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Thursday morning Sanem woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start a new life. She still had alot on her mind but today she decided to start knocking one at time off her list. She let the horses out in the pasture early and went back to the house to eat breakfast. Sitting at the table she read through the Contract and looked at the envelope that had the patent and her original formula in it. She gather them together and headed to her loft above the barn. Sitting at the work table she thought more and more about what Bulut had said about her Gram. She pulled out the recipe and looked around for the ingredients to make a sample in cream form and made another out of the one that Fabri altered. She compared the two and threw his in the trash tore up his recipe into small pieces. She then looked at the Contract Envelope sitting on her desk pulled it out and ripped each sheet in half and shoved it back in the envelope. "Gram, if you are listening I will make you so proud. You wanted this for me and I refuse to share it with anyone. I deserve full credit and you can rest assure you will be honored to the fullest". She grabbed the the envelope that the ripped pages of the contract were in  and went to search for Bulut. She found him loading the daily fresh picked fruits and vegetables in his truck to take to the market. "Good Morning Sanem" ...... "Good Morning. Do you have at moment" ...... "Sure what's up" She hands him the envelope to look in. "You tore it up" ...... "Yep, I'll be damn to let her take half of something that I create. Consider this business joining the competitive world. I am going to make a business for myself in honor of Gram whether it is a part-time of full-time business." ........ "Good for you Sanem. I am happy for you. I will personally drop this off the her receptionist when I go to town." ...... "I'll go with you and help drop these off to the Market. My Bank is there. I'll deposit the checks while you drop off the Contract" ...... "Sounds good. I'll take you to the house to get what you need and then we will head into town"

One the way to town Bulut asked Sanem "So what are you going to do about Fikri Harika?" ...... "I think I am going to continue to work for them. I really do like it there. I will start off as part-time and see where my business goes. I want to talk to Can about working on the Campaign that I asked them about some time ago when I get back from this trip." ...... "I think he would be very happy to hear you are moving forward on your business and between the two of you, a great Campaign will be made and I guarantee you will be very successful with everyone's support" ......"I can use the money that was given to make it happen. There is sure plenty of it and I won't have to borrow any." ...... "Very wise choice. The less loans you have the more money thats in your pocket." They arrived at the market and dropped it off to Muzzo that was working the booth. Sanem told Mihriban about him since they grew up together and got him the job." They left and drove down the street and parked at the bank. Sanem went to open up a checking account and a savings account. She had kept cash out for herself. Bulut walked across the street and handed over the stamped envelope to the receptionist to give to Asli and walked back out and never to return again.

 Bulut walked across the street and handed over the stamped envelope to the receptionist to give to Asli and walked back out and never to return again

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For now all his focus would be on Sanem's business. She asked him to take her to Fikri Harika so she could tell Leyla her news and possibly Aziz and Can to let them know about her upcoming trip and she would return to work when she got back. So he pulled up in front of the building and they both walked in together. She entered Leyla office and told her about her plans to open her own Beauty Product business. She then found CeyCey and they talked about tomorrow night's play she told him to plan on spending the night since they would be getting home late. They were so excited.

"CeyCey, where is Aziz Bey and Can I need to talk to them

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"CeyCey, where is Aziz Bey and Can I need to talk to them." ...... "Aziz Bey  went home for the day. Can Bey is somewhere around here." ...... "OK, I will find him. See you tomorrow my friend" Sanem searched everywhere for Can when she finally spotted him sitting on the steps.

 See you tomorrow my friend" Sanem searched everywhere for Can when she finally spotted him sitting on the steps

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Can was sitting there thinking about second guessing his plans he had made for Sanem. He hadn't talked to her since Sunday at the Waterfall. She made her way to him and sat down on the step above him. "Can, is everything alright. I came to talk to you about something before you leave tomorrow. Why are you sitting here?" ....... "I needed to think its been a interesting day. So what's up." ...... " Well, I have decided to go ahead with my business part-time of course because I want to continue to work here if that is ok with Aziz Bey and you. Anyway, everything went pretty good yesterday before the Judge and I was given a ticket from someone unknown to go away for a week and when I come back I will be returning to work. I want to ask for your help to make up a campaign for my beauty product line. So when you come back the end of next week I won't here" ........ "That's great Sanem, you don't know how this made my day. I will be happy to sit down with you and work on it" ......"There is no rush we can work on it when things are slow around here. Is that ok?" ........ "Sure we can do that." ....... "Great, I need to go and you have a great trip. See you when I get back" ....... "You have a great time to. Relax and come back ready to kick ass" ...... "Oh, that's my plan Can. The old Sanem is back. See you later" She heads back up the stairs leaving Can sitting there with the big smile on his face. "Sanem Aydin, game on see you tomorrow night" He mumbled and went back to his office to gather his things and leave for the day. Any doubt that was in his head was gone. He hoped that everything would full into place and nothing would come up to spoil or destroy what he had in store for Sanem.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now