2. My Worst Nightmare

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Jax's POV

My dad was going to kill me.

I'd be dead at the age of 24 without any prospects.

Maybe I'd get lucky and he wouldn't find out until tomorrow. Mom promised she would distract him long enough.

It's why I told her first. I knew that if she knew, she could calm my Dad when he eventually blew up.

I was leaving everything I'd known my whole life. I wasn't fully sure of what my plans were, but it was too late to go back now.

The season already started but hopefully, I'd find myself a team to join.

That's why I came to The Williamson Dance Company. I'd competed against them for the past 5 years and they were always good.

It's funny how one stupid comment made by a stranger lead me to where I am today.

A month ago if you told me I would leave the NDC I would've laughed in your face.

Why leave something that you've known you're whole life? I wasn't just some random member of the company. I was a legacy.

My grandfather migrated from Verona, Italy so many years ago and started the company with his bare hands. It was located in a small place back then.

After so many years of hard work, he'd built it up to be one the best companies in the city, aside from the New York Ballet Company of course.

Then when he died, my Dad took over.

My Dad was a dancer for 30 years until his knees gave up on him. Now he only instructed and ran the whole business.

My brother Louie and I had been dancing since we could walk.

Louie was older than me by a year and gave up dance once he turned 18. It wasn't his passion and I couldn't blame him for leaving.

I loved dance with all my being but being the son of a renounced choreographer and studio owner was enough pressure to make you want to quit.

Now Louie was working on getting a master's in finance while I was still dancing at the studio. He was always the more rebellious one of the two of us. I did what was told because I felt like I needed to pay back all of the sacrifices made to get me where I was today.

Dad obviously didn't take Louie's quitting well and he seemed to redirect his attention to me. It was his last chance since he only had two kids.

And I was okay with pressure. I mean I'd been managing it fine for the last 7 years.

He pushed me harder than ever and I danced 24-7 without breaks.

But it didn't matter how many trophies our dance team competitions I had won or how well-renounced his company was. The man could not be satisfied.

At least not until we were chosen to go to Paris.

Every year we'd win the New York Dance Competitions and yet we'd never been chosen.

The panel of judges hadn't chosen anyone in the past 5 years.

I think it drove my father crazy.

And if it wasn't for the stupid comment someone had made a month ago, I would've been at the Nova Dance Company today because it was the start of the new season and it was expected of me.

It wasn't like I belonged anywhere else.

"You really think you won because you're good?" He laughed in my face. "Dude your last name gets you anywhere you want and your dad knows most of the judges at our competitions. Your rank is just a result of nepotism."

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