, remember my Brother Yigit" ........ Sanem got pale as a ghost and started to tremble. Polen seeing this made your evil look show laughing also "Thought so" Can could not believe what he was seeing from a this side of Polen.

Aziz said to Can as he placed his hand on his shoulder "Sorry you have to see this side of Polen

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Aziz said to Can as he placed his hand on his shoulder "Sorry you have to see this side of Polen. You can thank your mother for this. Metin, are you absorbing this, because your services will be needed especially on Sanem's end" ...... "Yes" ...... "It's all being recorded. And back up is around"
While all this was being said, Yigit disappeared when he saw Huma nod her head as a sign for him to leave. "SO Leyla, do you want to explain how you stole the money from this Company in front of everyone" ...... "Huma, listen up! Your lies aren't working here. You see My Grandmother may she rest in peace. Gave my father money for the debt plus some. So I don't know what you are trying to prove but, we can vouch for everything." Huma shut right up when she heard this. Aziz makes a call. "Time to bring in the troops........ you guys stay here. Metin and Emre you control Can." And walks to the center of the room making it known he is here. Huma like to have shit her pants when she saw him appear from no where. Polen let her lean into her for support and looked over at Can. Can looked at Metin to avoid eye contact with Polen. He whispered to Can "Sorry Buddy. I knew nothing about this."


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