The Sea is Beautiful

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Can took Sanem to an outdoor restaurant since it was a nice day with a view of the sea. As they sat there waiting for the waiter to take their order. Sanem was looking out at the sea and said "Can, the sea is very beautiful today, isn't it?" ...... "Yes, very beautiful" he said staring at her. Just than the waiter came up to the table to get there order. Can ordered small dishes for them to share. When the food finally arrived Sanem dug in like she was starving to death. "Samen, you are far from other women I know. They are always on some detox remedy, but not you. I hate to even ask them out for a meal because I get so tired of sitting there in front of them shoving food in my mouth that they look at me like I am doing something very wrong. It's nice to see a woman eating a normal meal for a change" ...... "You can thank my parents for that. We were raised to enjoy the food placed before us, appreciate what we have, not be picky because there are starving people out there in the world that go hungry and not know where their next meal would come from. Besides food is my comfort" ....... "Very true! I have been to some of these places on my Photography jobs and it's pretty sad to see people suffer like that. In fact, that's what I will be doing in a few weeks. The Magazine wants to do a story on hunger to make people more aware of what's going on throughout this world" ....... "I will be looking forward to reading the article and seeing your photos. Someday, if I ever make extra money I want to help people in need such as hunger, medical care and education. They deserve it just as much as we do. Every day we need to be grateful for what we have, but sadly people have gotten so greedy and think only of themselves. They have this attitude its all about me and the hell with you". Can sat there watching Sanem and could see that in her pained heart a loving caring women went deep and wanted so much to see that side come out in her. "Can I ask you a personal question Sanem? I don't want to offend you please understand that" ...... "I guess you can. I will let you know if you are going to far" ...... "After what you have been through, how do you do it? I mean you seem to cover up your pain so well. You come across so innocent and try to put on a happy face" ...... "What appears on the outside Can, is not how I feel on the inside. I am numb and have blocked alot of it. Don't get me wrong! I am trying very hard to work through it and believe me I have my days. Bulut's girlfriend Denise, is teaching me how to meditate and breathe when I am having a bad day. So if you see me sitting at my desk with eyes closed and taking deep breaths that means I am working through something." ...... "OK, fully noted. Do you mind if I ask you this next question.......... do you ever think you will change the way you think about men and fall in Love with one. I totally get that you were treated very badly and disrespected, but you do realize that all man are not bad. There are some really good ones out there that know how to treat a woman right and show her what true love is" ...... "Maybe one day! Will see if my Albatross shows up" ...... "For all you know Sanem, He might just be right in front of you.  You don't want to open those beautiful brown eyes of yours to look at the view" ....... "I really don't have any interest at the moment and honestly I could careless! Besides Can, why are we talking about this right now. I thought we were suppose to be discussing the Perfume Account. I truly don't want to talk to you about this especially after hearing all the rumors about you. We should only be talking about work and not my personal Love Life" Sanem said in a very irritated voice. Can made a smirk while turning his head to look out at the sea after hear her remark about him. "So, enlighten me Sanem about these so called rumors. Do you believe everything you hear?" ...... rolling her eyes "Listen, No I don't believe everything I hear but........I have to admit that you are a very handsome man and it is quite noticeable that you take good care of your body. No wonder women want a piece of you and want to chase you to extremes. You must love it because what I hear is YOU CAN DIVIT  have had one in your bed most night, in fact probably every place you have traveled also. I'm pretty sure you have left your mark everywhere you have traveled and for all you know there could be little Divit's running around. So this basically tells me that you feed into this lifestyle. So don't sit here and tell me to open my eyes to men like you that is a full blown womanizer. Take a good look in the mirror Can Divit for you keep this up, you will be the lonely one walking around with your cane. Women do talk and if you keep this shit up your reputation will go down to nothing real fast."  ......Can sat there for the longest time having nothing to say. "So guess what I just said is true. Because you have not one word to say" ...... "Sanem, yes some of it is true. It was just fucking sex. There is a big difference from sex and making Love to someone. But, let me say this my pretty! You never know who you may kiss in the dark that sent an electrifying sensation throughout your body. That's when sometimes you get a wake up call and realize you don't want that lifestyle anymore. You stop to think about and what you have missed out on. The past is the past, that's when you learn to leave that behind and live to reach a goal of a more fulfilling future. And you lean into hope just a little that she is worth waiting patiently for to come around" ......... Sanem sat there thinking about that kiss in the dark and how she felt. Can watched her closely and knew what she was thinking. He actually felt like he had begun to open her mind and heart as he thought that there was a sign of hope in her eyes. She had not a single word left in her at that time. Can could see tears begin to fill in her eyes. One ran down her cheek reaching over to wipe it off he said "Don't cry, it will be ok. You are very special in someone's eyes. You are valued more than you know right now. Try to open your heart Sanem, let go of the pain within you. For the payoff will be will worth it in the end." All she could do was look at him in the eyes in which he could see just a small sign of Love. "Come on, we need to get back. I have a meeting with someone" Can said as he got up from the table with Sanem slowly following him. When they got back in his truck Sanem was trying to pull the seat belt strap. He reaches over to help Sanem release it after he snapped it in to place, they both looked at each other in the eyes still in close proximity. No words were said but only through eye contact. That's when sometimes no words are needed but eyes expressions can say alot. They drove off to return to the Agency leaving each of them just thinking and not exchanging any more words.

 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now