A Secluded Place

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Can and Sanem rode Phoenix down to the river, as they approached Can had definitely recognized this area. It was the river that flowed down the mountain that he would go rafting on. "Sanem, there is something I need to tell you" he said close to her ear "What is it Can?" ......... "I come to this river quite often since Dad and Mihriban live here. She told me one day about this place because she heard Dad and I talking about my rafting adventures. Further down the river is where I found your notebook" ........ "Really! I come here alot and sit on those rocks to think, read your articles out of the magazine and write. Come to think of it, once in awhile I would see a man fighting the rough waters, I would watch and worry if he would make it. So that man must of been you" ........ "I want to show you something. We should probably get off Phoenix and walk up stream. It can be a rough ride for you." He stops the horse jumps off and helps Sanem get down. They begin to head up the incline. As they reach higher he takes her off the path through some woods and approaches an open area. Sanem was in awe as she saw what was before her eyes.

" Wow Can, this is beautiful! How did you find this ?"

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" Wow Can, this is beautiful! How did you find this ?" ....... "I was just going for a walk one day and came across it. I swim in it and rest for sometime taking in the soothing sound of the waterfall." ........ Sanem sat down on a huge boulder closed her eyes and listened to the nature sounds around her. "Your right it is very soothing to the soul. I could really get use to this spot" ........ "It's going to get dark soon. I want to show you something else and than we need to head back before it gets dark" .......  "Ok" She follows him back down and when they reached the path again, they got back on the Phoenix to get to the place Can wanted to show her. "Sanem, just past the bend is a cabin that I fixed up for myself. It had been abandoned and I come here to get away from the city noise and have some peace and quiet when I am not traveling. Than I go spend time with Dad and Mihriban. No ones knows I have this place. You are the only one I have ever told or shown it to. It has doesn't have electricity. I bring any necessities I need for one or two nights" As they turn the bend tucked back in some woods she see his cabin. He unlocks the door to let Sanem go in. "It isn't much, just enough for me" ........"I am speechless Can. This is lovely. How does that light work if you don't have electricity" ...... "By filling it with kerosene. It's safe to use. But, most of the time I sleep outside by a fire."

"No wonder you come here to get away

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"No wonder you come here to get away. Its beautiful. You did a wonderful job rebuilding. I love the smell in here. Its so woodsy" ....... "Thank You" ....... "I promise to keep this a secret Can" ....... "We better head back before it gets to dark" Can said. So they head back to the barn to put Phoenix away feed both of the horses and give them fresh water for the night. As they were walking back to Sanem's house. "Thanks for taking me today Can. It was a nice day. My neck didn't even bother me" ....... "It was a nice day Sanem. We can do it again tomorrow if you like. I would really like to take my camera with me to take some photos. What do you say" ........ "Yes, I would like to go. I really would like to take both horses out at the same time. Maybe we can pack a lunch to take with us" ....... "Do you think you can ride alone?" ....... "I think so, as long as we take it slow and you help me on and off Phoenix" ....... "Sounds like a plan. Guess I'll see you in the morning......by the way! I am living in the cabin behind Dad and Mihriban's now. I moved in this morning. They offered it to me so I would be closer to help Bulut and you out around here." ....... "Oh really! Good night Can, see you bright and early" He waved good bye to her as he  walked toward the road that lead to his cabin. After Can showered he poured himself  a glass of whiskey and went outside to sit on the patio Aziz saw him and decided to go over "Hey Son, how was your ride with Sanem. We saw you both ride off on the horse" ......  "It turned out to be a good day. We are going again tomorrow" ....... "How did Sanem do" ......" Great, she had no problem at all" ......."She was with my mighty lion that's why" Can laughed at his remark "Dad, after I heard what Sanem studied in College........ I truly think she would be a great asset to Frika Harika. She took Creative Writing and I truly believe that is why her presentation was so good. When are you going to make her an offer to come work for us?" ........"Why, don't you two come for dinner tomorrow and I will bring it up gradually. So is she showing any signs of trusting you?" ......... "At first she was very skittish being close to me on the horse but, after awhile she started to become relaxed. I tried hard not to touch her, it was tough I have to admit but I think in time she will see that I won't hurt her." ....... "Like I told you son, just be patient she will come around. Well, off to bed I must go. Enjoy your ride tomorrow and we'll see you at dinner. Love you son" ........ "Good night Dad! Love you too."

Little did Sanem know that she had dropped her scarf

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Little did Sanem know that she had dropped her scarf . Can had picked it up off the rocks by the waterfall and stuffed it in his pocket. He spent sometime sitting on his porch smelling it with her scent all over it. He began thinking about the ride as she leaned against his chest tucking her head in the crease of his neck. Her hair was as soft as he had thought needless to say the scent filled his nostrils as it blow in the breeze. She fit perfectly between his arms even though he didn't touch her but only lightly enough to make sure she felt his arms on each side of her body to keep her balanced and not fall off. He could only dream of holding her until hopefully the time would come that she would allow him to embrace her with open arms and never let her go. And most of all be her protector and not let any more harm come her way ever again. He eventually fell asleep sitting on his chair with the thoughts of this beautiful angel that was sent to him from above.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang