A Explosion was bound to happen

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Everyone was in the kitchen fixing their breakfast plates when Can walked in grabbed some fruit and a muffin "Nihat Bey, you need to tell Sanem asap. I have to be able to talk to her. Dad I need to get the hell out of here and gather my thoughts that are  running around in my head right now. You all should have fucking told me from the beginning what going on and maybe just maybe things would've been this screwed up. I am going to say one more thing I AM FUCKING DONE WITH THIS JOB!"  walking out with his hands up in the air. Aziz yells and runs to him "Can, please talk to me. You can't leave this job right now" He turns to his Father with Nihat standing there behind him. Can points his finger at the both of them "Watch me, there are three people upstairs that are more important right now and needs me. I only care about fixing things that this fucking job has caused because you Nihat Bey never told her about it and kept her sheltered all her life. She needs to know NOW. I'll see you later Dad!" Can walks down the pier jumps on the jet ski and rides away not looking back.
Emre was listening close by and merged around the corner "This in not good Dad, we need him to bring Ceyda down and put this whole case behind us. Hate to tell you that Dad Nihat you need tell Sanem today. The women here will help her deal with it ....... do it before her Doctor come" ...... "Your right Emre. I'll call Mitat now and tell him what is going on" Aziz walks in his office to call Nihat's brother.

Things were very quite as everyone sat down to eat there breakfast. Gamze stopped when she heard crying and gasps coming from Sanem room. She rushed up stairs to see Sanem was having some sort of nightmare. She gently woke her up. Sanem was repeating "Where are my babies, where are my babies!" ....... "Sanem you had a nightmare. It happens! Look the babies are right there" Sanem just wouldn't settle down. "Nihat Bey, if you are listening please come up here and calm Sanem down" Sanem was so upset she grabbed her glass of water and threw it across the room while demanding that she be taken to the farm .  Nihat walked in and sat down held his daughter in his arms to help her settle down. When she felt it was him she finally calm down. Gamze fed the babies through their tubes, changed their tiny little diapers and made sure the babies were ok before she left because after the explosion that went down not to long ago with Can she knew Nihat needed to talk to Sanem. She hurt for the both of them.

"My sweet early bird. I need to talk to you about something. I was going to wait a couple of days when you were back on your feet, but it can't wait no longer. Please hear me out. What happened between you and Can was not either one of your faults. He just went off on his Father and mainly me big time and had to leave to think. What I am about tell you I think it will help you to understand what Can did and why we are here. It will all hopefully make sense to you."

Just then Mevkibe walks in and closes the door and gaves Sanem a cup of tea. She then turned off the baby monitor so no could hear what Nihat was telling her. Then Mevkibe joined Nihat on the bed next to their daughter.

Sanem layed her head on Mevkibe's shoulder to listen to what her Father was about to say

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Sanem layed her head on Mevkibe's shoulder to listen to what her Father was about to say. Nihat begin from the beginning. Their job about the Task Force. How he made the mistake of sheltering her. Why she really went to the farm even though what had conspired between her and Leyla. That even her Gram was part of it. How he met Aziz through their job up to this minute why they all had to move to the Island and that's why Sanem was there now. Serveral hours had gone by when he finally finished. Sanem just sat there in silence from hearing everything. "Sanem, I am so sorry that I kept this from you for so long. I even know about what Fabri and Yigit had done to you in Ankara. All I can ask is for you to please forgive me and your mother for not telling you. Leyla has known for quite sometime time. This is not Can's fault, he is just as upset as you are and threaten to give up his job for you and the babies." Sanem said nothing. Nihat kissed her on the top of her head and walked out of the room leaving Mevkibe there with her. Sanem finally broke down and cried in her mother's arms. " Baby this is what we are going to do! First you pump. Then you will take a shower to freshen yourself up and make you feel better. I will take you downstairs to sit out on the patio for awhile to get some fresh air. It will do you good.  You will eat and if you don't talk that will be ok. Gamze will take care of your babies" ...... "OK, can you stay here with me in case I need you in the bathroom" ...... "Yes, while your doing that I will tidy up your bed. Your clothes from the farm are hanging in the closet and your other things are in the dresser. It's going to be alright baby, this I can promise you. It may take time but you will adjust to the new way of living just like all of us women have done all due to our Love for our men. Sacrifices will have to be made on both sides but when we are all together we make the best of it because we never know when they have to be called to leave." Sanem releases her mother and heads to get in the shower with her mother helping her.

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