25. Sabotage and Seamstresses

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Jax's POV
July 18th
10:20 am

"On the bright side, the black eye kind of makes you look cooler," Scarlet squinted at me and shrugged.

My eye was now a darker red color but thankfully stopped bleeding. As for my ribs, they were still purple and red. I had to change the bandages every couple of hours and it hurt to do any major movements.

Kingston gave me a disapproving headshake. "How are you gonna take on 3 dudes with no backup? That's a rookie mistake."

"There was only 1 guy when the fight started. I don't even know where the other two came from." I explained.

"And you took them on alone?" Ozzie scoffed. He was enjoying this way too much.

"No, not necessarily." I smiled at Gen and Scarlet.

They both fist pumped each other.

"I'm pretty sure the one I hit has a permanent boot-sized footprint on his ass." Scarlet smiled to herself, scrolling through her phone.

"I blame the alcohol." Gen picked at her nails. "I would not have had the guts to do that sober."

"I would," Scarlet smiled a little too proudly.

Ozzie burst out laughing, shaking his head at her.

"What? We're family." She pointed a finger at me, staring me down.

I placed a hand on my heart and made puppy dog lips.

She stuck a small part of her tongue at me.

"You know whose ass I'd really like to beat," Kingston said changing to the subject. "Leo's."

The whole group grumbled audibly.

Luna, Carmen, and Zhu were the only ones not in the studio today. Technically we didn't have to be here since it wasn't on the schedule but Miss Kate asked us to come in to try on our costumes. Plus Luna needed the day off. She was worried about the seizure she had yesterday.

I couldn't believe all of that happened last night. I messed up bad and I'd never seen Luna so mad at me before. She genuinely looked scared for me.

I hated myself for stressing her out like that. My heart nearly broke in two watching her cry last night.

"Leo's gonna get what's coming to him though," Gen shrugged. "Karma's a bitch."

"Well, karma's a bit too slow for me," Scarlet complained. "He's out there chilling, living consequence-free."

"Maybe we can pay him a little visit." I could see the idea forming in Ozzie's head. Kingston wore the same thoughtful expression. It was like they were sharing their thoughts.

"Let's not do that," Gen squeezed Ozzie's arm and gave him a sideways look. "How about we just win the competition and show him up?"

Miss Kate burst through the doors with a rack of clothes. The quickness in her step caught my attention first and the panic in her face was second.

"What's wrong?" Scarlet asked, already reading her.

"We have a problem," She was out of breath, shaking her head and breathing heavily. "The costumes."

We all stood up at once, grabbing the black garment bags. Miss Kate finally focused on my face and her mouth fell open.

"Jackson," She struggled for words and moved closer to me, placing a hand on my cheek. "Sweetheart, what happened?!"

"Luna was groped in a club," I said as though that was explanation enough. Her eyes widened and she inspected the bruise on my face.

"What the hell?!" We both turned to Scarlet who pulled her costume out of her bag. The nude dress had some kind of red paint all over it. It was ruined. I spent enough time getting stains out to know that if that was acrylic paint, it wasn't going to come out.

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