Mitat's Plans

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All the men were still waiting for a response from Mitat. Finally he began to speak "OK, this is what I want to do. I want to make, sure that these pictures are legit. While you all are at the Agency tomorrow with Ceyda I will get some of our crew together to go check out her house. They won't disturb anything just look around carefully and take more photos. No one will ever know they were there...... Now Can, will you call Deren back and get Ceyda's home address from Mina?" Can does as he was told. "Do you think she is telling the truth? Emre asked. "I think so but, I just want to make sure that this is not some kind of plot Ceyda and Mina are planning. For all we know they could be working together and I want to back this story up that she just told us. We can'tto any chances right now. Emre, I want you to go to the New Headquarters with Can and stay until Saturday as planned. He may need you to be close by just in case Ceyda does something to him. Of course Ibriam will be there too. Bulut and Osman you are to stay with the women on the Island. I will have Ozgur fly them back Wednesday after we are done. We will stick to the original plan. Sanem will go to the camp out Friday with Bulut, Osman, CeyCey and Ayhan. I don't  think nothing will happen to her. Have Mina call out on Friday once we confirm this is true, using the excuse of a sick child or something. Make sure she says in front of Deren and Guliz. Tell her she will be paid. That way we know that no harm could come upon Sanem. I will call Aysm and fill him in about everything once I find out that all of this is legit. That way the Agency can still have the sports campaign account." ........ "So what do you want me to do about Friay evening Mitat" Can asked "Continue your plans of meeting her at Lucca's Bar for drinks. I will have Ibriam fill in as a bartender and some of your men will be hanging around as a customer. You pretend to have to use the men's room. Ibriam will start a conversation with her saying he is new employee and give some sob story about not having alot of money that he has to work two jobs to provide for his family. Hopefully Ceyda will buy it and offer him a decent amount of money to have him spike your drink with the drug that she may ask him to slip into it. But, he will pretend he done it. If that happens he will put hand cuffs on her and the other undercover men will be there arresting her on the spot. You will come out  and start an argument because she is your date just to throw things off. It is time to put an end to this bitch, lock her up and throw away the fucking key. Ibriam will have a hidden microphone on his body to record everything so we can close this case faster. You can rest assure she will be placed in a very secure psycho ward. She will have so many drugs in her system she won't know what day it is or where she is at, and will not cause anymore harm to others. If anything she will be harmful to herself."........."OK, sound like a good plan. Let's do this and put this all behind us" Aziz replied. "I will be in touch with you tomorrow after we check out her home. You all have a relaxing day because Wednesday things will get busy. See you soon" Mitat ends the conference call. Can then went for his daily run around the island  on the beach. Everyone else went to do their own thing.

The voodoo doll she made of Can was now in her hands. She made the doll so you could bend it any way you wanted too. She than bends it so it was positioned on its knees and its head down. Next she pulls out a spike on a chain and begin to put a hypnotizing spell on it.

Just as she was starting her spell, Can was running when all of a sudden he dropped to his knees and bent his head down like he was worshipping something

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Just as she was starting her spell, Can was running when all of a sudden he dropped to his knees and bent his head down like he was worshipping something. She let the spike circle around the dolls head. Reading each thing she wanted him to do. "CAN DIVIT YOU WILL BE UNDER MY CONTROL FROM THIS MOMENT ON" 

The commands were spoken:
"You will only Love me and worship the ground I walk on. The people you are closest  to, you will become hateful, nasty, mean, abusive and push them completely out of your life. Most importantly you are to NOT have any other woman in your bed except me I mean no one"

The hypnosis was complete. She sat there holding the doll up to her heart so Can could hear her heart beating only for him.  She left the spell book opened to the page of hypnosis. Not paying one bit of attention to what the fine print said at the bottom of the page. It read as follows:

WARNING: This will cause migraine headaches to certain individuals. This spell will be broken if the person it is cast upon finds its one true Love.
She than took the doll of Can to bed with her. She would carry it to the meeting tomorrow in her briefcase to play it him during the meeting. This woman was sure a psychopath but, little did she know her time was coming to an end on Friday evening. Can made his way back to the house to freshen up after his workout. He couldn't understand why he all of a sudden had a migraine headache. He stayed in his room closing all the curtains because the bright light made him feel worse. Eventually after a long period of time he made his way back downstairs wearing his darkest sunglasses and sat out on the patio watchng his family have fun. It wasn't long when his demeanor suddenly changed. No one saw the change in his eyes due to the sunglasses. The hypnosis was kicking in.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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