Feeling Numb

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The taxi dropped Sanem off at the address she had given him. Standing there waiting for someone to answer the door after she rang the bell the door finally opened. Seeing a distraught Sanem in the doorway, he grabs her hand and pulls her in the house. He yelled upstairs for his sister to bring a pair of Sanem's pajamas right away. At this time the two officer were tuning into all the commotion and recording what was happening on Sanem's end. They called the Commissioner so he could hear what was also going on. Changing her clothes while tea was being fixed she placed her dress, purse, shoes and earrings on the coffee table and layed on the couch. "Sanemiase, please tell us what happened. You are in such a terrible state talk to me sister" Looking at her brother when he walked in with much concern he went to her and kneeled down in front of her. "Sanem, what is wrong? Did someone hurt you tonight. I am here for you please snap out of it and talk to me" ......All she did was mumble Fabri "Brother, there is something you should know. This maybe why she is in this condition" ...... "Ayhan tells me now so I can help her" Osman said in frustration ...... She begin to tell Osman what had happened to her best friend at the Agency. He became very hustle and was ready to go in his brotherly kick ass mode. Ayhan had to calm him down for Sanem's sake. She then told him only certain people knew and that Nihat and Mevkibe didn't know any of this. The two of them finally settled Sanem down and was finally was able to get her to fall asleep.
While this was going on and hearing everything that Ayhan had told Osman, Commissioner Fevzi called Aziz to let him know that Sanem was at someone's home and asked who Ayhan and Osman were. Leyla, Can, Emre and Ceycey were sitting outside on the patio when Aziz came out still on the phone and asked "Leyla, who is Ayhan and Osman" Her and Ceycey perked up right away. "They are childhood friends of Sanem's why" Aziz told the Commissioner what Leyla told him. They hung up the phone "Is Sanem with them. OH MY GOD! I didn't even think to check there when we were searching for her " Leyla said in frustration. Aziz nodded yes. She immediately dialed Osman putting the phone on speaker so the others can hear. Osman answers right away "Leyla hold on, I am trying to wake Sanem. She is having a horrible nightmare, sweating profusely, thrashing all over the couch as if she is trying to push someone off of her" Leyla could hear her sobs "Osman, we are on our way to get her. I will keep you on the phone the whole time, so please don't hang up" Can grabs his truck keys and they climb in it driving like a bat out of hell. Aziz and Mihriban headed over to Sanem's to unlock the house and wait for them to return. Mihriban calls Denise tells her what was going on and had her come over to help with Sanem since she has been counseling her. Osman was able to wake Sanem as Ayhan watched getting very upset seeing her dear friend like this. Sanem finally opened her eyes at Osman with tears coming down her cheeks. He pulls her into to his chest to hug her "It's ok Sanem. You are safe, it was just a nightmare. Ayhan and I are here, Leyla is on her way" She held onto Osman for dear life as she kept repeating "It's him, it's him" ...... "Who Sanem who? Tell me please maybe I can help you" Osman yell to Leyla that was still on the phone "Hurry up! Leyla please hurry" ...... "Osman we are almost there. Your doing great" ....... "She is in bad shape. I don't know what to do" ...... "Be there in 5 minutes Osman" Can finally pulled up in front of Osman's house seeing Ayhan waiting at the door for them. CeyCey jumped out of the truck and went to hug her as she cried in his arms. Leyla, Can and Emre went right in the house only to see her little sister in a awful state. Sanem was rocking her body back and forth zoned out saying "It's him". Leyla knelt down to her level placing her cheeks in the palm of her hands. As she looked into her beautiful brown eyes Leyla could see she wasn't fully there "Sanem dear, it's me Leyla. It's over honey! Fabri will not hurt you or anyone else ever again" All Sanem did was sit there zoned out as Can and Emre stood at the doorway of the living room and watch this beautiful woman turn into a lifeless soul. It tore Can's heart to pieces seeing this woman he cared so deeply for in this condition. Leyla turned to them and said "We need to get her home" She wraps a blanket around Sanem. Can walks over to them "I'll carry her out to the truck" He picks her up in his strong arms laying her head on his chest. Leyla grabs her things off the table and say to Osman and Ayhan "Thank you for taking care of her. Please don't say a word to Dad and Mom about this. I will call you later when she comes out of this state." They nodded at her than walked them out to the truck. Leyla climbed in the back seat as Can placed Sanem in along side of Leyla so she could hold her close. Osman, Ayhan and Ceycey watched as they pulled away, when they no long saw them in sight they went back in the house. On the way back to Sanem's house Leyla was holding on to her sister for dear life and cried only with her. All she could do was run her fingers through Sanem's hair to try to comfort her "I don't like how she is right now Can and Emre. This is not my sister" Emre responded back "We don't either Love. We will do what ever it take to help her through this." ...... "The last thing that needs to happen is for her to be placed in a Mental Institution. Please don't let anyone do that to her. " Can than said "Leyla, I promise that it won't happen. Denise will be there at the house when we get there. She will help her and I will do anything to prevent it from happening" The rest of the ride was silent and all that could be heard was Sanem sobbing repeating Fabri's name.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora