Bye Bye Fabri

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Sanem was looking at Leyla like please help me I really don't want to do this. Taking Sanem by her hand Fabri leads her to the dance floor, gets up close to her ear than says "Hello my Sleeping Beauty! Do you remember me?" Sanem shook her head no. At this point everyone was busy talking and dancing not paying any attention to Sanem. "Oh you will in time Ms Aydin. I can't wait to work closely with you on this campaign. I understand you are the creative one behind it. It didn't surprise me at all knowing how well you did in your floral class. Best part I can't wait to get you alone again" ...... "Why do you feel the need to be alone with me Sir? Can bey, Deren and I work together as a team" ......"It's ok, but consider this a warning my pretty! You will remember how good I made you feel one night and will come begging to be with me again" Sanem swallowed hard as she saw Yigit and Professor Balik flash before her eyes of the night she was Sexually assaulted "Oh my God you are Professor Balik" She stop right there on the dance floor "You were the other man that worked with Yigit" ...... "Correction he work for me and I told you that you would remember" Sanem became so upset that she walked away, grabbed her purse off the table and left the Party. Just than undercover officers came out of nowhere with the Commissioner went up to Fabri and arrested him right in front of everyone. Can had gone to the men's room and came out seeing all the commotion on the dance floor. He looked everywhere for Sanem and couldn't find her. He asked Leyla and the others if they knew where she was. Leyla tried calling Sanem's cell phone, only to found it to be turned off and her voice recording kicked in right away. Leyla went to Can, Emre, Aziz Bey in a panic to let them know she couldn't get ahold of her. "Leyla, calm down she may have went to the ladies room" Emre replied. "I checked there. The last time I saw her she was dancing with Fabri" ........ Can after taking a big gulp of his Whiskey said "That son of a bitch better not have said anything to hurt her. Or have a new partner. I'll kill him" ....... "Brother, calm down, control your temper we have a scene going on with Fabri's arrest and don't need to add to it" Can looked at Emre and said "Fuck you, I am going to go look for her myself" Aziz jumped in front of Can and put his hand on Can's chest to make him stop. Just then the Commissioner walked up to them. They explained to him that Sanem was no where to be found. He called the two officers in the van to listen for her since she was wearing the earrings. Keeping them on the phone he was told all they could hear was her sobbing. He told them to keep listening and maybe they will find out where she was. Mihriban made a confession right there that Sanem had burned it and apologized not thinking it could be evidence. He told her not to worry that if Sanem remembered what happened hopefully she will give a statement. Mihriban warned them all about how fragile Sanem was and that they needed to approach her as gentle as they could. The Commissioner stated that they had women officers that knew how to handle special cases like this. That more likely Sanem would open up to a woman verses a man. They eventually left to go searching and the Commissioner would stay in contact with Aziz on any news of Sanem. Hours had gone by and not a word was heard of any where abouts of Sanem. Can was getting very frustrated with the whole situation because he felt that he was finally starting to make her comfortable being around him. Emre and Leyla were searching in his car around town. He kept Can on speaker phone to stay in contact as they told each other where they had checked. Aziz and Mihriban went home to wait and let them know her car was there but there was no sign of her anywhere. CeyCey was in Can's truck with him so he wouldn't searching alone and was very worried about his dear friend. He even tried to get in touch with Ayhan and her phone was even off. The four of them eventually headed to Aziz and Mihriban home and would wait together for the Commissioner to call. Mihriban being the kind person she was had fixed snacks for them to nibble on. When they reached the farm Can drove to the Barn to search it and her flower room to see if she was there. CeyCey being the first time at Sanem's was amazed of her property and the horses. Can fed them some apples and made sure they were alright for the night. Can told him how he and Sanem would take them riding together most evenings before it got dark. CeyCey knew how Can truly felt about Sanem because many times Can would take him out for dinner and drinks and just talk about her. These two men had a special bond more so than his own brother. Emre was in his own world just as much as Can. But, lately their relationship began to flourish even more due to being in Love with the Aydin sisters. Can talked to Emre about how deeply he was feeling for Sanem and Emre has helped him work through it until the time was right. Can didn't have many friends he could confide in being the traveler he was. So his brother and CeyCey were his go to when he needed someone to talk to when Metin wasn't available. The two of them headed back to Aziz and try to wait patiently for and information leading to Sanem's where abouts. That was one of Can's weakness patience was not his best side and was learning to be more patient when it came to Sanem. They all sat down together after changing out of their dress clothes into something more comfortable and just waited. Nothing was said in the room, as they just sat there staring and thinking about Sanem. Metin had called Bulut after he was done with the Commissioner to let him be aware of what had happened and asked him to join him at Aziz's and wait for any news. Bulut was now pissed because he had been left out of all of this and went in the house fired up reaming Can, Aziz and Emre a new asshole. They finally got him calmed down once Metin showed up. Metin promised from here on out to fill him in on the case. Bulut demand that he will be there front and center when it came to Sanem. He was now her Lawyer and none of them would leave him out and would have to come to him first about any thing pertaining to this case. He would introduce himself to the Commissioner and let him know that he was now representing Sanem. Metin and Bulut both made a hand shake agreeing to work together for the sake of Sanem.

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