Shattered Pieces

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That morning after Aziz, Nihat, Emre and Leyla flew to the Mainland. Mevkibe went in to check on Sanem. Knocking on her door not hearing anything she opened it and walked in only to see that all her things were gone. She yelled to Mihriban to come. She looked over on the bed and saw a envelope addressed to Mom on her pillow. Sat down on the edge of the bed with Mihriban next to her as she read it out loud.

 Sat down on the edge of the bed with Mihriban next to her as she read it out loud

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Dearest Mom's,
  I am sorry for not saying Goodbye to you. I didn't do this because of you both. I really appreciate all that you have done to help me and the babies.

I can't stay here any longer. I am tired of all the lies and secrets that Aziz Bey and Dad tell me. I am trying so hard to adapt to this new way of living. It's a very big significant change to my daily routine and right now I feel I need to have some tranquility and serenity in my daily life. I need to find my inner peace again, because I have lost it since I left and ever since I got back here its been full of commotion and confusion. I know you mean well, but I need to make peace with myself, my life, and the people in this house that is causing me to go crazy. Mom, I am trying so so hard to accept this life style so thats why I chose to distance myself from the men in this house. I feel like they are controlling everything I do and I just can't live like that any longer. I want to focus only on myself and the twins until Can returns. Things need to change and I need to claim ownership and control on my own life along with the welfare of the twins. I really need to do this for myself, so please let me go. I will tell you this that I am not to far away and not alone. CeyCey and Ayhan are with me. I promise to let you see Deniz and Ates only on my terms until the issues between Dad, Aziz Bey and I are cleared up. I will call you once a week. I will be fine Mom please don't worry. Would you please give this flash drive to Aziz Bey. It has all the things on it pertaining to the Sports Campaign along with the presentation. I decided to quit working at the Agency and I wanted to make sure that they get everything. I have money and I will be working on something else that Can asked me to consider. So I promise you both I will be just fine. So until we come together again I will send daily pictures of the babies and you will always be in my thoughts.    
                             LOVE YOU BOTH,
                                 SANEM XXXX

They two of them sat and cried holding onto each other. Several hour had gone by when Mihriban and Mevkibe finally settled down. They both decided that a phone call should be made. Mevkibe picks up her phone places a call to Leyla and puts it on speaker so Mihriban could be included "Leyla, where is your Father?" ........"He is in Aziz's office" ....... "Take your phone into them and put it on speaker" she does as her mother demanded
"Everyone of you need to listen up. Sanem and the twins moved out in the middle of the night along with CeyCey and Ayhan. She left a letter and you will all listen to it as I read it to you. And you had better make some drastic changes before you come home." Mevkibe began to read the letter to them.
"There you have it. Don't come home until all of you men deal with what must be done. And I truly hate to say this but it needs to be said. You all are acting like Huma. Trying to destroy Can and Sanem to the point that they don't even want to be around us. You had better fix it now Aziz and Nihat or the consequences will be something that you don't want. So get your shit together and get your asses in damage control gear now."

Mevkibe hung up the phone before anyone could say anything. Aziz looked at Emre and Leyla "You two stay here. Nihat and I need to go to Headquarters and talk to Mitat. Emre get Metin on the phone and have him come here later this afternoon." Aziz called for his driver to take him and Nihat over to Headquarters. With the expressions on both of their face Emre and Leyla could see that shit was about to hit the fan. But were relieved that they were asked to stay at the Agency. Emre called Metin and told him he would be there at 4pm and Leyla went back to her office to try to work. Emre called Deren into his office to let her know that Sanem and CeyCey quit and he would make sure she got the flash drive to her tomorrow. Deren was upset when she heard this and told Emre that she needed to get out of the office. She sat on a bench across the street from the Agency. Thinking about how much Sanem and CeyCey had really worked hard on the Campaign. She only hoped that she could finish what they hadn't done. The worse part of all of this Deren knew she was so hard and pressured them both on this campaign. Now that they were no longer there that's when she realized that you don't know how much you truly appreciate someone until they weren't there anymore. She made a promise to herself that she would try her best to no long treat the employees at Frika Harika like she did to CeyCey and Sanem. She never return back to work and would deal with it tomorrow once the flash drive was given to her.
It was late when Aziz, Nihat, Emre and Leyla returned to the Island. They found two drunk women sitting outside by the fire pit singing sad songs. They both stuck up their middle finger at the four looking at them. It was best for them to be left there and will tell them everything tomorrow on the changes that were made today. So they went in the house got themselves ready for bed and off to bed they went.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now