Part 97

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(Two Months Later)

"Mommy! They're here!" Mason yells from downstairs as I finish getting ready.

"Coming bubba!" I put my hair up in a ponytail while walking downstairs. "Thank you for letting me know Mason" I kiss the top of his head then go to open the front door.

"Hey!" Robin jumps forward hugging me tightly.

"Hey, come in!" I chuckle moving out of the way bringing Robin with me. My mom, Scarlett and Rose walk in when Robin finally let's go of me. "I'm glad you guys are here! I've missed you"

"We missed you too sweetie!" My mom walks over pulling me into a hug. "Now where's my grand baby?"

"I'm right here grandma!" He giggles running over to us and jumps into my moms arms.

I smile at my mom and Mason when Scarlett and Rose walk over bringing me in for a little group hug. "We missed you too auntie! You and auntie Lizzie!"

"Awe we missed you too, auntie Lizzie should be here in the next few hours." I chuckle giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Are me and Rose coming dress shopping with you too mommy?" Mason asks while my mom sets him back down on the ground.

"Yep, I would say you can stay with momma but she's on set. Do you mind coming with us?" I squat down in front of Mason moving his hair out of his eyes.

"No, I think it'll be fun! And I get to see your dress" He giggles wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me.

"What about auntie Lizzie's dress?" Rose queries, I stand up kissing Masons cheek and smile at Rose.

"She has tomorrow off so you're gonna go shopping with me today then her tomorrow. Her mom is coming tomorrow too as well as the twins. We're gonna have a full house again" I laugh a little as Robin and Scarlett both roll their eyes at me.

"Let's just go already" Robin grabs my arm pulling me towards the door.

"Whoa hey Ok I'm coming jeez" She chuckles while I pull my arm away from her. "I can walk myself" Robin mocks me, I roll my eyes walking back to pick up Mason.

"Can we just go please?" Robin complains.

"Don't sound too excited" I roll me eyes and walk past her with Mason to the car.

"Y/n!" Scarlett comes running out with Rose before everyone starts coming. "Robins a little cranky today, she's been exhausted the past few weeks" She smiles kissing my cheek as Robin and my mom walk up to us.

"What're you talking about?" Robin raises an eyebrow at us looking from me to Scarlett.

"Nothing, come on since you wanna go so bad" I tease before turning around to put Mason in the car.

"We'll follow you there in our rental car." Scarlett smiles then walks over to the rental car with Robin close behind.

"I'll drive with you if you want sweetie" My mom offers as I finish buckling Mason up.

"Sure I don't mind" I smile shutting Masons car door and getting in to the drivers seat. Once I see everyone's in the two cars I drive off to this wedding dress shop I had been eyeing for a few weeks now. We arrive and get situated, I pick out a few dresses to try on.

At this point I've tried on 5 dresses, "That's one's beautiful Y/n!" Robin smiles when I walk out in the 5th dress of the day.

"It is but it doesn't feel perfect you know.." I sigh shaking my head.

"Well it's only the 5th dress dear! For me when I married your father, I think I found my dress after trying on 6" My mom gets up trying to reassure me. "You'll find your perfect dress" She smiles brining be into a hug.

"Thanks mom" I give her a hug back when the lady walks in with another dress.

"Would this one interest you? It just came in yesterday, I think it'd look beautiful on you" The lady says with a smile.

"Oh, I'd love to try it on!" Just from looking at it while she walked it over it looked so beautiful. "Thank you"

"No problem, let me know how you like it" She smiles then leaves as I walk back into the changing room. I take off the dress I had on and slip on the one the lady handed me.

"It's.. beautiful.." I look at myself in the mirror as a smile tugs at the corners of my lips.

(This is what the dress looks like😁)

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(This is what the dress looks like😁)

I take a deep breathe and walk out of the room where my family sits. "Before I say anything, what do you guys think?"

"Wow, you look amazing in that dress!" Scarlett covers her mouth letting out a little gasp.

"I agree, it looks so beautiful on you Y/n" Robin agrees smiling.

"My baby" My mom covers her mouth as tears start forming in her eyes.

"Don't cry mom! If you cry I'm gonna start crying!" I laugh as she waves her hand at me.

"Sorry sorry, you look beautiful darling" She wipes her eyes with her sleeve.

"You look really pretty in the dress mommy!" Mason chimes in.

"Like a princess!" Rose giggles.

"Well I think the 6th dress thing runs in the family because.. I love this dress. I think this is the dress!" I smile as they cheer and get up to pull me into a group hug. "Ok ok I love you guys but let me change out of this" They all let go so I quickly change back into my normal clothes and walk back out with the dress in my hand. "Now to buy the dress then we can go get some lunch!" Robin woohoos making me laugh as we walk to the front counter. I pay for my dress then leave to my car. I lay the dress nicely in the back of my car, put Mason in his seat then drive off to get some lunch. We head back to the house after lunch, when we get back I hide the dress so Lizzie won't find it. I run back downstairs to hangout with everyone and wait for Lizzie to get home.

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