4. Hands On My Waist

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Luna's POV
June 9th
1:20 pm

Things had already gone from bad to worse.

It felt like the moment in chicken little when he starts screaming about the sky falling.

This was my "the sky is falling" moment.

I'd officially hated Leo Evans and blocked his number after a text he sent two days ago.

Sorry. It's been real Lu.

I'd never been angrier in my life.

No explanation, nothing. He couldn't even talk to me in person.


Then our choreographer quit a day ago.

Right before the most important season of the year, she decides to leave us high and dry.

And she joined none other than the NDC.

How in world were we supposed to be ready to perform?

This wasn't some showcase or a play. We couldn't just choreograph ourselves.

There were too many dances and too much at stake.

Miss Kate was losing her mind trying to find a replacement and now we were stuck.

You can't rehearse when there's no one there to show you the steps and we were already two days behind schedule.

Zhu was performing the solo dance for the competition and she didn't need much assistance. She could come up with something on her own and be fine.

Scarlet, Kingston, and Ozzie were doing the small group dance and they needed a choreographer.

Jax and I....well, let's just say we needed a choreographer and a miracle to make sure we were ready by competition time.

You can't build chemistry and trust in a day.

I hadn't been this stressed in years.

My mind couldn't rest and I barely slept.

So much for listening to doctors' orders.

And the sight of Jax Nova made me angrier than I could put into words.

Everyone saw him as this innocent harmless guy and I found it sickening.

It didn't matter how good-looking he was or that he was "kind".

I saw him for what he truly was: a liar.

Nearly 6 years ago, when I was still at the NDC, we had this showcase during the holidays.

It was the Nutcracker. No surprise there.

He danced the role of 'the nutcracker' and Mindy, his partner, played the main character, Clara.

I had the role of the sugar plum fairy and I had been so excited about it. It was one of the first times I had played a bigger role in a showcase. I wasn't just some extra this time.

But right before I was supposed to go on, my pointe shoes 'mysteriously' disappeared.

I was going crazy backstage looking everywhere for them. And the thing about pointe shoes was that you couldn't just replace them in an instant and use another pair. It took days to break them in. They were shaved down and curved to the exact shape of your feet and only worked for you alone.

I'd sown and resown those shoes so many times I was practically a seamstress.

So I had to go on stage with a barely used pair of pointe shoes that I had kept in my locker.

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