Mission Accomplished

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8 month's later:

A laptop was delivered to Aziz. "CeyCey, I need you to find out what is on this laptop. It belonged to Fabri. Hopefully you can tap into it. I know you can do it. We need to find out what he has been up too." ......."OK, it might take me a while and will let you know." He leaves CeyCey to do his magic. Aziz hired him because of his computer expertise. They nicknamed him the geek squad of the company. Ayhan was his sidekick too. "Damn it, need to think. What would someone like Fabri use as a password?" Aziz was sitting at his desk checking out a flash drive that was given to him also. "CeyCey try blackpanther or beast meets beauty........ all lower case with no space." ....... "Aziz bey, I'm in" The both of them look through everything. A file was made up of all his people. Pictures, backgrounds and fingerprints just like he did when he was on Aziz's team. Aziz sent the file to Mitat so they could distribute the photos so his men knew who to look for. Even Can's crew was given a copy since they were near their headquarters. Next he came across something very interesting. "CeyCey I need to make a phone call in private. I'll let you know when I am done." CeyCey starts to leaves his office "Find Emre and send him in" ......."OK Aziz Bey" Emre walks in his Dad's office and sees him looking out at the sea. "What's up Dad. Emre I need you to pull some of our best men and we are sending you and them to go help Can and his team. Something big is going to happen. Not sure when but, it has got to be stopped before alot of people get hurt. I need Bulut, Metin and Osman here to guard the women" ......."OK, can you tell me what is going on so I can get the ones with the best military training." ......."Fabri is or was planning some sort of terrorist attack. A freight of guns, ammunition etc. are heading to the port near where Can is at. I understand drugs will be coming too. We need to get these in our hands before something horrible happens. Can has been informed and knows you and others will be coming to help. The CIA is in place to take these trailers to a safe underground storage place. Please be safe and listen to your brother he knows what to do in situations like this. I know you two are hard-headed and clash alot but this is by all means not the time to be at each others throats. Now go spend the rest of the day with your lovely wife because you leave in the middle of the night." ...... "OK Dad" ......"Emre, its time to drop these scum bags out one by one" ...... "May I ask one more question? Now that Fabri is dead do you think someone has taken over his reins. And is the search for Sanem still going to be happening. Leyla is so upset because she hasn't heard anything in a long time." ...... "Yes, it has been brought to may attention that his lover has taken over the whole operation. He trained her and told his men before he was killed to listen to her and that she was now in charge." ........"Who is she" ......."Your not going to believe this, it's Ceyda. We will deal with her later." ......."Wow, wait til Can finds out" ......."Don't tell him let me do it. She has always had a strong interest in him sexually and he may have to play the part to bring her down. Just knock out the men. The more out of the way the weaker they will be. And don't worry we are still searching for Sanem. Nihat is on my ass every single day" ......."Gotcha, see you when we get back" ......"Love You Son" ..........

When Emre arrives to where Can is the two of them immediately butt heads

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When Emre arrives to where Can is the two of them immediately butt heads. Emre was already trying to tell Can what to do. "Emre, I am in charge here. You will do what I say without any questions asked. The last thing I need is my men dying because of these bastards and Dad doesn't need us dead. So put your fucking attitude away and work with me. I want to go home just as much as you do! I've been away far to long. I want to return in one piece. So get geared up because the freight is expected to arrive in a few hours. I Love You little brother and please be safe. Its going to get ugly" ......."I Love you to Can" They both hug and get geared up for battle.

Everyone was in position with ear buds in and waiting for Can's orders. All was still at the time and Can couldn't get Sanem off of his mind for some reason. He had a gut feeling come across him that something was wrong. When all of a sudden Black SUV's pulled up waiting for the freight to arrive that snapped Can out of that thought. They watched the men slowly emerge for the vehicles one by one. "Is everyone in position. In the count of three start firing and take them all down. 1....2....3 fire" Shots could be heard in every direction. Then it got quite. Can ordered Emre's crew to assess the situation down below while Can's crew dealt with the freight and knock those men out. The CIA went in and took over the whole freight and immediately took them to where they needed to be. The next morning Emre and his crew went back home Can told Emre that he needed to finish up and would be arriving home in about a month. Emre told him that Aziz was planning a Family vacation on the island to go there instead. That day Can spent it crossing off the men that had been killed or arrested to send it out for everyone to know. He closed his laptop and said to himself "Mission Accomplished! Blackpanther your slowly getting knocked down." Blackpanther was the new group that was renamed after they heard of Fabri's death. But, little did Can know who was in charge now and it will come out in due time. He layed his head down on his pillow that night and Sanem came back in his thoughts as he fell asleep wonder what was going on with her due to the fact of his uneasiness.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt