Another Tally Mark

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The six men were sitting on the wall made out of stone watching the fire diminish as all the workers stood behind them. The Fire Marshall came up to them and made an announcement "I hate to inform you that this was definitely arson. We found empty jugs that had gasoline in them. We will do a full investigation and the person that did this will be charged" All they could hear was Can saying "Why? Am I such a bad person that they want revenge and destroy everything that I worked my fucking ass off to get?" This was the first time they all saw Can break down and cry. His friends tried their best to comfort Can the best way they could.

 His friends tried their best to comfort Can the best way they could

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After the fire was out. The six of them remained there just looking at the rubble still smoldering alittle. The sun was beginning to set so slowly the night crew was coming to work. Ozgur and Metin took Can back to the helicopter. Bulut and Osman grabbed Rutkay and headed to the boat. Ozgur landed on Aziz's Island and Bulut pulled to the main dock and went up to the house waiting for Can, Ozgur and Metin. Everyone was sitting out on the patio when Can finally walked up. Sanem rushed to him and gave him a tight hug as he broke down on her shoulder.

 Sanem rushed to him and gave him a tight hug as he broke down on her shoulder

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She let him cry as they all watched. Even Aziz was in tears seeing his son in that condition. Onur brought out a tray of drinks and something for them to eat. Can eventually took Sanem by the hand and walked over to a chair placed her on his lap as he buried his face in her back with both of his arms wrapped around her stomach. No one said a word. Metin finally told those sitting around that it was arson. He than looked Rutkay straight in the eyes wanting him to say something. Can's phone began to ring so Sanem got off his lap so he could answer it. He walked over by a tree to have the conversation. Sanem was gathering the twins thing so she could head back home. After Can hung up he went back over to the men and said "That was the Fire Marshall,  he said they found a rental boat hidden under some brush with more filled gas containers. The boat is being towed to the big Island now. They believe this asshole was not finished, so all the workers volunteered to search the Island. He said if they find something I would be the first one to be called" Aziz than spoke up. "So who is investigating this" Can turns to his Father and said "Metin, Bulut, Osman and myself. This is personal Dad. Whoever is trying to ruin me and my family's lives has got to stop before someone gets hurt. You and Nihat Bey are welcome to join us but what I say goes" ....... Aziz sat there not saying a word. Metin and Can go stand in front of Rutkay joined by Bulut and Osman. Nihat, Aziz, Sanem, CeyCey, Mevkibe and Mihriban all look at them. Metin speaks up "Do you have something to say to us? Is there a possibility that this bastard set the barn on fire. Now is the time to tell all of us what you know." Rutkay swallow hard "Look I don't know if he did it. I have not seen him since the day he held a gun to my head" ......."Oh, so we know it is a male" Metin replied. Can was getting frustrated because this boy wasn't talking. He was now standing by the outside bar pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Metin, Bulut and Osman went over to Can "Look, let us deal with him. You sit right here and be quiet. Can, We are very much aware how frustrated you are and we don't blame you." He agreed to what was asked for him to do. Sanem was walking past Rutkay when the three men were heading back over. He got up pushed Sanem causing her to fall and hit her head on the table and ran. Metin, and Bulut went running after him. Can was tending to Sanem.

Can was getting more pissed by the second

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Can was getting more pissed by the second. He checked her out and as Mevkibe gave him a ice pack for her head. Metin and Bulut caught up with Rutkay brought him back,  pushed his ass down on the chair and told him to stay there. Can's phone rang again so he had Mevkibe tend to Sanem. It was his day crew supervisor. "Can, where are you?" ....."Over on my Dad's Island, why!" ...... "I am on my way with some of our guys. We just changed shifts. I have a nice surprise for you. Stay there, we are heading your way!" ......."OK see you soon"

15 minutes later a boat with five men pulled up to the dock. Metin saw one of them was being guided from being in a drunk state. He fell a couple of times on his way up to the patio. They all were surprised to see who it was. The four men flopped his ass down on a lounger. The day shift supervisor began to speak "We found him sitting against a tree with a bottle of whiskey" Aziz just shook his head with a disgusted expression. Than the drunk said as he saw Rutkay sitting in a chair "Hello there buddy." and than made a smart ass comment to Can as he looked at Sanem "You got the fucking better one. Mine is a worthless piece of ass. I should of gone after yours beings she makes babies of excellence. Another tally mark to add to the great Can Divit accomplish list." Everyone just looked at him as he finally passed out. Sanem looked around and noticed that Leyla wasn't around "Mom, where is Leyla?" Mevkibe and Osman looked at each other. She nods to him letting him know it was ok to say something. So Osman speaks up  "She is staying with me" .......They all look at him than over at a passed out Emre. "What's going on" Sanem asked

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