Dancing in the rain

Start from the beginning

"Well that's nice of you."

"Actually it's from Ron. He tried sneak away to send it and she wanted to come with him. So I offered.'

"Mine is a letter for Azaleah and some paintings I did."


"The friend I told you about that killed my other friend? Turns out that's not exactly what happened."


"I'm not supposed to talk too much about it but she deflected a killing curse and it hit Teeny instead."

"So it was an accident?"

"Yes it was."

"You're sure?"

"Yip saw it with my own eyes - well a memory I mean."

"Wow. Well then how horrible for your friend. Being locked up for something you didn't even do."

"I know. So I thought I would write and beg for forgiveness."

"Anyone would have done the same in your shoes. Even Azaleah. Even me."

"Doesn't make me feel any less guilty."

"Well at least you are doing something about it now you writing to her to support her."

"I just hope its not too late."

"She needs her friends right now. It won't be too late. I'm sure she will be glad to hear from you."

"Have you always been this wise?'

"Who me? Absolutely not. Hermione will tell you I am what they call a dumbass. I would have been killed long ago if not for her."

I laughed. I had heard the stories.

"So where is Ginny this evening?"

"She has a test in Muggle Studies so she is revising."

"Muggle Studies?"

He posted off his own letter and stuffed his hands into his pocket. "Yeah. I think she thought she would learn enough so that she would know the things Hermione and I talk about."

"And doesn't she?"

"No. Its quite funny. She is learning the strangest material. The function of a bicycle and how to wire a plug. Things she will never need. Although she did learn what a pen was and was quite impressed."

"Haha they are useful."

"How come you know so much about muggles when you are PureBlood?"

"Well Teeny was muggleborn and we lived in a muggle populated area. Plus I went to a muggle primary school for a bit."

"You did?"

"Yip. That's where I learnt to read and write and about television and toys and muggle food and things."

"That's a good thing that your parents sent you and Cedric -"

"Oh not Cedric. He was homeschooled by private tutors. He learnt fascinating things like Latin and Runes and wandwork all before attending Hogwarts."

"So why weren't you homeschooled."

"Waste of money in my dads eyes."

The owl that was huffing with me, flapped its wings, gave a hoot and then flew off, out of the doorway and into the night.

I watched the stunning bird as it soared high into the sky and behind the clouds until it was out of sight.

The rain had not let up. I fact if anything it had gotten worse.

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