Become A Man You Are Meant To Be!

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"Son, I want you to know that I Love You, but I am so disappointed by your actions. The most regrets that I have at this time was not putting up a fight to keep you with me and raised you with respect on how to treat others along with yourself. I made the biggest mistake of my life when you came back. I wanted to make up for lost time. By doing that I wanted you with me. I gave you everything and anything that you wanted. You didn't have to work out in the field like your brother did. So in either words I had turned you into a spoiled brat by keeping you grounded at the Agency. Your Mother corrupted you and you unfortunately turned out just like her. Let me explain to you something that Can did. You had it in your fucking mind that he was given the Island and everything else in between. Well, let me set you straight right now, it didn't happened that way! Can worked two jobs to pay for that Island on his own. He banked everything he had and only lived with the basic needs to get by every single day. He put his life on the line every time he went on a assignment. He knew it but, took that chance anyway. When he wasn't on a mission, he spent his time taking professional photos, working for well known Photography Magazine and sold them so he could pay off the Island free and clear. It paid off tremendously and now he is building a nice well deserved paradise for Sanem, the twins and himself. Yes, I offered to help him but, he refused it. He wanted to do something on his own and felt he would appreciate it more that way. So Emre you assumed wrong and look where it got you today. If you would of only asked just maybe things would have turned out better. And maybe it would have caused you to do something for yourself instead of counting on me or taking over the Agency when I was ready to retire. Yes, Can don't want it and we both agreed to give it to you but, it's not gonna happen right now is it? That's one of the biggest problems that you have. You assume before you get the facts, just like your Mother. You are my son, my own flesh and blood, but you have taken things for granted and now to far." ........... Emre looked his Father straight in the eyes and said "I am so sorry. You are right I assumed that Can was getting more from you than me." ........ "I'm sorry too but, you saying sorry to me is just a little to late and besides the one you really need to apologize to is your brother for trying to ruin his reputation and his Island. You need help and you are going to get it starting this afternoon. You have been cut off from any form of money from here on out until I see some major changes. I don't care if it takes years to show it. You will be going to rehab and counseling to help you get your head straight first"........"What is going to happen to the Agency?" ....... "That doesn't concern you right now. I am finished talking to you at the moment until Can says what he needs to say and Ibriam fills you in on what to expect after rehab." He looks over at Can letting him know he could now speak. Can stands up  and says "I don't have anything to say. You told him mostly everything I was going to. But, I do want to ask you Emre, do you hate me so much that you wanted to destroy everything that I worked my fucking ass off to get?" All Emre could say was "No, I don't hate you. I was jealous and envy of you. I am sorry Can really I am" ........"I really don't know if I can forgive you. It hurt me so much that this is something that you may never be forgiven for." The two brothers sat there staring at each other. Aziz than goes to stand off to the side by Can and let Ibriam take over. "You will be wearing this ankle bracelet until I say so. Before you are taken to rehab. You will be going on live TV to explain to the public what you have done so Can's name can be cleared and he can get his Photography Licenses reactivated. Than here is what will happen after you get released from rehab. You will be picked up by me and you will be working underneath me as well. You are going to find out what hard core and put your life on the line just like everyone on of us that's on the Task Force. No more sitting behind a desk. I would suggest that you use the gym at the rehab center to start getting fit because your fucking ass is gonna need to be in shape. You will live with us on Headquarters grounds when we are not on a mission. You will help keep the property maintained you will get three meals a day and drinking will no longer be tolerated from you whatsoever if rehab don't help you. So I would suggest to let them clean your drunk ass up. Now, when you show that you can do this job without complaining and your performance is up to par, than you will be paid minimum wage to start with and possibly get pay raises depending how well you perform. And believe me I don't care it if takes years. Sadly, you have no one but yourself to take care of. You blew it with Leyla and lost your chance to have your own family at this time. So being single will benefit on my behalf. I will make your life a living hell if you don't cooperate or do as I tell you to do. Do you fucking understand everything I just told you." Emre nodded yes. "Now let's go make a live broadcast to clear your brother's name. We will do this out on the lawn." CeyCey had everything set up and all that had to be done was a push of a button. As they walked to the lawn Ozgur was returning from dropping off Rutkay and the officer and you could hear him landing on the Island. Baris brought him up to the house so he could grab a sandwich before he took Mitat, Ibriam and Emre to the Mainland. All the women came out together including Remide, Rihat and Onur stood out on the patio to hear the live broadcast. Sanem and Leyla were holding the twins and had their arms locked together. It took 15 minutes and then it was time to escort Emre to rehab. Aziz and Nihat walked with them to the landing site with bags full with his clothes. Can didn't want to go so he slipped in the house changed and went for a run along the beach. Aziz last words to Emre was "I will come visit and check up on your progress every couple of weeks. Please get yourself straight and became the man you are meant to be. I Love You" He gives Emre a hug and walks back to the house with Nihat, Osman and Bulut without looking back to watch Ozgur take off.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now