Part 100- Final Chapter

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(6 years later)

"Did I have to sit through that mom?" Mason complains, I throw a pillow at him making him laugh.

"Your sister asked to hear about me and your mommas love story" I laugh as Shae jumps on Masons lap giggling.

"I wanted you to listen with me!" She giggles squishing Masons face with her hands.

"I'm in it silly I know what happened!" He tosses her on the couch cushion next to him and starts tickling making her laugh.

"There you all are, I was wondering where you all ran off too" Lizzie walks in to the living room from upstairs. "What are you talking about?" She walks over and sits sideways on my lap.

"I was telling them about our love story" I smile kissing her nose gently.

"Let me guess our little 13 year old here complained?" She chuckles as Mason groans.

"Hey I can hear you you know!" He huffs crossing his arms as we laugh.

He sticks his tongue out at us then Shae takes the palm of her hand and pushes his tongue back, "Hey, that's my thing bubba!" Then she sticks her tongue out at him as we all start laughing.

"Right right sorry" He chuckles moving her hand and sticking his tongue out at her again. Shae gasps and smacks his shoulder as he chuckles, "Love you my little Shae"

"I love you too bubba!" She giggles giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

Just then there's a knock on the front door, "I'll get it" I pick Lizzie up bridal style as I stand up making her let out a little squeal. "Surprise you honey?" I laugh walking over and setting her down on the couch next to Mason and Shae.

"A little yes darling" She rolls her eyes as I giggle kissing her softly.

"My bad honey, but I should go let our guests in now" She laughs kicking my butt in the way out. "Hey! Watch it princess"

"Princess? You haven't called me that in awhile" She smiles.

"Well that's because you're my Queen now, and we have our own little princess right there" I smile pointing to Shae who's playing with Masons hair as he tickles her.

"Yea we do have our own little princess. And we still have our little Prince too" She smiles nudging Masons arm making him look over at her and smile.

"Hey we can hear you talking in here!" I turn to see Scarlett, Robin and Rose walking in through the front door. "You know it's rude to keep your guests waiting" Robin walks over giving me a hug chuckling.

"And you letting yourself in is ok?" I joke going over to give Scarlett a hug as Lizzie gets up and hugs Robin laughing a little.

"I always let myself in you know this. Even in your apartment before we met our wonderful wives" She smiles kissing Scarlett's cheek.

"Good point" I chuckle now giving Rose a hug, "Kids our guests are here you know?" I laugh as Mason and Shae both look over at us and smile.

Lizzie gives Scarlett a hug when Shae jumps off the couch and runs over to Ross, "Rosie!"

"Hey! How's my favorite 5 year old?" Rose picks Shae up kissing her cheek as Mason walks over. "Hey Mason"

"Hey Rose" He smiles shyly at her.

"Can the aunties get hugs too?" Scarlett chimes in, Mason walks over hugging Scarlett and Shae hugs Robin. Then they switch and Mason walks back over to Rose clearing his throat.

"Do you want to play on my Switch?" He queries, he seems so nervous. It's cute.

"Sure! That sounds fun" Rose picks Shae up and walks to the couch with Mason close behind.

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