Safe Hands

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As Aziz got off the plane Mitat called him to let him know that Ceyda had left her house early and that the men were able to search the house. Everything that Mina said was confirmed to be true. She was now clear of any possible connection to Ceyda's evil ways. There was no sign of the doll but he told them about the opened spell book that had a recipe for hypnosis. He sent Aziz a photo of it. As Aziz read it carefully even the small print that he had to use a magnify glass. He could help but to smile over what it had said about how to break the spell. He would talk to Sanem alone about that later. He filled Emre, Leyla, CeyCey and Sanem in about the doll. It had been agreed that if CeyCey gets it in his hands it is to be given to Sanem to be taken well care of. She had been told about everything on the flight to the Mainland. The four of them walked in the office Sanem and CeyCey stayed by the refreshment center so they wouldn't be seen by Can and Ceyda until the meeting. Aziz walks in his office seeing the two of them being very friendly. Can just rolled his eyes at his Father. She gifted him an rare antique camera. She was all touchy feeling toward him and of course he didn't mind places his arm over her should like couples do because he was under a hypnosis. Sanem and CeyCey stood off to the half wall peeking around the corner at Can and Ceyda. Aziz just hung out in Emre's offce. Sanem starts to get pissed when she seeing the touching going on between Can and Ceyda grabbing onto CeyCey shoulder squeezing harder and harder. "Sanem, stop you are hurting me." She lets go and apologizes to him "Sorry CeyCey. I won't let this bitch have my man." Aziz yells for them that it is time for the meeting. Aziz and Emre gives Sanem much needed words of encouragement and to remind her that they had her back.

CeyCey and Sanem were getting coffee and tea for everyone for the meeting when Can spotted her

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CeyCey and Sanem were getting coffee and tea for everyone for the meeting when Can spotted her . He walked up to the counter as they were putting the glasses and pitchers of hot tea and coffee. He leaned on the counter and said "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay the fuck home with YOUR, I REPEAT YOUR babies." ......... "You know what CAN BEY? Take it up with your father. I have a job to do if you don't like it TOUGH!" She walks away with the tray in her hands followed by CeyCey "This isn't going to be easy Sanem. I really feel bad for you. Can Bey is being so mean to you" ....... "Just get that damn doll in my hands and I will take it from there. This spell will be broken. I need this doll to do it" They enter the Conference room, placed the tray on the shelf and found their seats. Before Can and Ceyda walked in everyone wished CeyCey and Sanem good luck. Not to take any shit off on either one of them two. If she had to leave to pump just get up and walk out. No questions asked by them. Aziz said one more thing before Deren, Can and Ceyda walked in "Sanem, everyone sitting at this table knows that you are Can's one true Love. Do what you have to do to bring him back to us. We are all behind you 100 percent" The room was quite when the three of them entered. Can gave Sanem a hateful look when he saw her sitting at the back of the table on his left. She refused to look at him and began to scribble on her pad of paper to avoid looking at him all together. The only seat left open after Deren took her place next to Aziz was by CeyCey. Ceyda had no other choice to sit next to him. He turned to Sanem and whispered "This plan worked. Thank goodness Deren sat by Aziz Bey" Can started the meeting with how Ceyda wanted the Campaign to go. Guliz knocked on the door and peeked in. "Sorry to interrupt but, Mr Asym has come to join you" ....... Aziz stood up to greet him and Emre pulled a chair from the corner and pulled it up at the table. Can continued. Mr Asym was not liking anything that Can was saying about how Ceyda wanted things to go. Ceyda at this point was fiddling in her huge bag for a pen and paper and CeyCey sees her pull out a doll. He then elbows Sanem to look down. Sanem's eyes got big as saucers when she saw the doll being placed on her lap. She winked and smiled at CeyCey. Mr Asym than asked Sanem and Deren what their opinion was about the Campaign. Sanem let Deren explain it since they had already been talking through video call. He loved their idea so much better than Ceyda's ideas. You could see she was getting pissed by the minute. Asym plan this because it was discussed prior between Aziz and himself. Can was feeling like he was being excluded, and that nobody liked his ideas as he took a seat on the shelf. Emre and Leyla were smirking at him as they watched. Emre leaned into Leyla and whispered in her ear "He is not happy right now. This is back firing between him and Ceyda. Karma is a bitch and my brother hopefully is brought back to reality by Sanem before it is to late" ........ "She will, don't worry. She slipped me a note to let me know that Ceyda has the doll on her lap" ........ Emre smiles and looks over at Sanem giving her wink. He then leaned into his Father and tells him that the doll is here. Aziz pats his hand on top of Emre's and whispered back " Good, now it's up to CeyCey to get it and pass it onto Sanem. CeyCey watches closely as Ceyda plays with the doll. All of a sudden it slips off her lap landing on it's head then on it's back before it came to a stop. They both watched Can seeing him rub his head than he arched his back like it was bothering him. CeyCey and Sanem looked at each other "Push it over to me CeyCey" in a low whisper. He slowly moves it toward Sanem with his foot.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora