A Letters Request

Start from the beginning

And those threats he made about making you love him...he bloody meant it. He will do everything in his power to get you - more so now that he knows you are forbidden fruit - those were his favourite conquests. He sickened me in school the way he would go after girls. He was ruthless.

Cedric made him promise to stay away from you because he knew what Lucas was like and didn't want you to be a notch on his bedpost. He used to go mental when Lucas flirted with you. 

It's not my place to say but he has been with many, many girls. Some of them you even know. And I don't believe he ever really cared about any of them.

I know people can change and I know he had some sort of a relationship with Isabella's mother but...I don't know...I love him like a brother but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

Unfortunately like I said he is relentless. He will keep hounding and pursuing you until he either finally sleeps with you or he finds someone else to torment. 

Just keep telling him no firmly and never allow yourself to be alone with him for too long. He is a pig but he would never physically harm you. But he will definitely try it on with you (which pisses me off). 

He will also use your friends to gain your trust. He will smile and be polite and charming. I've already told Pansy to beware so tell the others as well.

Tell him your not interested. Really drive it home when you do as well. Tell him you don't see him in that way. Tell him he is like a brother to you or something. 

 If he gets to be too much kick him in the balls! Hard!
I haven't seen him in a while. Maybe it's time to get the band back together and let me and Nate have a talk with him. 

I hear that Azalea had her sentence revoked and is out and back with you. Anyone who really knew the girl knew she was innocent. She could never do anything to hurt anyone - especially you and Teeny. 

Teeny however I never trusted. 

Tell her I asked after her and tell her to keep her chin up - that girl is much stronger than she gives herself credit for. I bet she feels guilty that she is out and others are still inside but remind her of her innocence - that she shouldn't have been there to begin with.

And make sure Draco knows how amazing you truly are. Don't be afraid to be yourself with him. You are an incredible lady Raelyn Diggory. I was always in awe of you - your kindness, your compassion and your loyalty. You showed me a whole world that I grew up without. You taught me to love.

I am so sorry I failed you when it mattered. But look at you now!

An absolute badass with a heart of gold. Don't never lose that.

I don't know if you would be up for it but I have a few things I would like to talk to you about. A few...issues that before now I was too much of a coward to talk to you about but I feel like I need to. You need to know the truth?

Will you agree to meet me and let me explain? My all means you can have Pansy with you or bring Draco. But please I would like to talk. 

Could you come today? I leave on Boxing Day and as tomorrow it Christmas Eve I feel like I won't get a chance.

I could come to you or you could come to me. Whichever suits best.

You can let me know.





Raelyn read the letter for about 5 minutes before she finally handed it over to us. A look of, uncertainty on her face. 

Theo leaned over my shoulder as I held the parchment between Azaleah and myself.

What the fuck? Was this guy trying to get her back?

My throat seemed to grow tighter.

I had only just got this amazing girl and now was I at risk of losing her?

I looked up at her, finishing reading before the others did. She caught my eye. As if she was watching to see what my reaction was.

"You ok?" I asked. She looked guilty at me. 

Crap here it comes.

She took a deep breath as I started going through all the arguements for why she should stay with me.

"Would you come with me?" She asked.

Huh? I feel like I missed something.

"Come with you?"

"To see him. I'm not sure I want to hear what he has to say. Something tells me it's not good. It would be nice to have my boyfriend with me."

"Your boyfriend?" I knew I sounded like an idiot but I was still trying to figure out what she meant. So she isn't breaking up with me?

"Yes...my boyfriend...you...Draco Malfoy...unless that has changed in the last few minutes?" Now she looked scared.

I wanted to put my arms around her. Act cool and tell her she's my girl. Instead I looked like a maniac as I brought her into my arms and swung her round before kissing her passionately. So much so even Theo looked away blushing.

"I'm yours," I said simply.

"And I'm yours." She answered. 

"We can go while we get the shopping this morning."

"Where do you think you're going?" Lucas asked slamming the door behind him. 

Bloody lanky prick.

I still had my arms around Rae as she turned to him.

"To get some groceries and pay a visit. Draco is coming with me."

"You shouldn't be leaving. Azaleah needs you here. The boys can go." He gestured to me and Theo.

I really hate him.

"Actually I have messages to do. And I want to spend some time with Draco."

Suck it asshole!

"No I am in charge and I don't allow you to leave. I am supposed to be watching you."


"No you are here to guard Azaleah to make sure she is ok and to do your job. It has nothing to do with me. I can go and do whatever I want." 

That's my girl.

"And you can't stop me."

I could tell by his face that he knew she was right. He had no following argument. 

"Good. Now Azaleah we won't be gone long. Just to get some food and a few things for Christmas dinner and a little party. Then I am going to to Parkinson Manor to visit an old friend."

"I thought Pansy was with Blaise at his house until Christmas Eve?" Theo asked.

"She is. I am going to see Wren."

I looked to Lucas who's face paled. I etched the memory into my brain. His face was priceless and I wanted to remember it forever. 

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