27. Where is she?

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Jax's POV

7:42 pm

"Nothing?" I asked out of breath. I slumped down onto the dressing room chair, sweating and exhausted.

Scarlet shook her head with a worried expression on her face. "No."

I winced and closed my eyes. What the hell was going on?

"I don't understand." Miss Kate shook her head, her blond curls moving with her. "Where is Luna?"

"I knew I had a bad feeling," Gen sat in front of the vanity mirrors, shuffling through the makeup items on the table, clearly panicking. "We should've never let anyone go anywhere by themselves."

Carmen was trying to call Luna on her phone, cursing in Spanish when she didn't pick up.

I didn't get it. Where was she? She knew how important this was. Why would she just get up and disappear?

Zhu was pulling the pins out of her hair, still standing in her costume. We'd just finished the group dance about 2 minutes ago and the duets were about to start in 8 minutes. The competition was going much faster now with only five teams competing. We had half an hour, give or take, before Luna and I had to go on stage. Thank God we were last.

And she still needed time to get ready. Her costume sat on the rack hidden inside the black garment bag untouched.

Kingston and Ozzie both walked into the room, speaking loudly.

"I found her phone!" Ozzie held Luna's phone in his hand and looked down at it. I got up quickly and stood beside him. All of us crowded around the phone, looking for something. "It was in the garbage."

The screen was cracked. He clicked it on and her background appeared. It was a picture of her and Carmen, both smiling, holding onto each other.

"She said she was going to go do something quickly," Scarlet commented. We all knew that she was the last person to see her.

A notification popped up on the screen, silencing all of us.

Leo: Where are you? I was waiting for you but I had to go meet up with my team. Maybe later?

My eyebrows furrowed, clearly confused.

"Wait, what?" Ozzie looked up at us. "Luna went to meet up with Leo and she just so happened to disappear?"

It wasn't making any sense. Why would she meet up with him?

Scarlet covered her eyes with her hands. "Gosh, I know what this is."

"You do?" Carmen asked, saying what we were all thinking.

Scarlet sighed and placed her hands on her hips. She changed out of her costume into a t-shirt and jeans but the makeup on her face and arms were still there. "Jordan tired that with me a few times." She stated, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Said he wanted to meet up to talk...to explain things. I never saw him though. I was too preoccupied with dance."

I nodded in understanding.

"So do you think..." Kingston said scratching at his mustache. "He had something to do with her going MIA?"

"It sounds like he's looking for her too though," Gen pointed out.

That only me feel worse. That meant that she was out there missing somewhere. What if someone had taken her?

Uneasiness spread through me in waves.

"Listen guys we don't have much time so I need you all to go out and look for her," Miss Kate said clearly worried. "Jax, you get ready for the duet. We can't afford to miss our call time. Find her!"

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