Time to Relocate

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Emre stands up "Nihat Bey, you know Leyla and I Love each other very much. Yes, she knows. I explained it to her and she took it very well. Even knowing that this branch cannot disclose assignments etc. what so ever. I told her that it could be a very dangerous job and we could be killed. It didn't matter to her. She said she still wants to get married no matter our lifestyle." ........."Mevkibe, said the same thing....... guess it would come out eventually knowing her Father and fiancé's Family belonged to a Special Active Division of the CIA aka good side of the Mafia" Nihat said staring out across the warehouse as he says "So what happens now Mitat?" ........ "Well, we need to relocate because things could get very dangerous. We need to get all of our Loved ones to the Islands"....... "I have a store, what the hell am I suppose to do with that" Nihat said frustrated "I have already made arrangements to have someone take it over. You and Mevkibe need to get out of here as soon as possible. A new grocery store with employees is being set up for you as we speak. You will do very well with it beings it is a popular tourist Island. You don't have to work all the time. That is strictly up too you and Mevkibe. Tell the people in the Mahalle that you have decided to retire and take your dear wife on a long over due trip. I know you will figure it out" ...... "And when is this going to take place?" ...... "The sooner the better. You have til the weekend to get packed and put your personal things in order. A large storage unit will be at the docks to move everyone's things including Sanem's personal belongs. Nihat we want no evidence of you living there to be left behind for the enemy to find. Especially anything with your names etc. on it. Our crew will be moving your belongings in the middle of the night when all are sleeping" ......."OK, where will Leyla be?" Aziz speaks up "All Family members will be living on my Island. You and Mevkibe will be living in a guest house. There are homes for everyone trust me Nihat my Island is big enough for each of you" ....... "Alright! I need to go and tell Mevkibe what is going on. Please keep me informed" ...... "Nihat, destroy all electronic devices, you will get new ones on the Island. Welcome to Paradise life my friend! You will Love it" Nihat turns to walk out and yells "All I want right now is for you to find my daughter"

After Nihat left the five remaining men put a plan into action. All agreed to not let Can know what was going on with Sanem until they got more information because he needed to stay focused right now being the head man of the group. Bulut was ordered to get the farm in order, pack up all Sanem's personal belongings including the loft where her flower room was. Cover all furniture because none of that was going. He would send CeyCey and Ayhan over to help. Aziz told him that Mihriban was already packing up their things. The horses would be taken by burge also to be placed on one of the Islands that had a field and large barn to put them in that one of his people owned. Metin was told to shut down his Law Office and would be set up on the big Island to continue to work for Aziz. Osman would have a new larger butcher shop there also. He had them put a gone out of business sign on the door to make people think that the business went belly up. Aziz left the Agency in Deren's hands. He knew she could handle things and hold a tight ship and that they would be able to communicate via video chat and a new email would be used. Well, CeyCey was one of them in a different sort of way. He and Ayhan was brought to the Island too because if Sanem was ever found and bought there. CeyCey and Ayhan would be her support system to help her adjust when she was told due to the special bond the three of them had. Nihat didn't know that Osman was assigned to him and Mevkibe a long time ago to protect, watch out for them and would continue to do so because he became the son they never had. Ayhan and Ceycey were thrilled to pieces that they could remain together. A local friend of the Aydin Family by the name Muzzo was given the store clear from debt, fully stocked with goods along with some extra money in the bank to buy products and pay expenses.

Aziz always had a back up plan when it came to his family's safety as well as the Aylin's. He knew that with this job that threats would come and they would have to relocate. They had been fortunate enough to have lived where they were for this long period of time. It had finally come to a point to leave everything behind only taking their personal belongings. That's why he built his Island the way he did. Houses for guest, a nice recreation area because of the chance they would have to stay on the Island and not leave until they knew they were safe. Only certain people would be able to go to the big Island and get the necessaties to survive. He had many connections and had a plan with them all layed out just in case. He knew that this was going to be super hard for the Aydin's to leave their good friends that they had made all these years ago while raising their daughters in the Mahalle and start a whole knew life. They were very fortunate to have lived in one place for a long time and was a good chance they could never return for the safety of the Family. Aziz and Mihriban took them in as one of their own Family members and made them feel welcomed and well Loved. The Divit's did an awesome job helping the Aydin's adjust to their new surroundings. Aunt Remide and Mevkibe hit it off very well. Emre and Leyla were married by Metin that was certified to do so on the Main Pier under the covered pavilion at sunset. Another small version of the main house had started construction for Emre and Leyla to live in. Aziz had hired a friend that owned a Construction Company. While it was being built Emre and Leyla stayed in the Main house. Osman was setup in his new butcher shop along with a three bedroom home. Ayhan and Ceycey stayed with him. Metin had a small office and a bungalow on a beach for himself to live. Bulut stayed with Baris and was building his own little bungalow on Aziz's Island helping Baris to maintain the grounds. And between the three women they too held a tight ship once everyone got settled in on this beautiful Island of paradise that they now called HOME.

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