A Happy Ending to the Day

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"Sanem your Doctor is here" said Gamze as she walked in the bedroom followed by the Doctor and Mihriban "Hi Sanem, I have heard good things about Deniz. Let me see how this little fella is doing" ..... Sanem sat patiently waiting for the two Doctor's to exam Deniz. It was the longest 10 minutes she had to go through. Gamze update her on the current situation about Sanem eating and keeping hydrated since her IV had been removed. She put her on vitamins to help balance her system. After the briefing the doctor turn to Sanem sitting in the recliner and said "Sanem, Deniz is ready to have his feeding tube removed. You can feed him from here on out. I want to keep the oxygen going. It will not be hooked up just will have it circulating in the bassinet. Are you ready to bond with your son. He tube was then removed. Sanem began to cry happy tears. "Now about Ates! Since I am staying here the next few days my plan is to work with her. While you are feeding Deniz I am going to disconnect her machine for that period to see how she responds. If it goes well without any issues I will take her off the machine also. But, please understand that she may not come off if she has any issues. Do you understand?" ....... "Yes, I do" ....... "Like I said when you are feeding Deniz I will be removing the connections off of Ates and staying right with her the same time. I wanted to repeat my words so that you hear them because I know you are excited for Deniz." ...... "I heard you loud and clear" ...... "I will also have Mihriban and Gamze here with us. Ms Mihriban is here to observe the process and help if needed. Do you want the Father here as we do this" ...... "He is not here Doctor. I don't know when he will be back" Mihriban said. Sanem looked at her with curious eyes wondering where he was. Mihriban had her back to Sanem and didn't see her reaction, so she left it alone for now. The Doctor picks up Deniz and makes her way over to Sanem. "Are you ready to give this a try. Now Sanem, you need to understand that Deniz may not latch on at first. I have a bottle waiting if he doesn't for you to feed him. Here are pacifiers for him also to use if needed. You need to relax because that can make a big difference. If you are tense and nervous, he will sense that and reject you. Ok, let's do this" The baby Doctor handed Sanem's Doctor Deniz. She walks over to Sanem and helps put him in position to begin. After several attempts Deniz refused. Sanem began to get upset "It's ok my dear. It happens we will try again next feeding. Try the bottle"  Deniz took it a began to eat. "When you are done Sanem. I need you to pump the rest of your milk and then I want you to have skin on skin time with him as long as you want." Meanwhile all the focus was on Deniz and Sanem and the other Doctor was working with Ates. She did have a little issues but not as bad as he thought. Mihriban had taken a picture and sent it to Mevkibe so she could she that Deniz was off the machine and Sanem was feeding him. You could hear excitement down stairs when she received the text. Mevkibe showed it to Nihat and Aziz. They wished that Can was there to see it. Aziz was getting very concerned over Can because night had set in and he wasn't back.
Sanem was able to spend several hour of skin on skin time with Deniz. The Doctor had her try to breastfeed him again. This time he did better. After he was put in a fresh diaper Sanem gave Mihriban permission to take him down to let the other Grandparents spend some time with him. When she walked down Aziz, Nihat and Mevkibe were sitting there watching TV "Look who came to see you" .......The three of them jumped up. Aziz and Nihat let Mevkibe hold Deniz first.
While the four of them were enjoying the first time with their Grandson up stairs something else was happening. The Doctor thought to try and let Sanem have skin on skin time with Ates hoping that she would begin to respond better by bonding with her Mother. The Doctor thought after she fed Deniz through the night after he would settle back down to sleep. He then would have Sanem spend time with Ates and disconnect the monitor from her each time and see how she would do. It may be a long night for Sanem but she didn't care at all just to be able to have her babies in her arms finally. She would rest in between. It had become one of the most special nights between a Mother and her twins, for the very first time in a long time Sanem was smiling. "Sanem, you have the most beautiful smile. It's so good to see you do that. Since I meet you this is the first time I have seen you smile. I love your dimples and I bet your twins will have them too" ...... "Thank You Gamze. I feel like I am floating on cloud nine right now. I have been waiting so long for this moment." ...... "I know you have. Unfortunately, we need to get the babies back on the oxygen again. You will be able to do this again in a few hours. You rest when they rest ok" ...... "Ok" Gamze calls down for Mihriban to bring Deniz back up. They got the babies situated, Sanem fell asleep in no time and everyone else called it a night except Nihat that wanted to wait up for Can to return to let him know that he had talked to Sanem. It was determined to stay up all night if he had to.

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