Meeting the Judge

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Bulut and Sanem pulled up to parking garage space D2 in the parking garage. She sat there for a minute taking a long deep breath before they went in the building. The receptionist had them sit down at the reception room area and called the Judge. "Sanem Aydin the Judge will see you now. Please follow me" She looked at Bulut "I'll be right here" She follows the lady down the long hall it seemed to her. The door was open and the receptionist lightly knocked on the door. Sanem entered as the receptionist closed the door behind her leaving just her and the Judge in the office. "Please take a seat Ms Aydin" She does as she is told. "Please relax, I am not here to make you feel  uncomfortable. We just have a few things to discuss and then you may go home" ....... "OK your honor" ...... "Just call me Judge Zeynup. Now, just because I am a woman doesn't mean the case will effect my decision on the charges and sentencing of Mr Fabri Ozberk. If the tables were turned the same procedure would still  happen. First thing we need to do is swear you in. I will be bringing in my Bailiff followed by a young man taking notes for me. I will also be recording everything so it can be placed in this court office and kept on file"  A door off to the side opens and two males walk in. The Bailiff swears Sanem in and the other go and sits at a small table in the back of the room and begin to take notes on his little type writer. "Ms Aydin, since this case was known to me and the women started coming forth in secretive manner. I have meet with each one individually and you are my last. I understand that you were the first and the one that created the scent. I want to now hear your side of what happened. Take your time, we have all day. If you need a break just say so and it will be granted. When you and I are finished, I will have your Lawyer come in to go over paperwork and other things I need to give you. When you are ready you may begin. I may not say much but will be listening very closely" ............ Sanem takes a deep inhale and begins to give her statement. Judge Zeynup was very impressed with the details as Sanem told her about the photographic mind she was so blessed with. Several hours had gone by when Sanem finished giving her statement. "I am very impressed with how thoroughly and detail oriented you were Ms Aydin. This will help with the decision I need to make.....(giving Sanem a wink and smile as she said it) Let's take a break for lunch, in an hour I will meet with you and your Lawyer and wrap this meeting up. You may leave, enjoy your lunch and see you in a hour" Sanem gets up and goes to find Bulut so they could eat. Sanem didn't say to much during lunch. Bulut sat there across from the table and let her just think and give her time to eat.

The Judge was waiting at her desk when Bulut and Sanem walked back into the office after the lunch break. He shook hands with the Judge and sat down next to Sanem. There was a stack of sealed large envelopes sitting in front of the Judge to give to Sanem. "OK, this will not take long at all." Placing her hand on the pile of envelopes she directly looks into Sanem's eyes."Ms Aydin, Thank You for coming in to talk to me today. Your statement has made a big difference. I am so sorry that all of you ladies had to go through this horrible ordeal. I want you to know that Fabri Ozberk will not be bothering or hurting anyone else. He will be spending the rest of his life in jail. As of today he is broke. He business has been taken over by his assistant Asli. All his employees will continue to under her. She left something for you and Bulut to go over. There are many other things in this stack for you to consider when it comes to your future. What I am about to say to you is off the record." Taking a pause watching Sanem's eyes fill with tears, the Judge places her hand on top of Sanem's and for the first time since the meeting started the Judge said "Sanem, you are a very beautiful young lady and with many talents. Please don't let what happened to you harden your beautiful heart. Don't let this continue to hunt you. Walk out of here today and begin a new life. Be happy, find that special someone in your life. Make something good of your future, fight for what you believe in. You can change the world. Take that talent that the dear Lord above gave you and put it to use. I want to someday read about how successful you have become and see your name blastard everywhere I turn. There are some major decisions you need to make in this stack off envelopes but, in the end I know you will do what is right. Sanem, it's time to fall in love with your journey, let go of your past and recognize that your journey is yours for a reason and not anyone else's. These challenges that you faced made you who you are today. I see a very strong women sitting in front of me. Learn to look up at your own sky and realize that there are a million galaxies waiting for you to discover. Promise me to never ever compare yourself to anyone and to only value you and you will find where you are meant to be. I wish you much Luck in all your future endeavors. Now go and most of all be happy" The three of them stood up, Judge Zeynup handed Sanem the stack of sealed envelope and walked them to to door shaking each others hand. Then Bulut drove Sanem home to go through the stack of envelopes that the Judge  gave her.

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