I Accept

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He waves at her to enter while talking on the phone. Can was sitting on the couch downloading the final things on the computer soon hopefully to be hers. He sees her offering Sanem a seat at the desk table than sits beside her waiting for Aziz to end his call. He was on the phone talking to DNR about Sanem and if she accepted the job he wanted to send her there as soon as they were done to get all the paperwork filled out and given a work badge so she could just walk in tomorrow and start to work right away. Aziz disconnects the call and leans back in his chair "Sanem, did CeyCey take good care of you" ...... "Yes he did!" ...... "Good, the next question is.......... Have you made your decision?" ...... "Yes, I have sir.  I will accept the job" ........ Can was so thrilled that he turned his head to the side, took his fist and bit down on it so he wouldn't let out a yell from the excitement. Aziz saw it and had to smirk at his son that was acting like a little boy at Christmas opening a very special gift. "That's great Daughter, you won't regret it. Can has something for you." ........ He gets up heads over to the table in front of the couch and picked up the computer.  "Sanem, this is your personal computer for work. I have given you a password and only you and I will have it." He gives her a posted note folded in half.  "I need you to go home and look over the account information that I have uploaded into this so tomorrow we can start putting this Perfume presentation together. Remember it has to be completed by Wednesday evening so it can been shown to the owners assistant." ....... "Will you be around the farm in case I have any questions?" ......"Yes, here is my cell number so you can call me" She then gives hers to him. Aziz stands up and says "Let's go make the announcement to everyone. Afterwards, Sanem I will take you to DNR to have you fill out the necessary paperwork and get your badge so it won't have to be done tomorrow and you can get right to work. Then Can will show you where your office is" ......"I get my own office?" ........ "Yes my dear! That's the perks of this position. It is small and is the size of Leyla's. That way you can have some peace and quiet as you work" ......  "Thank You so much." They head out to the middle where everyone is working. Can had waved for Emre, Leyla and Deren to join them.

"Please gather around my friends, I have an announcement to make" Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to Aziz

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"Please gather around my friends, I have an announcement to make" Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to Aziz. "Beginning tomorrow Sanem will be joining our team as the Copywriter's Assistant. Please welcome her" CeyCey was so excited he was the first to hug her and said "Bravo my dear friend, welcome to the family" Deren was clapping and was next in line to hug her. Leyla was so happy to have her sister working in the same company and now that she would be seeing her every single day that would help them become closer. Emre than joined in with a hug and congratulated her. She was over joyed how everyone was thrilled to have her join the Fikri Harika team. After everyone settled back down Aziz and Can walked her over to the DNR Department. Aziz introduced Sanem to her and sat down to fill out the necessary paperwork in which was already waiting for her. A picture was taken of her for her badge and laminated. Everything was in order and completed. Can then walked her to the office that would be hers "We are going to put vinyl letters on your door that will say
                       ☆Sanem Aydin☆
                   Copywriter Assistant

There are filing cabinets here for you as you see a nice desk with two chairs. If Dad is in his office working I will come here to work with you. Sanem all you need to do is ask Dad, Deren or myself when you need something. And CeyCey will be there for you also. Don't be nervous, relax and most of all just what you do best and we won't have any problems. We are a team and we help each other out when it is needed. You may wear what is most comfortable for you but, when there is a presentation we ask that you dress professionally. Do you have any questions" ...... "Not at this time. If I do remember I have your phone number and know where you live" ....... Can couldn't help but to laugh. "You can call me anytime you want Sanem. Now go home and go over your laptop so we can start working on it tomorrow" ........"Oh, what time does our day start." ........ "Can you be here at 8am? Do you have an appointment to go to?" ........ "No, not tomorrow. I have one on Wednesday early. Next week I will be having an appointment on Monday's and Thursday's. I will try to get the earliest opening so it won't interfere with my work day." ........." OK, if you can't no worries, just let me know. See you tomorrow. Welcome to our Family you will do great. Can I ask you one thing?" ...... "Yes" ...... "May I hug you" She leans in and let him hug her. Can took in her scent and didn't want to let her go but, finally released her.

Than he started to walk out of her office when she ask "Hey Can, did they give you a sample of the perfume? Its would help me to smell it and get me thinking about a slogan

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Than he started to walk out of her office when she ask "Hey Can, did they give you a sample of the perfume? Its would help me to smell it and get me thinking about a slogan." ...... "Yes, Deren has it. Go get it from her" Sanem goes to Deren and asked for the sample, she smells it while standing in front hrr of the desk. Deren could see that Sanem was already planning something in her mind. She said goodbye and would see her in the morning. Sanem waved goodbye to all the workers as she made her way out the door. Deren ran into Aziz and Can with much enthusiasm and said "Sanem's mind is already in motion. After I gave her the sample she smelled it and I saw her immediately begin to think. I can't wait to hear what she comes up with tomorrow. Thank You both for hiring her it's gonna be awesome and I have a feeling business is going to explode." ...... "So do we Deren, so do we" Aziz replied. The work day came to an end, the building was locked up for the night and everyone left excited about Sanem starting to tomorrow.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя