chapter 19

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"Oh ...Hanagaki that you?"

Takemichis hands slided down trembling with an emotion he couldn't describe, he didn't really know whether it was fear or nervousness or hatred. He got off from Mikey and stood infront of the lady who had already approached the group close. She still smells the same way, the strong fragnance of vanilla is stilll the same. She still uses that same vanilla scented perfume which was one of her favourite. He hair have changed, they are grown long but a little thinner yet she still looks like a goddess. Her brown eyes having the same exciting glow to look yet. Just she was the same, except looking a bit thinner...ah why was takemichi even thinking about this right now, he didnt want to meet her...since that day. Since the day he saw Hinata in the white dress, beside a man in a black suit. Both were smiling with happiness, they both giggled as if there was not a shoul heartbroken. Takemichi could only reminise the time he cried back in his bedroom after the wedding was over.

Tachibana hinata was a goddess, a kind of a lady takemichi respected for being brave and sweet as well. She was beautiful, non other than any other girl takemichi had ever seen. It was when he had eventually realised his abnormal rise of heartbeat, happiness of being able to spend even a little time with the female together. Takemichi had finally realised that he was in love, he loved someone that he couldn't help but be overjoyed with his feelings. It took him courage, he practised literature phrases every day just to be able to propose the girl he fell hard for in such a way and would make it the best day of hinatas life. He was nervouse when he spoke to say the words, confess his feelings in the winters, few days before Christmas, his heart beat in happiness that the next moment he felt that he could totally die of heartattack when hinata accepts him, accepts him the way he is, his lame and boring ways which seriously never failed to leave that echanting smile on the brunettes face.

But then suddenly takemichi realised, that having high expectations was a fault. His happiness was suddenly gone away leaving him big lumps in his throat that he found difficult to swollow. No, it wasn't because he was might sound crazy, but what saddened him was that he didn't get a reply, he didn't get an instant reply. Rejection wouldn't have put him in that of a miserable state like how this silence made him question himself. Where did he just go wrong, the fact was the feeling in him assuring him that hinata too, loved him...but now, it was like, he couldn't read a single situation, he was completely blank.

It was fine, by that time he learned to cope up to the situation waiting for an answer from the girl he loved so much. Making sure of everything he did would result in hinata still keeping him around, being friends with him and it did happen, hinata treated him perfectly like a best friend, taking care of takemichi like as if he was a baby...but the topic relating to his confession never arrived, even when Takemichi would make an effort to ask hinata about it, the girl completely would ignore the question and change the topic. The feeling during those times was bitter making takemichi oceanic orb fill up with tears and his heart cracking with small cracks every time. But then suddenly...finally, his heart was all shattered, completely. No, it's not because of rejection, even rejection wouldnt make him feel this kind of an extreme reaction...his heart felt as if it was being completely squeezed in his chest while his tears completely flowed the previous day of the wedding. No, not his. Hinata herself handed takemichi the wedding card requesting him to attend the ceremony. Hinata married a man named kisaki...hinata herself never gave an answer to takemichi confession and on top that, leaving someone so awaiting for her, she she herself married someone else without even informing about her private matter to the man she used to treat like a best friend. Nothing hurt more than that, takemichi waited all this year's with high expectations that yes, he will be loved by someone apart from his parents, he will be accepted...but at the end, the complete sudden twist of events grew him dizzy, making him want to puke at his own miserable situation. Wanting to die from the betrayal he felt, he wanted to die...but... there was another man he once saw, the urge in him to be with the man drove takemichi crazy that he ended up living, living in the pathetic state after he ran away to the city just with the hope of meeting that same person again. And here he was, finally into the arms of the man that had given his additional hopes to live on, the man he never knew the name of, he kept on thinking everyday...was finally the one holding him high in his life...and the man was sano Manjiro. Sothere was no reason for him to hang on those feelings for hinata right?

"What are you doing here..."
Takemichi was already disgusted enough with his flashing memories, making it difficult for him to look into the lady's eyes. He protectively stood infront of Mikey, who kept on starring at those little possessive actions of his queen towards him, finding them cute.
"Hanagaki kun...i..just happen to meet are you?..."
The lady chuckled with nervousness looking at the man from up and down, giving a faint smile towards the raven haired man. Draken didn't want to see this drama, that is why he walked back in the car to take his seat with frustration cause it was getting late and here there will be another waste of time...might as well play some games on his phone.
"What are you doing here..."
Takemichi reapeted the same question, making hinata flinch in her place. Takemichi can't face it, he really can't, but he needs to end it here. He needs to cut off those memories of his filthy past feelings so that he would be open enough to let in his Manjiro completely. Hinata lowered her head with a pale feeling completely plaster on her portrait.
"I...i came to give you your answer takemichi..."
And the Atmosphere turned silent again with takemichi not reacting even a little. He doesn't want to know now and isn't even interested, but he really won't just go away without hearing anything. So he turned his gaze towards hinata, once again starring at those beautiful brown eyes which surprisingly failed to captivated him but the ache in the heart still remained.
"...i...yes...i accept you takemichi...."
The lady blushed after she finished with her sentence. Takemichi eyes widened and the exact next moment, he laughed...he laughed hard that he even starting crying...this was some kind of a bullshit he has never heard in his life. Seeing the man laugh, Mikey sighed a relief knowing what would happen next. Hinata stared with embarassement and with confusion. She...she didn't expect takemichi to laugh like that, it was like he was totally...mocking her...on top...did she expect so much that he was gonna be happily coming it her...back...
"Ha..haha...sorry...uhm so you are done?...ok haha...let's go mikey..."
Takemichi said his last words and pulled Mikey by his collar into the car leaving hinata dumbfounded, in the same miserable state as of takemichi...unanswered, broken and still curious. As for takemichi, his curiousness was all gone, while it was now hinas turn to live with the torture of thinking whether takemichi would come back to her. But as for takemichi, he won't do that...he ain't here to be a third wheel...that shameless women had her wedding ring shining the brightest among her outfit and here she was, planning to hook up with her ex best friend most probably wanting to cheat on her husband with takemichi who now has completely lost interest in her. Takemichi felt relieved knowing that he would never want to meet that lady again, he has completely lost his trust in woman...thank god he found out that he was as well bi enough to get sexually aroused by boys too, but at the same time thinking about this certain event that happened today...takemichi needed to forget this, he needed to remove of the stain completely and he knows that only one thing in the world will let it happen.

The ride to the mansion was silent. Non of them spoke a word. Takemichi kept on sipping into the ciggerette, while Mikey checked out his documents and draken was driving the car. Once they reached back to their sweet home, the majestic mansion. The three walked in with the same lovey dovey courtesy among the lovebirds. As they three reached in seeing that there seemed non of the executives available, knowing that they might most probably be in their out of thousand owned clubs or casinos playing stuff. Takemichi let his gaurd off, slightly relaxing his shoulders before turning to the man behind him...

The semes looked at takemichi with a frown on the face, all ready to listen to their queens request. But instead of say first, takemichi held either of Mikey's and drakens hands in his and looked at them with eyes asking for help. Both of the man understood what the actions meant, but only needed the specific proof to proceed further which they gladly got from their michi.
" me forget today...."

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