chapter 12

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"No...this .... takemitchy???"

Haha, takemichi just loved the horrified look on sanzu's face. The trembling pupils in that dull whitish gray surface, ah~~ what a satisfying view. Sanzu, couldn't believe, when did it come to this. And why was he a damn blind idiot to not understand a think like a old man having myopia or whatever. Takemichi smirked seeing the dramatic actions of the pink head infront of him. Dang! He could be the best plaything with the attitude of that wild cat, more like a Dog. Ha ha, takemichi is already drooling crystal trickles imagining sanzu in a choker meant for a dog, controled like a lifeless puppet on the leash...ahh will a chain of shackles feel more exciting? Hmm~~~

"Mikey i really didn't know that he was takemichi! I swear...if i knew...i...i wouldn't have said this-"
The obvious fear in the man's voice was too obvious to be remained unnoticed. Interesting...what an interesting dude, at one time he was all hanging around takemichis king as if the latter belongs to him and now this man is accepting his worth of being a piece of trash. The raven haired man chuckled, before he placed his index on sanzu perfectly carved lips. Wanting that man to stop saying any further.

"Talk to were saying words about me...was it...ahhh i do remember you calling me a slut much further were you planning to go? Hmm?? Hehe-"
Sanzu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, feeling anger rise within him. But there was this one thing was that he couldn't figure out the reason for his anger. Was he angry cause this shorty infront of him has already got to his guts to speak about stuff to shut him up and insult him till he peirces his own tongue through his fang and the blood drips out? Or was it because...he hates the person he will be addressing as queen and hanging around following the orders like a low life slave of this little chick. The chubby and cheeky face with those big blue gems of aquamarine, the sexiness of the black curly locks...he hates it, that face is a nuisance, he wants to rip it apart at this moment and feed that soft cheek cells to the wolfs in the properties of boten. Anguish and hatred that lack reasons boiled into sanzu dull blues, towards the bright gleams.
"Wait ..i really didn't know you were takemichi..."
Sanzu said back with all the hatredness he was suffering towards this man with.
" aren't you going to apologize???"
Takemichi moved forward, sniffing lightly the strong scented perfume on the man in vest with his seductive white shirt underneath it. It was the closeness that takemichi took the chance in getting into that personal space belonging to sanzu, starring at the man with his doe eyes. Sanzu felt slight heat rushing up his cheeks as he felt the warmth from the boy so much, that it would sound crazy if he didn't feel uncomfortable. Sanzu shuddered a bit at a certain touch at a good spot.
"Heh~~~ you know?...showing off an erection towards a man you met for the first time is..."
Takemichi approached to sanzus ears to continue his words.
"...a shame"

Sanzu panted hard, he felt soo good. He slowly slide his eyes towards the pleasurable feeling. Forgetting the erection, the thing stunned him the most is the beautiful hand that naughtily teased his clothed erected member from up and down. Those small unexperieced fingers tracing perfectly the lining underneath it like an expert. Sanzu moaned loudly as he was about to reach his limit and his face being flushed like the darkest shade of red was the proof that this man thought of nothing but this unforseen pleasure he was recieving from...

"Takemitchy...I'm still here you know...?"
That was the worst timing for his king to announce it as the hands pulled back soon from his thing as if they were commanded to do so with a plan to do this to him. Sanzu popped a vein in his head before aggressively looking towards the owner of such soft and small yet manly hands that caressed him with unending love over there, but how could he forget this...this was really pathetic, he never felt this self hated in his life than this. A stranger named takemichi who he just met and hates to the core, is the one that made him feel this pleasure he never felt even when he banged women and man of all type. But this caress was alone so much enough to make him reach his limit in such a less time which is the seconds considered of shame for a top like him. But the thing here is tht sanzu already hates it, cause it was takemichi...out of a whole billion people in this entire universe, it was takemichi...a man who he will be serving and adressing as a queen.

"Ahh Mikey♡...I'm sorry my king...forgive me...will you?♡"
Takemichi snuggled close to his man, nuzzling into the crook of the pale and the seme neck, inhaling the smell of cigerettes like it was his top addiction. Mikey blushed a slight at his queens this lovely action done to him, for him.
"Ahhh...i can't wait...anymore ...i want you inside mikey♡"
Takemichi whispered the last words in a bedroom voice, with a high pitch that sent phormonic shivers to the cells of Mikey, he was hard right down, and yes...he can't wait to mess his Mitchy to the euphoric destruction of its precious fragile body. Mikey lifted takemichi in his arms and kissed into the mans lips with a force that seemed to be difficult to break apart from, takemichi head was totally pulled along when Mikey pulled back from a suck on his queens plump pink muscles with a smooch.

"Kenchin...assign sanzu in checking the documents..."
And with that Mikey left walking like a royalty to out in the corridors , disappearing into one of the rooms which happened to be his bedroom. But worst feeling was for sanzu Haruchiyo who was left back with unfinished job. Let's pity him for a while, he just experienced heaven befor hell and he is already burning frustrations with that erection buldging in his trousers.

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