45. In the Gallery pt. 2

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Outfit visuals ^^

Luna's POV

"It wouldn't be too much work actually. I have a studio only a few streets down," He said taking a sip of his scotch. "I think we'd work well together."

"I'm sorry," I answered as kindly as I could. "I'm not a model and I don't really have much time for that. I only helped Casey with a favor."

We were both standing in front of another photo of me. The guy whose name I couldn't remember followed me from upstairs and had been trying to talk about hiring me as a model for his portfolio. Thing is, I didn't model and he wanted a nude one. I didn't like the way his eyes kept traveling up my body and I wanted to get out of this conversation. He didn't pick up on any of the signals I was sending him. It was like he didn't understand personal space.

I moved past and into another room, hoping he wouldn't follow me. Not looking where I was going, I nearly collided with someone else but I quickly stopped.

Looking up at his face, I recognized him immediately.

"Donovan?" I said feeling a smile form on my face. I was nearly breathless from the sight of him and the weird feelings that crept up my throat.

Towering over me and having the build of a near giant, Donovan was an NFL player for the New York Giants. He was friends with Will and the only reason I knew him was that we met at their wedding. We flirted for a little and kissed by the end of the night but it never went anywhere. He was always busy and I ended up dating Leo not too long after.

Staring at him now, I was reminded what I found so attractive about him so long ago. With dark brown skin and little freckles across his nose and a smile that gave me butterflies, he was textbook good-looking.

It was so weird how I perceived him now. Immediately, I found him good-looking and subconsciously logged him into the just-friends category.

I had Jax to blame for that.

"Luna," he looked over my head and made eye contact with someone. I turned and watched as the creep from before turned and found someone else to bore.

"It's so nice to see a familiar face," I said holding my hands together behind my back. For the past hour I was in the small kitchen in the back, helping the waiters with the food delivery Carmen brought in. And when I was done I drank two glasses of champagne. I wasn't drunk but I wasn't exactly sober. Buzzed was the word.

I was convinced Jax wasn't coming and I couldn't call him to ask if he was because I had lost my phone a good while ago. So instead I had made myself useful and helped Casey in whatever she needed me for.

"Last time I saw you was..." He looked deep in thought with a devious smile on his face. My eyes wandered to the tattoos peeking out from his neck. I remembered him having more leading down his chest. I wasn't sure why I knew that though. "We made out on a boat I think."

I laughed feeling embarrassed and relaxed for the first time tonight. "I don't remember most of it. I know Will and Maya's recpetion was on the water on this massive boat and I drank my weight in vodka shots."

He brightened and bumped his arm into mine playfully. "I also don't remember much from that night either but I could never forget you."

"Oh please," I said shaking my head with a laugh. "I pretty sure I threw up right after we made out in the bathroom, so of course you couldn't forget me."

His laugh was low in timbre and infectious. Donovan was one of those people who laughed with their whole chest, making you stop and stare. Let's just say he had a prominant one.

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