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Mihriban woke up and was heading downstairs to make coffee so she peeked in Sanem's to see if she was up feeding the babies. When she looked in her room all she could do was smile as tears began to fill her eyes. Aziz was coming down the hall and Mihriban motioned for him to come and see. When he saw his son in bed with Sanem all sprun out across her, he said to his lovely wife "I have a feeling alot of changes are about to happen between them two. I won't be a bit surprised if he moves in her room." ........ "I think Sanem's heart has changed from yesterday's event. I bet the questions will start with us women about how we manage to accept your beloved's job. These two have been through so much it's time Aziz for them to come together and heal. They are made for each other but damn to hard headed to give in. Come on lets go make some coffee."

Can was the first to wake up. He layed there just admiring this beautiful woman beside him. Thinking to himself [If only! Oh the things we could do together. Why won't she open her heart completely to me. I know that she Loves me, Dad told me she said it to him. Ah, Sanem, Ah]. She began to stir, so Can pretended to be asleep. When she opened her eyes she was not surprised at all to see them in this position. So she slowly moved Can's arm off of her and quietly climbed out of bed so she wouldn't wake him. She went to the bathroom and came out and saw a certain little girl moving. So she went over to her "Good Morning beautiful. Let mommy fed you first before your hoggy brother wakes up." She changed her diaper and went out on the chaise lounge to feed her baby girl. Can was just lying there watching these special girls in his life connect and listening to Sanem talk to Ates "Mommy don't know what to do. My heart wants one thing but my head is telling me something else. Ates, I Love Daddy but, I don't know if I can do this with his risky job. He could be away for a long periods of time and the worst part we won't know where he is, what he is doing or even be able to talk to him. Mommy would be constantly worried about him." Can layed there listening to every word Sanem was saying. He wanted to get up from the bed and go to her but knew he had to wait for her to come to him. "You definitely have your  daddy's beautiful brown eyes. You little stinker already have your finger wrapped around his. Your daddy's girl already that's for sure. He is so gentle and will do anything for you my sweet child." .................... "Your wrapped around mine too whether you know it or not. I would do anything for you my Love. You will always be my first girl" Can said softly and low out loud.

It was quite for awhile when Can finally said "Sanem"

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It was quite for awhile when Can finally said "Sanem" ........"Yes Can" ........ "Deniz is stirring. Why don't you give me Ates if your done feeding her and I will take her downstairs so you can be alone to feed Deniz" ........ "OK, she is almost done. Will you change his diaper for me? I would really appreciate it" ........ "Not a problem. Your Mother showed me how to do it without him pissing on me" Sanem laughed out loud when he said that. Can changed Deniz and took him out to Sanem by now he was so ready to be fed crying his lungs out. He placed him in her arms and took Ates from her. Can kissed Ates right by her mouth "Yummy, Mommy taste pretty good on you. Know wonder you babies are so attached to her boobies. Maybe one day Daddy can experience the taste of Mommy. I understand it can be very erotic between and mother and his Lover" Giving her a wink as he walks out to go downstairs. Sanem turned fifty shades of red and went on to fed Deniz. As she was feeding her son, looking down at him, she imagined what it would be like having Can suck on her breast tasting her milk. With that thought she literally had to fan herself due to getting a urge of a hot sensation go through her body. She said to Denzi "You men sure love the boobs don't you." He looked up at her with much Love in his eyes for his momma. "You are sure a mommas boy aren't you." She takes her finger and strokes his little cheeks as he grabs it with his hand wrapping it around her finger. "Deniz, if Mommy returns to Daddy will you be our protector when he has to leave on a mission until he comes back" Deniz squeezed her finger as if he knew what she was saying. They finished spending quality time together and headed downstairs to join the others. Nihat took Deniz so Sanem could have her cup of coffee and go out to walk around the flower gardens like she does every morning. Can was sitting out on the patio still holding Ates watching Sanem.
"Are you going to be like Mommy and enjoy flowers and make creams. I bet she will teach you all about it. Maybe you can make your own special scent. But, don't making it to attract the men. Daddy will definitely be doing a full background check on any you bring home. And then you will only be able to date them by my approval" Can continued to just watch Sanem as she smelled the flowers. Mihriban came out to see if Can needed a refill. She saw Sanem walking up on the patio and said "Sanem, Can and Aunt Rem picked some of your wild flowers on the farm and brought them back with their roots still intact. I planted them over in the empty garden that I had." Looking at Can she said "Really you two did that for me?" ......."Actually Sanem, Uncle Ri, Emre and Ibriam helped too. We can get some more if you want" ....... "Wow, Thank you so much Can" ...... "Your welcome. If you want us to build a little shop like Dad said. Just let us know" ........ All she could do was smile as she took a seat at the table. Her mind was thinking on that idea as Can could see that it may just happen but, he thought of something else pertaining to that. He would sit down with the men later and throw the idea to them and see if they would be willing to help and give any opinions on it.

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 A Trilogy: "Against the Odds" Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now