8. Put your head on my shoulder

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Luna's POV

June 15th

11:38 am

I absolutely with every fragment of my being hate hospitals with a burning passion.

Everything about them made me nauseous.

There's blue everywhere, beeping scans distracting you, those stupid dotted floor designs.

Hospitals tried their best to make patients comfortable and yet, I couldn't be more on edge than I was right now.

"Luna, try and keep absolutely still."

The red light above me burned my retina. There was a small sound at the machine all around me moved into the correct position.

I hated getting a CAT scan. If you could imagine being placed into a coffin and being told not to move, that's exactly what it was like.

My doctor had ordered one for me just to make sure I didn't suffer from a concussion after yesterday's fall.

I told him and my mom that head never hit the floor because Jax had held onto me before it could, but they just wanted to be sure.

"Try and relax, it'll be a couple of minutes." The technician said. She was across a clear glass behind a computer and I was all alone in this room.

I replayed last night's event, feeling reality set in.

Jax knew my secret. Someone had finally found out.

Because I'd have seizures every couple of months and they never happened at the studio, no one else had found out.

Miss Kate knew for insurance purposes but that was it.

I was too scared that people were going to underestimate my abilities. I worked too hard over the years only to be seen as that girl who had epilepsy.

Sam had asked me if I was alright when he came home last night but that was it. He didn't come to the hospital with me today.

Not much of a shocker.

I think I probably traumatized him in some way. After you see someone have a seizure, you never look at them the same.

That probably explained why he never wanted to be around me. He didn't want to see it happen again.

Thinking about it now, I probably traumatized Jax.

The look on his face when I opened my eyes was jarring.

I'd never seen him so scared in my life. He was a deer in headlights and the sound his voice made while he was screaming out my name set chills down my spine.

It was like he thought I was dying.

I wasn't dying though. Epilepsy wasn't a fatal disorder. You could live a full life with it.

I was just more likely to die than other people.

It was why I didn't drive even though I had my license and why I couldn't be anywhere that had strobing or flashing lights.

Maybe I'd get lucky and it would disappear on its own, but it wasn't likely.

Epilepsy had a way of infecting my system like poison.

Even if I kept my stress levels down and slept enough, it didn't mean I wouldn't have an incident.

Everything about it was random.

It was the reason why my mom didn't want me to dance when I'd first been diagnosed.

But there wasn't anything else I was meant to be doing and we both knew that.

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