Rising from the Ashes

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As Can and Sanem were sitting on the rocks waiting for their clothes to dry he looked over at the horses to make sure they were ok. Turning back to Sanem he started to say "Sanem, you told me the story about Albatross. What about Phoenix, how did she get her name" ...... "Well, I didn't name her. The man that Bulut got her from gave it to her. What I understand is she survived a Barn fire. Thank goodness she didn't get burned but was traumatized for a period of time. A horse healer was brought in to work with her to get over the fear of fire. They almost put her down because she became wild and semi violent. But as you see she is the most gentle loving horse and you'd never know she had been through something so traumatic. Do you know the tale of the Phoenix Bird? Can" ...... "No I don't, can you tell me" ......."The bird is known for rising from the ashes. It cyclically burns to death and is reborn from its ashes. In which it symbolizes renewal and rebirth. It's spirit represents a magical and gentle soul. Bringing luck, harmony, peace, balance and prosperity. Fire and passion equals the flames of true inspiration like a firebird. That represents the continuation of life in flames of change. A great sun eagle signifying the power of transformation in response to hopelessness and devastation. It has the ability to lift us up from the ashes of destruction into the blue skies of optimism and renewal. Are you understanding this so far" ...... "Yes, please continue" .........."In worse times, it can teach us how to be victorious. Out of our suffering, we learn to grow in spirit. In heartbreak and sadness, this gentle creature sings an enchanting song that summons the forces of heaven." ........  "This tale could be you in away Sanem. You can rise from your ashes if you want" ...... "Can, I agree with you. Hearing Phoenix's story it has made me look at my own transformations. I have been meditating upon the Phoenix Spirit alot lately. I light a red candle or sit outside at night and light my firepit. The red flames represents the power of the Phoenix. It helps me to relax and calm my mind. I see the flame come alive within the core of my being. I then focus on the inner flames of optimism, renewal, rebirth  and hope. And then I end my meditation by thanking the Phoenix for it's guidance." ....... "Like I do with the Albatross Bird" ...... "Yes! I have seen your tattoo and now understand why you had it placed on your body. Recently, I had a tattoo applied to my body of the Phoenix Bird with flames of red and orange. Each time I see it, it helps me to focus on my own self to rise from my own ashes." ......"May I see it" ...... "I don't feel comfortable showing it to you because of where it is" ..... "That's fine" ...... "This tattoo is my way of starting anew. I got this because I was starting to feel reborn after my traumatic experience. I want to run away from this and leave it all behind Can. Like resurrection, renewal, hope, courage, beauty and grace. I want to begin the rebirth process and become stronger than ever before in my life. To me it symbolizes bringing joy, transformation and a new me in my life. I will tell you that I placed it on the front part of my hip so I can see it every day. Seeing this gives me hope and urges me to fight on and bring my darkness into light. I truly want to emerge from the ashes after my devastation and loss" ...... "Wow, Sanem I really believe you will do this. When I look into your eyes I see a fighter, a spit fire and if you put your mind to it, you will come out stronger." ...... "Thanks for the words of encouragement Can. Because its a battle sometimes and this morning as I sat around thinking about my life and all it experiences. That's when I decided it was time to work hard inwardly and become that Sanem Aydin that once was a happy, fun, energetic and a go getter person that I once was so many many months ago." ...... "I will be looking forward to seeing that Sanem. But, I must add what I have seen before my eyes I do like it so far. My wish is to see you come out of this Sanem and hope you can trust me as well as help you heal when it comes to a man. Not to brag, but some of us men are pretty damn good at taking good care of a woman in our lives that we care so deeply about." He pinches her cheek right where her dimple appeared from her slight smile. "Guess we better head back and put the horses away for the night" They gather up everything and head back to the barn. Can rode behind her staring a her beauty from the sunset shining on her hair. When they got back to the barn he helped her feed and put fresh water in the tubs for the night. He walked her to the house and said "Dad told me he gave you off for a few weeks. I hope everything goes well for you at the meeting with the Judge. I leave on Fridy so if I don't see you before I leave. I'll see you in a week. Take care of yourself Sanem" ...... "I will. See you when you get back. Have a safe trip and will be looking forward to seeing the pictures you take. Thanks for a great afternoon." ........ "Your very welcome. See you later" He goes in to hug her and heads back to his house. Sanem stood there watching him walking down the path until he was out of sight. Thinking to herself about the comment he had just said "Wait a week what did he mean by that. He told everyone that he would be gone for several weeks" She made her way back in the house. Making sure the house was locked went up to take a shower and get ready for bed. She felt the exhaustion begin to set in from the last twenty four hours pulled back her bed covers climbed in and before you knew she had fallen asleep.

 She felt the exhaustion begin to set in from the last twenty four hours pulled back her bed covers climbed in and before you knew she had fallen asleep

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