Can Talks to Bulut

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Bulut is at the stables taking care of the horse's when Can walks up "Hi Bulut, thank you for meeting me" ........"Not a problem, let's take the horse's for a ride so we can talk in private. They are already" Can climbs on Albatross and Bulut climbs on Phoenix. "Let's head down to the beach. They Love to ride there" Can let's Bulut lead the way. Nothing was said for awhile as they rode the horses along the waters edge finally Bulut spoke up "Can, I was told you wanted to talk to me so why don't you start now" Can stopped and turn Albatross to look out at the sunset. Bulut doing the same thing "Bulut, I need to tell you many things and ask that you keep it between you and I. I know you are Sanem's Lawyer and out of confidentiality you are by Law to not discuss things without her consent." ........."At least you know how this works" ........."I most certainly agree. Metin has told me the same thing" ........."OK, now that we are clear on things. Tell me or ask me what you need to and then I will decide whether or not to answer them" ........Can ran his hand through his hair thinking where he should start. "Bulut, as of today I have stepped down. Ibriam is now the leader of the task team. I did this because of Sanem and the twins. They matter more to me than this fucking job" ......."Well, Can what can I say but, it's about fucking time." ......."Now, moving forward" May I stay with you for roughly two weeks. I am wanting everyone to think that I am still on the mission. Starting tonight on my Island construction will be starting around the clock. A day crew will be relieved by a night crew so we can get my Island done and ready to live on in 3 months. I will be building it also" .........."Do you need anymore help?".........."I will leave that up to you because I know you already have alot on your plate. Anyway........"I need a place to stay since Dad's Island is only ten minutes away. I can't stay in the main house until I make myself known in a few weeks." ........"OK, that make sense, since I live on the Island by the back entrance, and no one ever comes down there. How are you going to handle being so close to Sanem but, have to keep hidden" ........"I have a plan for that and it will come out in two weeks. Will you let me stay with you? I will be working over at the Island more than I am here and I really need a place to put my head down to rest when needed." ........"You can stay in my spare bedroom. May I help you? Let me  build the stables and the fencing for Albatross and Phoenix. I promise that I will go by your plans. Why are you pushing this to be done in three months and how are you going to present Sanem the house etc." ........"Everyone thinks that I am on the mission until I show myself out of the blue. Last night I asked Sanem to marry me and she said yes" ........."Wow, Congratulations man. I am so happy for you two." ......."When I supposedly come back in three months. We are going to the courthouse and I am telling her that we are going on a honeymoon. I plan to take her to the house and surprise her with a place for us to live..........that's why we decided to work 24/7 to have it done by then" ........"That could actually work Can. If all the people show up as promised it can be done" ........."Well, Ibriam got them all lined up behind my back. He told me all of this before he left."........"Cool, so can I do the barn"........"It's yours. I do know that the pier was fixed and rebuilt already. Materials have already started arriving. I have one coming tonight with Sanem's wild flowers from the farm. They must be planted tomorrow. I had  some plowed up by the roots for her garden, don't worry I didn't take all of them." ......"OK, I can help you with that. Can there is something I can't quite understand. I am confused about what you are saying that will happen in two weeks. Can you please give me some clarification on that" ......... "OK, in two weeks the Presentation Banquet will be held. Sanem and CeyCey will be the ones presenting it. With it being held on a Friday night. I plan to surprise Sanem and tell her that I have the night free with her and have to return the next day. Than the following weekend I will show up unexpected for the weekend and tell them that Ibriam took over my duties on weekends so I could come home and spend it with my Family and I will only be working during the week on the case. But, really I will be working over on the Island. I will tell them that Ibriam is taking over my position when I come back. There's more to this but, that is for another time. So the weekends I will be staying over in the main house and during the week at your place." ......."Wow, you are awesome. I hope Sanem doesn't get pissed off when she finds out later on. Oh, I don't want to be in your shoes dude" ......... "I think she will be fine. Especially with me being home on the weekends. So for the next two weeks we have to keep this under wraps" ....... "No problem! Well, we better get the horses back to the barn for the night" So they both headed back took care of the horse's and went to eat at a local restaurant to get dinner. Than with full stomachs they got on Bulut's boat and drive to the Island in the dark with the moonlight guiding their way back.

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