Aziz Breaks the News to Can

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Even though it was late Aziz after finding out about Sanem and the babies it was time to tell him everything. So up to Can's room he went.  Can was sitting up in bed when he entered and sat down beside him. They joked around a little as always than Aziz said "Son, we need to talk" ....."Ok" ...... "I know that by now you noticed that Sanem is not here on the Island"........."Yes I noticed"......... "Please don't get mad" ...... "What is it Dad?"  Aziz started with relocating the Families due to danger. Which Can totally agreed on. "Can there is more. After you left several weeks later. A PI was hired to find her because we hadn't heard or was able to contact her by phone. We assumed she had been kidnapped because Sanem went missing in the middle of the night. But, I got word today that she has been found" ...... "You mean to tell me it took almost ten months to find her? Why did you not tell me this sooner Dad?" ...... "Calm down son. We had know way of finding her. You see her phone had been found in a dumpster and that's when we thought she had been kidnapped by Fabri's men. Can she is in danger Fabri ordered her dead. We need to get them back home asap" ......"Them" Can said with a very confused expression.  "Son, Sanem gave birth to twins. We did a DNA comparison and well ........You are the Father." He pulls out his phone to show Can a picture of the babies. Can teared up as he looked upon them. "They were born prematurely and their little lungs are not fully developed. Your son is doing much better but your daughter being the smallest of the two is still having some difficulties" ......."OMG I have a boy and girl" ......"Yes, unfortunately today Sanem collapsed and is in the same hospital with them. She is very week from blood loss and exhausted from going back and forth to the hospital everyday to spend time with the babies. From lack of rest and not taking care of herself that's why she collapsed" ......."Where are they" ....... "Switzerland. I do have good news from all this though. Your dear friend the traveling nurse Gamze was assigned to them. I talked to her earlier and she is working on things on her end to get them home in a safely manner. Hopefully tomorrow evening or the latest next day  get them transported." ........ "Can I be the one to transport them here." ...... "Unfortunately, after talking to Ozgur there isn't enough room on his medical transport plane for you. They need as much room possible for Sanem, the babies and Gamze and all the medical equipment for the three of them." ......"So Gamze is coming" ......"Yes, she refuse to leave them. Her and Sanem have become good friends and she told me that she has built up enough leave to stay here and take care of the babies and get Sanem back on her feet" ......."Well, thats great to know that Gamze is behind this. So what are you thinking about how to make this happen." ..... "The large empty field that has not been built on yet, we will have Ozgur land there and get the trailers out to bring them up to the main house. We will set up landing lights for Ozgur to touch down since it will be dark. I will know more information in the morning from what Gamze will need for her to transport them safely. I have already place a call to our doctors. One for the babies and one for Sanem, the doctors are working on it now so it can be delivered here tomorrow and will come to and examine them upon the arrival." Can sat there quietly trying to absorb everything that his father was telling him. "Dad" ...."Yes, Son" ....... "The last words Sanem said to me is she hated me and never wanted to see my face again." ......."She was hurt Can and heartbroken at that time. If this makes you feel any better. She called herself Sanem Divit and gave the babies your last name. So that tells me she deep down in her broken heart still loves you. Yes, she probably will be mad at you when she sees you, but give her time she will come around. Sanem has been through a hell of alot and still is now that she brought two beautiful babies into this world. Be patient it will be ok. Now get some rest because we have a long couple of days ahead of us. Nihat and Mevkibe are excited to see you" Can reaches for his Dad and gives him a long tight hug. As tears fell down his face. "It's will be ok Son. Everyone will be here to support you both and help with the babies. I can't wait to see Nihat and Mevkibe's face when I tell them that they are Grandparents." ...........

After 15 minutes of holding on to Aziz he releases him

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After 15 minutes of holding on to Aziz he releases him. "Thanks for coming alone to me first. I need to call Gamze and talk with her" ......."She is waiting for your call. She is at the hospital working her shift. Try to video chat with her. It may help you seeing her face. See you in the morning. A Family meeting has been called for all to come for breakfast. No one knows yet about Sanem and the twins or that she had been found. I will tell everyone than and we will go into action to make preparations. Good night son. Try to sleep" ....."Good night Dad. Love you" Aziz closes Can's bedroom door as he walks out to let him talk to Gamze.

She was in her office updating the twins and Sanem's medical report when she saw a video call coming through. She swallowed hard feeling that Can was calling knowing the chances were that Aziz broke the news to him. After spending a hour or so on the phone with Gamze as she explained everything him. She walked to the nic unit where the babies were so she could let him see them. She could hear him sniffing from crying as he saw all the machines that they were hooked up to. She then walked down to Sanem's room so he could see her also. It tore him apart seeing her so frail as well as pale as a ghost. Gamze tried to comfort him the best she could right now. The call finally ended. Can couldn't sleep. He went downstairs and poured himself a glass of whiskey and went out to sit on the pier to think and get control. He was now a Dad himself as he thought he couldn't help but question himself if he would be like his Father. Doubts kept filling his head as he layed down on the pier looking up at the stars finally falling asleep. The next morning he woke up sat there a few minutes and got up to get ready to face the Aydin's and begin the preparations to bring Sanem and the twins home.

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