35. Pineapple Kisses

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Jax's POV

Tuesday,  August 2nd

9:11 am

"Okay, now I want you two to move in like this and then divide immediately," Carmen instructed. She was pushing Scarlet and Gen into different formations, allowing them to give their opinions."

Today we were just coming up with ideas and plans. Carmen even went all out and got us all scripts of Romeo and Juliet.

I'd read it in high school but looking at it again now, it made even less sense.

She marked specific parts of the book that we would be acting out. The whole thing was a lot to go through.

It wasn't the whole play, but the parts we had to figure out would still take us forever. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit stressed.

I sat on the floor with Zhu, the two of us going through our books together. She had so many colored highlights and sticky notes all throughout the pages.

"We've been here for like 30 minutes, how do have so many notes already?" I whispered.

She flipped through the pages, smoothing out the wrinkles. "This is my copy and my annotations."

I nodded and drummed my yellow highlighter on the page.

"I think a way to get more points and really push ourselves into the next place is if we add in more stunts," Gen offered.

"What do have in mind?" Carmen said sounding interested.

"Well...I did competitive cheer for like 15 years and I think there's a way we can do major lifts and flips to really push our chances of winning."

I shared a look of anticipation with Scarlet and nodded my head.

"I like the idea," Carmen typed something into the iPad in her hands. "I actually think we're going to break the dance down into 3 parts. Capulets and Montagues, Romeo and Juliet, and Mercutio and Tybalt. Death will be in each of these scenes."

Zhu smiled to herself.

Ozzie and Kingston were both jittery, ready to start dancing already. You could tell because they were both moving to the music, freestyling to the classical genre.

Luna was the only one not in attendance. She said she had a last-minute doctor's thing she had to go to and that she'd be by soon.

I took a deep breath, trying not to think about her right now. The look she gave me last night in the car had taken me by surprise. I don't know why she acted like I just told her something crazy.

"I think I don't want us to do too much too soon right now," Carmen said with a tired sigh. It was getting overwhelming. I stood up and placed a hand on both of her shoulders, standing behind her. She looked up at me, leaning into my hands.

"How about we just work on our partner scenes separately this week and come back together to put it all together? I feel like it's a lot to tackle all at once right now," I offered, watching her breathe through her nose.

"Okay, yeah that sounds good. I'll pick out the parts each of you should work on and we'll go through it."

She went on to outline to Ozzie and Kingston the fight scene they had to go through when Scarlet pulled up beside me.

Her red hair was pulled up into a braided ponytail and she was wearing a matching pink sports bra with leggings.

"Wassup?" I said crossing my arms.

I could tell from the smirk she was giving me that she wanted something. She pushed her finger into my arm sharply and hummed. "I just have a question to ask you."

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