It's Over

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When Can and Ceyda entered the bar, Emre and Ibriam had searched the limousine for any kind of evidence. They saw half a bottle of the finest whiskey with used glasses along side of it. There was a small empty vial wrapped up in a tissue in the thrash can. It was quite obvious the Ceyda had begun to drug Can and that's probably why they had a sex on the way they thought. It must of been just enough for her to take advantage of him. The limousine driver was then released to leave and was told to not bother returning and to keep the full amount that was payed. In fact Emre slipped him a nice tip since his night was cut short. Can and Ceyda were now sitting at the bar as Arzu was pouring them a glass of whiskey as they were looking at a menu to place an food order. Silverware wrapped in a cloth napkin was placed down for them. There were eight men standing throughout bar watching and hiding from Can's view so he wouldn't recognize them. Emre and Ibriam were sitting off in a corner out of Can's view also but, they could still see him. Ceyda could not keep her hands off of Can. Lipstick could be seen on his neck all over his chest from where she had been kissing him. Their order was placed. Can was feeling a little light headed and excused himself to go to the men's room. One of the men followed him there to keep an eye on him since word was passed around of him being drugged. Ceyda started to make small talk with Arzu. She had placed a hidden microphone by Ceyda so all the men could hear what she was saying. Arzu refilled their whiskey glasses and had one sitting down under the bar ready to switch out if Ceyda had put anything in it. She was watching this witch like a hawk. Can had order a steak for himself so the bus boy came out with a basket of fresh hot rolls with butter on the side and place a steak knife on the right of Ceyda. She was look around the room to see if anyone was watching and reached in her purse with both hands that was on her lap. In one hand was a round vial with a cork lid that she pulled out with her other hand. Very carefully she removed her hands and closed the palm of her hand that had the vial in it. One of the men was watching and spoke in his clear ear piece with a mic attached to it. "Watch her Arzu, she pulled something out of her purse and has it in her right hand in a closed fist." Arzu shook her head up and down letting them know she had heard it but looked as if she was moving it to the music. At this point all the men were now on high alert and ready to move. Ceyda slowly put her right hand up on the bar by Can's drink. She moved it closer to her, she put her hand over top of the glass and nonchalantly pour the whole vial into Can's drink. Then slowly removed it and dropped the vial in her purse. She put her hand back up on the bar and started to play with the steak knife. Arzu saw her do this out of the corner of her eye and gradually walked over and stood there and made more small talk with Ceyda to distract her. She heard some yelling across the room in which it was two of Ibriam's men causing a distraction so Arzu could switch out Can's glass. Ceyda turns to see what was going on. Success Arzu was able to grab the one with the drug in it and replace it. She placed a lid on the one to save as evidence. Can was walking out of the men's room seeing these two men arguing over what seem to be about a woman. He recognized them and thought nothing of it knowing they were probably off duty and being a Friday night. The three of them looked at each other and nodded. Can sat back down at the bar and took a drink. Ceyda smiled. Emre and Ibriam thought it was time to go arrest her. They made the announcement to go in slowly. Six of the men stood behind Ceyda and Can. Two went and stood behind them. Next walks up Ibriam that stood right next to Ceyda and Emre went and stood next to his brother. Ibriam begins to spoke "Good evening Can" he looks over at him "What the fuck are you doing here?" Looking at the other eight men surrounded the two of them and than finally at Emre "Well, do you remember we had a case to close out tonight. But unfortunately you have been so far up this bitch's ass the past few days and ignoring everything and everyone closest to you. It must have completely crossed your mind" ........ "What the hell are you talking about. I only work at the Agency" ........ "Can, you have lost your fucking mind over this piece of trash sitting next to you" ....... Can stands up like he was ready to kick Ibriam's ass. But, six men grabbed him and pushed him back down on the stool. Can was drugged and didn't fight back. Ibriam then looks at Ceyda nothing seemed to scare or frighten her "Ceyda Sandzok! Let me tell you a little story. This man sitting next to you is well respected by so many and loved by all and mostly his dear family. In fact all of us standing here consider him to be our brother. You have tried to destroy him and it is time to put an end to your games. Do you know he has someone that he deeply cares about and we all do believe she is his only true love. And on top of that he is a Father of twins. You have torn this family apart by your wicked ways. And with all of us backing them and supporting them, this spell that you have place upon him will be broken one way or the other. Ms Ceyda you are now under arrest for conspiracy to plan a murder on Sanem Aydin, for practicing witchcraft and that is just the beginning of all the charges that will be thrown against you. You are done and guess where you will be spending your days. In the most secure Psycho Hospital and full of drugs so you can no longer hurt anyone but yourself." She looks at all of them and picks up the steak knife than looks Can straight in the eyes and says to him "I am so sorry" Looks at Emre standing right along side of his brother and said "Over my dead body" Lifting her arm as if she is about to stab Can with it and instead slices her own throat across the main artery on her neck drops the knife as they watch her body lean down on the bar.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now