Can't Escape

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It was late in the evening, Can, Metin, Bulut, Akif and Can's personal trainer Umut were sitting around out on the patio watching these two asshole's so they wouldn't run. Can went to his father before he turned in for the night and asked him for the two sets of shackles that he had in his office. Aziz got them for him not saying a word and went up to bed. Metin and the trainer had this time grabbed a still passed out Emre and put him up against a pillar. Can then took his hand behind his back and shackled Emre's arms around the pillar than shackled his ankles and took the chains around it to. Emre reeked of whiskey and gasoline. Next they did the same to Rutkay so they wouldn't be able to escape. The five of them made themselves comfortable each in a lounger for the duration of the night. They were able to get a little shut eyes except Can as he stared at his brother and paced through the night.

The sun was being to rise when in come Mitat carrying two small boxes and Ibriam who had wrapped up the mission

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The sun was being to rise when in come Mitat carrying two small boxes and Ibriam who had wrapped up the mission. Aziz and Nihat heard them all talking below and went down to see them. A very commercial type pot of coffee was made. When Mihriban and Mevkibe finally came downstairs they were both surprised to see Emre and Rutkay both chained to the same pillar. Ibriam was so pissed off when he heard what had happened. He saw a nice big bucket of cold ice water sitting by the bar that Bulut had prepared. Ibriam picked it up and threw the ice water on Emre "Time to wake up you fucking asswhole" Emre tried to come up fighting but, he stopped when he realized he couldn't get up from the chains. "How in the hell do you get off by doing wrong to the only brother you have. You deserve to be hung by those chains" .......all Emre could do was just hang his head in shame. "You better be ashamed you bastard" Ibriam wasn't having any remorse toward him. Can let him go at it and rip his brother a new ass. Aziz was sitting next to Can just watching. "Can I please take a piss?" Rutkay asked the same. Ibriam unlocked the chains on Rutkay first and locked them back up with his hands in front this time. "Bulut take his ass over there by a tree so he can piss" Ibriam ordered. He then took it upon himself to personally take Emre over to a secluded spot and punched him hard in the stomach and then let him piss. They sat the two of them at the table and were told to stay and not move a muscle. A cup of coffee was poured for the both of them and breakfast would be out later because it was still quite early and Onur had just arrived to begin to prepare it. Emre kept looking at his Father and Brother. They never said a word the whole time. Aziz was asked to call Rihat and Remide to come over. They came and saw a not so good sight and sat down in the living room with Mihriban and  Mevkibe. Metin called Bulut to bring CeyCey, Ayhan, Leyla if possible, Sanem and the twins. Mitat wanted the whole Family there. Emre heard Leyla's name and began to squirm in his seat. Ibriam grabbed his shoulder made him stop and said "You created this mess, so fucking man up and face the consequences"

Two hours later, Bulut pulls up in the pontoon boat full of everyone. Bulut and CeyCey carried the twins in their carriers because Sanem, Ayhan and Leyla had their hands full with bags and baby things. They all were just as surprised as everyone else that had arrived. The girls went into the house with the others not saying a word. Leyla couldn't even look at Emre. They joined the women at the dining room table. Aziz came in the house and pick up his Grandson to comfort himself, Nihat followed suite and picked up Ates they went back out and stood off to the side where Can and Bulut were standing. Can kissed them both on their little heads. Sanem then came out to greet her Husband with a good morning kiss.

She could see in his eyes that he had a rough night

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She could see in his eyes that he had a rough night. She then sat on one of the bar stools next to Can and looked over at Emre with total disgust. Leyla wanted to stay in the house with the Mother's to just watch from a distance. Emre was just sitting there looking down playing with his chains. He knew he did wrong and knew that the Family was called to have their say if they wanted it.
Breakfast was served as everyone scattered around to eat wherever the could find a seat. It turned out that all the women, Aziz and Nihat plus the twins eat in the house and left all the men outside. After they were done eating with it feeling like the longest hours had gone by without anyone saying a word. Finally the men sat around the table ready to start with the irrigation. First they would start with Rutkay than it would be Emre's turn. The anticipation was gut wrenching to every single person present. Can looked at his brother with hurt on his face with a hurt look in his almost wet eyes and said,

 Can looked at his brother with hurt on his face with a hurt look in his almost wet eyes and said,

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"As of today you are no longer my brother. You are just like Mom. I never in my intire life thought my own fucking brother would want to ruin me until you know the full facts and you can rest assure you will know them in just a short while. You will regret it Emre Divit for doing what you have done to me, Dad and Leyla. Consider yourself dead to me." Emre was no more good when he heard his own brother officially disown him.

" Emre was no more good when he heard his own brother officially disown him

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 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora