28. Lost Time

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A/N: hey guysssss. I posted early because I knew I'd forget. I'm super excited for you to read this new chapter ☺️. I've been planning it for months. This song is SUPER important for the dance btw. Please please please listen to it right when the dance starts. Big surprises in this chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

Luna's POV

8:20 pm

(One minute before call time)

I kicked my foot out at my side, bouncing on the tips of my toes. I felt like I was going to throw up.

Zhu was quickly braiding my bundle of braids into a big one down my back. She was tying the bottom and sighed in relief the second she was done. "Good to go." She squeezed my arm affectionately.

I never had time to put on any makeup and my original hairstyle idea was tossed to the side. This was as last minute as ever.

"You ready?" Miss Kate said appearing at my side. She looked about as tense as ever with wide eyes and a strained look on her face. I felt what she was going through right now.

We all could. Tonight had not gone at all the way we had expected.

"Yep," I said with a heavy breath.

She nodded once and stood behind me, joining the group.

"Vas a hacer asombrosa amor," I heard Carmen whisper behind me. (You're going to do amazing love.)

I turned and smiled at her, feeling the fullness of my heart. I had to remember I was doing this for her too.

I noticed Leo standing not too far away watching me. His face looked ashen, and he looked at me almost apologetic.

I didn't give him another thought as I turned my attention back to the stage. My eyes landed on the other side of it, focusing on who I needed to.

Jax stood on the other end of the stage, stretching his arms and pacing. He looked at me with a grin that showed his dimple and teeth.

I'd be lying if I said that butterflies didn't flutter around my stomach.

No matter what happened, it was just us on the stage tonight. I'd have to put everything else behind me.

My chest rose and fell with anticipation. I wrung out my fingers at my sides, my nerves feeling like they were about to burst.

It was time.

"And last but certainly not least, we have the Williamson DanceCompany," The announcer said over the speaker system. "Dancing to Lost Time, we have Luna Martinez and Jackson Nova."

The crowd erupted in cheers and I said a quick prayer, making my way on stage. Jax and I met in the middle and we stood face to face, inches apart.

The crowds' noise had finally simmered down and I looked up at him, focusing only on him right now.

"It's just me and you", he whispered barely moving his lips.

Me and him.

The music started and I slipped my hands up beneath his open shirt, sliding my hands across his pecs and holding onto his neck.

Tumbling dice, tears in my eyes
Drowning in neon lights

Jax grabbed at my hips and lifted me, my legs splayed out behind me as we spun in a circle. Our faces were only an inch apart as we moved.

Whatever got me through the night

Whatever got me through the night

He lowered me back to the ground and I placed a hand on his cheek, pulling him down to me. He lowered us both so that I was dipping back, his face ever so close to mine.

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