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<Everyone is asleep> .... <OK coming over now> On the far end of the balcony away from the sliding doors below bed sheets were tied together on the railing and thrown over. Large trash bags full of clothes were first to be lowered down. Next came the bassinets one at a time full of baby things. Next came the babies one at a time in their carriers. She placed a letter with a USB flash drive on top of her pillow, turned off all the lights, closed the sliding glass door behind her and then climbed down the sheets as she met them at the bottom. They ran carrying the babies to the waiting trailer that was hooked up to a heavy duty ATV and drove down to landing where a pontoon boat was waiting. The three of them loaded their belongings onto it. Someone was watching them hidden behind a tree. He couldn't stand it and had to go see what was going on and possibly help. "What are you doing" trying very hard not to startle them. "Bulut, I must get out of here. I can't take living here another minute. I am tired of being controlled, lied to and kept from secrets." ......."Look, I totally get it. Where are you going?" ........"To the Big Island. I found a secluded 3 bedroom fully furnished house on the far end where I can be alone. I already paid the four month's of rent along with a deposit. It is month to month and perfect for me and the twins. When Can comes back in three month's, we both can decide what to do then" ....... "Sanem, how will you manage by yourself with the twins?" ....... "CeyCey and Ayhan are coming with me. I will be fine." .....  Bulut starts to pitch in saying "I will help you" The four of them worked together to get everything loaded on the pontoon boat. As they pulled away from the Island several burges could be seen approaching Can's Island but, at this point because he needed to get them over to the Big Island. Bulut didn't care if Sanem had seen them. She was busy making sure the babies were covered to keep the air off of them. He did notice the CeyCey was looking in that direction, in which CeyCey didn't know that it was owned by Can. As he drove he thought to himself that he needed to tell Can first thing in the morning when he goes over to help Can plant the wild flowers. Can was already over there guiding the men where to put what. When they finally reached the house that Sanem had rented, Bulut was able to back up on the beach to park the boat so it could be unloaded. Sanem found the key right where the owner had it hidden. The first priority was to get the twins in the house. Sanem and Ayhan took them in with Bulut and CeyCey carrying in their beds so she could put them in it. Sanem and Ayhan were able to help with unloading because the babies remained sound to sleep. After they finished, the four of them sat down to relax and unwind. Thank goodness the owner had fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator for them to eat. CeyCey made a fresh pot of coffee. Later in the morning CeyCey and Ayhan would go to the market and stock up on what the three of them would need. Sanem was paying for everything out of her settlement money and didn't care that she was supporting her dear friends. They have been together through thick and thin and she appreciated that they wanted to come with her. Bulut wanted to leave before the sun came up so no one would notice the pontoon boat missing. He hugged Sanem goodbye and promised that he would come back later to check on them after he took care of the horses. He made her promise to call him if she needed anything. As she watched him leave the babies began to cry due to hunger. She fed them and put them back to bed. CeyCey and Ayhan went to their room to sleep from being totally exhausted. Sanem didn't go to sleep, instead she went out and sat on the porch step looking out across the sea watching the sun beginning to rise.

Thinking about Can wondering what he was doing and praying he was safe

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Thinking about Can wondering what he was doing and praying he was safe. She wished he was here with her to tell her that what she just had done by leaving his Dad's Island was a good decision. She began to feel guilty by leaving the way she did but as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath she began to relax and to finally have some tranquility in her life. It was now about what she wanted and the promise she made to Can before he left. Even a thought came to her creative mind to write their Love Story to possibly be her next published book. A short time later CeyCey had come out and sat down next to Sanem. They both sat there just watching the sunrise not saying a word but, enjoying the beautiful scenery. Sanem layed her head on CeyCey's shoulder. He took her hand in his and said "Sanem, you did the best thing by coming here. I sat back and observed alot and didn't like alot of what I saw and heard. I wanted so much to stand up for you but, knew it wasn't worth adding to the chaos. So don't you have any guilt or regrets. Ayhan and I are here to help you out. And I believe Can Bey would totally back you up on this decision. You two don't need to continue to be separated. You both need to be together" ........"Thank You CeyCey. I really needed to hear that. I am so glad I have you and Ayhan. Besides, rumor has it that you are a great cook so consider yourself the chef  around here. I am looking forward to see and taste your food. I love you CeyCey" ........."We will be alright! And I love you too." The two of them just sat there continuing to watch the sun rise without saying a word as they leaned on each other.

 A Trilogy: &quot;Against the Odds&quot; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now