Cute but Stinky

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Sanem climbed on top of the raft floating in the pool just relaxing. Can was on the side siting in a lounger drinking a glass of whiskey with his Father watching her. He Loved her tan and that body of hers was begining to turn him on to the point he squirmed in his seat to try to get control of his main man.

 He Loved her tan and that body of hers was begining to turn him on to the point he squirmed in his seat to try to get control of his main man

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"Hey sister, I hope my body looks as good as yours after having a baby. You look fabulous" Leyla said. Can had to clear his throat because he was already admiring it. Out walks Gamze with Ates "Hey Can, I hear you have stepped up to take care of the babies so Sanem can relax" ....... "Yes, what do they need?" ........ She looks at Sanem giving her a wink and a grin ear to ear. Sanem knew what she was up too. "Well, you know I am leaving for a new assignment on Wednesday. I need to teach you somethings that if the ladies of the house are busy you may have to pitch in." ......... "OK"........ "Will you please sit up on the lounger so I can place Ates on it. She needs a diaper change and guess who gets to do it" ....... Can gave her a look of what the hell! I didn't sign up for that part. Everyone began to cheer him on and let him know he could handle it. Sanem layed there with her eyes closed smiling and veils to herself to stay out of it. "Sanem, can you please come change your daughter?" ........"No Can. You told me to relax remember. Besides Gamze is right you need to learn. While your at it you may as well change Deniz. I'm pretty sure he is ready by now" He didn't say a word and sat up like Gamze requested. She placed little Ates down in between Can's legs and stared to give him instructions "Here is her diaper and these things are called baby wipes. You must clean her bottom really good so she doesn't get a rash. Now unvelcro the sides." When Can sees what is inside he begins to gag. "OMG, Ates you are a cutie but girl you sure are stinky" ....... Sanem is smirking with her eyes still closed. Gamze guides him through the process. It was a little hard for him since his hands were large and she was so small, but he managed to get it done and handed her off to his Father. Next came Deniz. "Can, boys can be challenging when they have to be changed. You must work faster or they will piss on you" ......... "Are you kidding me" Gamze, Mihriban, Mevkibe and Sanem chimed in with a loud yes. All the men were getting a big kick out of watching Can. "Son, it took me sometime to learn to change you. I got pissed on alot. By the time Emre came along I became a pro at it." Can just shook his head at him. Sanem was at this point watching with one eye open. Gamze let him do his thing but, didn't give him the secret to prevent Deniz from peeing on him. "Are you fucking kidding me. He just pissed all over my chest." He was no more good after he did that. Everyone busted out laughing including Sanem. Mevkibe always had a soft spot when it came to Can. After he was done and handed Deniz over to Nihat he went and poured himself another glass of whiskey saying out loud to himself  "Man, I need this after that ordeal" Mevkibe happen to walk in when she heard him say that "Can, there is a trick to changing a boy. I will show you the next time he needs changing. It's not as bad as you think" ........ "Thank Momma Mevkibe. That was definitely a challenge." He walked back out on the patio stood at the edge of the pool near Sanem "You got a kick out of that didn't you. I hope you enjoyed the entertainment there Sanem" ........ "Oh, stop sulking Can. It happens! You signed up for it so I could relax. Thank You for that anyway. I needed a little break" ......... "Your time it up beauty queen. I have had my share for the day." ........."Like hell you have Can Divit it is just beginning. So go back to your fatherly duty" Sanem waves her hand to jester him to go away as she closes her eyes. Can was not done with her he jumps in and flips her over on the raft. She comes up by the corner of the pool and places her head down on top of her arms to catch her breath. He then swims over and cages her in around his arms and leans his body into hers. Whispered in her ear so no one could hear him. "You my dear came very close to me joining you in this pool right where we are standing. But, I had other duties that had to be dealt with. You look so fucking hot in this bathing suite. Do you feel something at your backside?" ........ She takes a hard swallow "Friends don't do this Can" ........ "Do you feel how hard I am. That's what I meant earlier when I told you that you only turn me on. Let me check and see what it is doing to you" He put his hand down the front of her pants and feels her. "Your wet Sanem and not from the pool. Your natural juices are flowing. So this tells me you still get turned on by me. When your ready to make beautiful Love with me just let me know." She didn't respond. He continued to her feel up and work on her to the point she was on edge of having a orgasm. Can stopped "Now when your ready I will be waiting." He then swims away from her to go start the grill to cook the fish. Sanem dunked herself under water to cool herself down and stayed there with her back facing everyone to get her composer. Can was grinning ear to ear when Aziz walked over with a tray of fish. "What did you say to her Can she looks like she is flushed." ....... "Nothing important Dad. I just gave her something to think about because she was on the edge about a particular issue. We are fine no worries" ....... "Good, glad to see you to are communicating now." Aziz walks back into the house and Can said to himself. "Yes, she was on the edge of something alright. Sanem Aydin its just beginning. You will be coming to me sooner than you think. Friend my ass. He saw her get out of the pool to dry off. She wouldn't look Can's way and take Ates over to a lounger to be alone to feed her and give her some sunlight time.

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