50. Doctor, My Eyes

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A/N: Hey readers! This song I chose is so near and dear to my heart and I hope you love it. It's also super important for the dance in this chapter so I would HIGHLY recommend listening to it. Enjoy!😚Tell me what you think in the comments.

Luna's POV

August 28th (Competition: Day 1)

12:48 pm

Remember that feeling I mentioned so long ago? The one where everything in life seems to be going to shit and it feels like someone's watching from the distance, sitting on the couch with popcorn in hand.

I described it as the moment when I was falling apart. Jackson called it "spinning out".

It didn't matter what you called. I was fucked.

I grabbed at the toilet's edge and dumped the contents of my breakfast into the bowl, grabbing at my stomach. Bile came up my throat, the acid burns my esophagus. Tears fell from my eyes and I groaned, wallowing in self-pity.

Closing the bowl and flushing the toilet, I pulled myself off the floor and washed my hands. I threw water on my face, trying to cover up the mess.

I wiped my face and stared at myself in the mirror. Red eyes and puffy cheeks stared back at me. I was a mess, shattering at the edges and barely breathing.

I gripped the edge of the counter and dropped my head, swaying slightly. Breathing through my nose and out through my mouth, I tried to steady myself.

It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world.

I sniffled. What would Dad say? Think of what Dad would say if he were here.

My mind came up blank and I squeezed my teeth together getting angry all over again. My phone buzzed again, the same way it had been doing all morning.

I clamped a hand over my mouth stifling the sob that came out of my mouth. My body was shaking and I losing my grip on everything.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

It was out. My secret was out.

It was my own life, my own choice to share with others or not. But someone had taken that from me.

Everyone knew now.

I don't even know how it could've happened. I had been so careful. I never told anyone anything and I knew my friends didn't either.

Who could've done this?

And because it was a public post online, the showrunners and judges were questioning if I should even be allowed to dance in the last competition. Apparently, I was a "major risk" even though I had been dancing all summer just fine.

And I couldn't just not dance. I was in every single routine.

This could not be happening.

Miss Kate was having a meeting with the showrunners, trying to fix everything and get me back in. Right now it was all up in the air.

I had to meet up with them this morning and explain my reasoning for omitting such a big piece of information from my health forms. They all seemed stressed if anything, trying to minimize the press on this. It was too late for that.

Everyone knew. I'd gotten enough Instagram DM's from fans this morning to see that it was all out there.

And the team was all on edge. The news seemed to have turned everyone off their axis. Whoever this person who was trying to attack our team wasn't playing around anymore. They really wanted to bring us down and make sure we didn't have a chance at winning.

Spinning Out✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon