23. Orbiting and Night Clubs

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Jax's POV

July 17th

3:28 pm

My eyes followed the wheels on Ozzie's skateboard. He was skating up and down the bowl of the skatepark, adding mall grabs and full-body twists each time.

He had invited me to come to hang out at the Thomas Jefferson Skate Park where we met up with a bunch more of his friends. The scratching sound of boards on pavement and conversations filled my ears. Kingston walked around the park capturing pictures of people on his camera. It looked different from the last one, more expensive.

Bella barked beside me and I pet her back. I knew how badly she wanted to play but I knew she'd probably get too excited and end up landing in the bowl.

Ozzie strolled up next to me and sat down on bench facing me. Bella nudged her body against his and licked his face.

 Bella nudged her body against his and licked his face

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"Alright cutie, I got the message." Ozzie smiled at her and pulled something from his pocket. I noticed it was a small biscuit. Bella practically bit his hand off grabbing the biscuit and chewing.

I pulled at her collar to keep her from accidentally biting him. "Are you bribing her?"

Ozzie laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm trying to see if I can become her new favorite. Luna doesn't have to do anything, and for some reason, Bella likes her more."

I shrugged. "Sorry, can't help you there."

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, noticing a text in the group chat.

"Carmen is asking if any of us want to go out tonight." I read aloud.

Kingston suddenly appeared, sitting down beside me. He was clicking at something on his camera and pulling what looked like the battery, out of the side. "I'm down."

"That depends," Ozzie said taking a sip of his water. "Are we all going?"

Kingston gave me a knowing look and my phone pinged again. "They want to go clubbing."

Ozzie ran a hand through his wavy hair and pulled out a lollipop from his pocket. Sticking it into his mouth, he rubbed behind Bella's ears. "Who's going?"

"Why does that matter? It'll be fun regardless." Kingston wasn't being slick at all. We both knew what Ozzie was really asking.

"Gen and Scarlet said they're going," I responded, reading the incoming texts.


"Is there something you're trying to say?" Kingston said feigning curiosity. I smiled and looked at both of them. Ozzie held the lollipop in his mouth and froze. There was a shyness to his expression. It was weird seeing him so reserved. He was the kind of person that'd send you a random text at 4 am telling you that the taco bell burrito he brought earlier was heading south.

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