The Job Proposition

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"OK Sanem, please here me out! I have done some background check on your studies at College and personally know the Dean there. After viewing your presentation to Can and Deren, I was very impressed with it. The Dean highly recommended you. I, let me correct myself we all have agreed that you would be a great asset to this company. We want to offer you a job here as a Copywriter's Assistant. Can and Deren will be training you." .........Sanem's thoughts were turning like a gear as she listened to Aziz. "Unfortunately, Can has to leave in two weeks for a photo shoot and will be gone for a month. Deren really needs help with the big account to prepare a kick ass presentation. It is a Perfume Company and since you have experience on that, I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to help put this together." ......... "So, Can is leaving for a whole month and you are in one hell of a bond so, your asking me to help. I really don't feel this is right. It's gonna put alot of pressure on me and I don't need that at this time Aziz Bey. I am still, recovering from the accident and have to go to a Chiropractor several times a week. I'm not sure this is a good time right now" ...... "Sanem, I understand you are and have been dealing with alot of personal things. We will  let you leave to go to the appointment and whatever you need to do for your recovery. We will work with you.......... Let's do this, take these two weeks as a trail period for you. If you feel its not for you I will let you quit no questions asked. But, to be honest I know you will like it. This is what I am willing to offer you as a salary" Aziz hands her a folded piece of paper. She then slowly opens it to see the amount. "Everyone gets full health benefits" Emre blurted out. "Sanem, this salary was agreed between Can, Emre and myself. This is your starting salary and if you perform well in which we know you will, 3 months you will get a raise" ........ "When would you want me to start?" ....... "Tomorrow! You will be working along side of Can until he leaves and then be under the supervision of Deren." ......."May I think about this and let you know before the day is over" ...... "Yes, you can. CeyCey would you please give Sanem a tour of the this building and show her the workers in the middle section and let her watch how they work" ....... "Sure Aziz Bey. Come on Sanem follow me" The two of them leave to room while the others are left there to discuss things and wait.

While CeyCey was showing Sanem around the place in the Conference Room Can told is little scheme about his Photography job "Listen Deren, I am not leaving for a month, only a week. So calm yourself down. The reason why was to get Sanem to make a decision quicker. We need her especially with this Perfume Account." ...... "Well, that a relief and yes I agree we do need her expertise on this." ........"Friday afternoon is his Cocktail Party and an announcement will be given on who gets this job. His assistant is coming here on Thursday to see what we have come up with and will go back and go over it with the owner. Unfortunately, it will be the first time we will be meeting him. So we really need to present a kick ass presentation to his assistant. And I truly believe Sanem can help us pull this together by Thursday. Let's just hope she makes the decision today to work with us on this. So Deren I know you yell and get very stressed  when the pressure is on but, please control it and don't you dare show Sanem this side of you. That's why Dad and I decided for me to train her and work side by side these next few weeks until I need to leave. Do you understand what I am saying ?" ........."I......understand.......Can" ........
"Don't you scare her away. You and I both need her. I will not tolerate you going off in front of her. I mean it Deren" ........ "I agree with Can here Deren. Control your temper! Now let's return to our offices to get some work done. She will come to me when she is ready to make her decision." So the five of them went back to work.

Aziz and Can were sitting in their shared office. Can was sitting on the couch loading things in a computer for Sanem that would be hers. He set a password for her to be able to log into that only he and her would know.  "Son, do you think she will take the job" ....... "I think so Dad or I wouldn't be setting up this computer we are giving her. I do need to try and talk to her to make sure she is comfortable and we are ok after yesterday. I feel like I hurt her by what things I had said. I'm going to go get some tea, do want some?" "That would be great" As he came up to the freshment area Sanem was sitting there drinking a cup of tea.

 I'm going to go get some tea, do want some?" "That would be great" As he came up to the freshment area Sanem was sitting there drinking a cup of tea

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"Hi Sanem, did CeyCey show you around" ....... "Yes, Deren needed him for something and said he would be right back. I hope you didn't mind but I made a fresh pot of tea out of my special blend." ....... "That's fine, let me have two cups. One for me and one for Dad." She pours the cups out and gives Can his "I hope you like it" He takes a sip and shakes his head in a very impressed way "Damn, this is really good. If you decide to work here. It would be nice to look forward to your tea each day. Can I ask you something" ........ "Sure" ........ "Is everything ok between us. After yesterday I've been a little worried that I upset you." ....... "Yes, all is fine. It has made me think about alot of things. Thanks for the advice." ...... "Good, when you've made your decision Dad and I are in our office waiting" ...... "OK, see you soon." He gives her a wink and walks away.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now