20. Fake it Till you Make it Baby

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A/N: Sorry for the delayed update, got caught up. Happy new year!!! I hope your year is filled with blessings and happiness. As a treat, I will be uploading twice, so you don't have to wait. Enjoy!

Jax's POV

Monday, July 12th

9:20 am

My stomach was constricting and squeezing as a laugh erupted from my mouth.

Carmen smiled deviously and shrugged.

"You've got to be kidding me," Luna said with a look of disbelief. "Why are you laughing? This is not funny."

I rested my hand on my racing heart and tried to wipe the smile off my face. It was impossible. This was seriously too funny.

"Carmen you can't be serious," Luna sat down on the steps of the studio. The three of us were gathered outside of a dance studio that Carmen instructed us to come to. "This is considered lying."

"It's not like she'll know and it technically doesn't matter."

My laughter finally faded and I looked up at the studio's window. Written in bold white letters were the words, Seniorita Maria's Dance Lessons.

"So what? Are we just supposed to act like we don't know how to dance?" Luna questioned, clearly still not on board with this. "I don't see why we need to get lessons."

"These are lessons for chemistry specifically. I think you two need it." She looked back and forth between the two of us. "There's only so much I can do and I think these lessons will really help."

There was something about the way she said it that made me stop for a moment. I didn't see the point in us coming to some other random studio for dance lessons and pretending we didn't know how to dance. Something wasn't adding up.

"Carmen," I said giving her a knowing look. "What are you not telling us?"

"Yeah," Luna agreed. "I'm lost as to why we're even here."

"You said these lessons are based on chemistry. What do you mean by that?"

Carmen's expression turned playful and she pulled her shoulders up to her ears. "These lessons are specifically for a bride and groom preparing for their first dance."

My eyebrows shot up. In unison, Luna and I exclaimed, "What?!"

A few passing pedestrians on the sidewalk gave us weird looks.

What did she just say?

I wasn't laughing anymore. Nothing about this was funny.

Carmen held her hands out in front of her and waved them up and down, seemingly trying to calm us. "Relax, it's only one lesson and Miss Kate informed me that we have a budget so it's fully paid for."

That wasn't the part that was I was particularly focused on.

"Wait so you want us to act like..." I scratched my brow, still stupefied.

"...like a couple?" Luna finished for me.

Carmen laughed and smiled with excitement. "Like a married couple to be specific." She seemed to be enjoying this way too much. "Just for two hours."

Luna's face was frozen in shock. "You've lost your damn mind if you think Jax and I can pull that off." She checked her watch. "Why can't we just do another one of your chemistry exercises and call it a day."

"Yeah, I don't feel right lying about being someone's fiance," I admitted. This felt just plain weird. What were we supposed to do? Act like we were in love or something?

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