The Inheritance

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Sanem (now at the age of 26) whind up being in Ankara for six years due to continuing her education. She received word from her Father that she needed to come home because her Gram had passed away and she was in her will. She had a private appointment scheduled with Gram's attorney. Nihat was given money from her to pay off the debt of the grocery store plus some to have for a rainy day. Leyla recieved her jewelry that amounted to quite a bit of money. Now it was Sanem's turn to get her inheritance.

Gram Aydin's Attorney Metin

Sitting in the reception area waiting to be  called Sanem was upset because she was not there for her Gram at the time of her death

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Sitting in the reception area waiting to be  called Sanem was upset because she was not there for her Gram at the time of her death.

She was called back to a conference room: "Ms Sanem, please have a seat at the table. My name is Metin and I have taken care of your Grandmother's estate since she became ill. My name was referred to her by the woman and her husband that moved onto the farm to take care of her when she became very ill. Ms Mihriban was her nurse. Anyway, after many meetings with your Grandmother, your parents and your Uncle, a decision was made. The Farm was given to you and her Nurse. It is up to the both of you on how you want to divide it or keep it the way it is." Sanem was very surprised that part of it was left to her. "Why me? Metin Bey"........ "Please call me Metin. Trust me, your Family got their fair share. They knew how much you Love that place and the nature setting. They are pretty much city people and since you had spent so much time there and helped around the Farm it was only fair that your Grandmother decided to give it to you." ........ "Yes, they are city people. And with my Dad having a grocery store, it was hard to get away" ........ "I have some paperwork for you to sign today for the deed so I can proceed with filing it through the court" ........ "Than you are saying after that it is half mine" ........ "Yes, it should be official in a few days. Then we will have a meeting with Ms Mihriban to go over the details on the property. Several houses have been built since you were away and beings you are the Grand-daughter you get to choose which house you want to live in. She had hired a grounds keeper since you left. He is there living on the farm and he lives in a small cabin on the property the he built with his own hand and sweat. He is also a lawyer but only does that part-time if need be. You can keep him as your groundkeeper  if you like. Mihriban is very pleased with him and hopes that you don't have him move off the farm. That is your decision to make but, trust me he is a very hard working man. He has kept everything maintained and looking very magnificent. You will be impressed with all that he has done" ........  "Wow, this is alot to take right now" ........ "Sanem, that is why I am here to help you with any legal issues pertaining to the switch over. She also put some money off on the side to help with the expenses until you find a job. There are other things I need to talk to you about, but that can be discussed at a later time" ........ "OK, let me deal with one thing at a time right now. Where do I sign?" Metin slides the forms over to her to read and shows her where to sign. Sanem noticed that Mihriban's signature was already on the forms. "OK, I will contact you when the court puts the stamp of approval on this new deed and then we will meet here again with Ms Mihriban" They shook hands as Metin walked her to the door. When Sanem left she called her parents to let her know she was coming to visit for a few hours then head over to the farm.

Sitting outside in the garden Nihat and Mevkibe were so happy to have their youngest daughter back home. Mother and daughter had reconciled some what over the years. But, still had so much to work out especially since Sanem had not been home for six years. They have talked via video chat or over the phone. Now that Sanem was back home Mevkibe wanted them to become closer again. Nihat was a happy man as he watched them embrace like a Mother and Daughter should. The only problem tat need to be confronted was Sanam and Leyla's relationship because the two of them never talked the whole time while Sanem was away. There were still so many issues and heart break still between them. Sanem looked around not seeing her sister had to ask her parents. "So where is Leyla these days" ...... "She has her own apartment close to the Agency. She stayed with them and become the assistant to one of the owners son's in the Financial Department. She is doing pretty well" ...... "That's good, may I ask what she got out of Gram's estate?" ...... "Daughter, she made out just fine. That Land of your Grandmothers, don't you worry about it. Even Leyla was fine with you having it. Your Grandmother invested in so much over the years and believe this when I say this. I didn't know about it until she died. She was well off and as you know she never was one that fluented it. She was looking out for the next generation. When you see what she had done to the farm you will be very surprised and she really wanted you to have it. Take it my child and carry it on to your future children. She knew in her heart you were the one that would take very good care of it and would keep passing it down to generation after generation. It is a very big piece of land and it would be ok if you divide it with Ms Mihriban. Believe me Sanem you would still have a big portion" ...... "So it's that big, have you meet this Ms Mihriban lady?" ...... "Yes, Sanem it is that big and you will love Ms Mihriban. She is a very sweet woman, down to earth and keeps mainly to herself. Her husband works alot so she is there most of the time alone. But, what I understand,  he is going to retire soon. Also he is alot like Ms Mihriban, country living and very down to earth. You will love him also." ...... "Well, I should be going, I want to see Ayhan and Osman before heading over to the farm. Metin said there is a small house I can stay in for now. Until I decide which house I want to live in." ...... "Sanem, I will tell you this. Your Grandmother had one in particular built just for you. When you see it, I have a strong feeling that's where you will choose. It is you and the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It is definitely all you. Just be happy my Early Bird that's all your mother and I want" ...... "Thank You Mom and Dad. I Love you so so much" With that the three of them stand up, do a group hug and walks Sanem to the door so she can go see Ayhan and her brother Osman the local Butcher. These two were her rock and she wasted no time running down the street to see them. It was a happy reunion between them after all this time  being away. Sanem even though she was in College, she and Ayhan talked alot over this period but glad to be by each others side once again. As far as Osman and Sanem were concerned, they had a very close deep relationship and a special bond that Sanem saw him as the big brother that she never had. He looked out for her and Ayhan and would do anything for them in a heart beat as well as give them the shirt off his back. They spent a while together before she headed back to the farm. Osman being the sweetheart he was sent her home with a care package of some fresh meat from his butcher shop. Sanem and Ayhan made a pack with one another to never leave each other alone again and she would have her come to the farm anytime she wanted and to stay as long as she liked. These two girls were inseparable in the past and now it would  begin again where they had left off. By their reaction to one another you would never have known that they were apart for six years. Muzzo got word from Mevkibe that Sanem had been there and was over spending time with Osman and Ayhan so he even had to rush to greet her welcoming Sanem home with open arms.

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