Part 45

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up to see Mason and Lizzie cuddling in my arms. Masons attached to my shirt, I kiss him softly on the head. I sigh carefully getting out of my bed. I walk into the kitchen making me a cup of coffee and some extra for Lizzie. I pick up my cup and walk back to my room. I see Mason is now attached to Lizzie as she holds him closer to her. Maybe I should tell him.. maybe Lizzies right. I sigh and walk back into my living room. I plop down on the couch putting my coffee cup on the table. I turn the tv on and watch tv until I hear footsteps. "Good morning sissy.." Mason walks into the living room yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning bubba, did you sleep good?" I smile as he stretches next to the table.

"Yea! I woke up and Lizzie was cuddling me" He giggles happily, "I like staying here with you sissy!"

"You do?" Mason nods happily, I should tell him. I stand up and walk up to him. I bend down sighing as he looks at me weirdly. "I have something important to tell you Mason..."

"Ok!" I take a deep breathe, oh god what am i doing. "Are you ok?" Mason reaches over grabbing my face.

"Bubba... I love you so much you know that right?" He nods silently, I grab his hands squeezing them. "Mason, I'm not your sister.."

"Of course you are silly! What else would you be." Mason laughs. How do I do this

"No Mason bubba.. I'm not your sister, I'm your mom.." My heart stops as he backs away shaking his head.

"What? What are you talking about sissy? You.. you can't be my mom! You're not old like mommy and daddy!" I reach forward grabbing his arm and softly pulling him towards me.

"I had you when I was really young.. you started calling mom and dad your mom and dad.. so I didn't correct you." I feel myself begin getting choked up.

"No! Stop lying to me sissy! This isn't funny! I want to go home!" He yells breaking free from my grasp and falling backwards on his butt.

"Mason! Bubba I'm not lying, I love you so much! I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.. I'm sorry!" I reach for him as he hurries to his feet. "Please Mason calm down.."

"I want mommy and daddy!" He yells as tears form in my eyes.

"Im.. I'm sorry Mason please. You're my precious little boy and I'm so glad I've still gotten to see you grow up.." He slowly backs away from me.

"No! No you can't be my mommy! I don't understand!" Suddenly my front door opens as tears fall down my cheeks. Mason makes a run for it out of my apartment as Lizzie runs into the room from my room and Robin walks in the door.

"Mason!!!" I yell as Robin tries grabbing him on the way out.

"Mason Buddy wait!" Robin yells about to run when Lizzie stops her.

"Stay I'll get him! This is my fault I told Y/n she should tell him. Stay with her!" Lizzie looks back at me smiling sadly then runs off after him.

Robin runs over to me getting down on her knees and pulling me into a hug, "What's going on?"

"I.. I told Mason I'm his real mom.." I start crying wrapping my arms around Robin.

"Oh Y/n... it's ok.. He doesn't really understand, he's only 6. I'm sure Lizzie can talk it out with him" She hugs me tighter as I try to stop crying.


Lizzie's POV:

"Mason!! Mason stop running!" I yell after him as he runs down the stairs. Dang this kid is fast, "Mason stop please!" Once we get to a bigger step I jump forward grabbing his arm and skidding to a stop. "Mason!"

"Let go of me! I wanna go home!" He turns to face me with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Oh Mason... I want to show you something. Do you want to see?" I smile softly at him holding out my hand to him. He sniffles wiping his tears away then takes my hand. I lead him up to the roof and I sit down. "Here sit bub"

"Why are we on the roof?" He questions me as he sits down in front of me.

"Well when Y/n's upset or needs to think. She comes up here to be alone. Now I know you're not alone because I'm here but I thought maybe you could use some fresh air." I reach forward moving his hair out of his eyes.

"How is sissy my mommy?" Mason looks at me with tears in his eyes. I wipe away a tear that escaped as I smile.

"Well when your mom was 18 she got pregnant with a handsome baby boy. By the time she was 19, she gave birth to him. But she had just moved out and couldn't take care of him. So instead her parents agreed to take care of the little baby boy until Y/n could take care of him. But once he got older, he started calling her parents mommy and daddy.. and though it hurt her she said maybe it's for the best if he doesn't know for now. So for 6 years she's watched that baby boy grow into a handsome young man.." Mason moves closer to me wiping tears from his cheeks. He silently climbs into my lap and looks up at me.

"That baby boy was me?" He asks, I lean down kissing his forehead then I hug him holding him close to me.

"Yes it was bub. Y/n loves you so much, and so do I. She wanted what's best for you and at the time you being raised by your grandparents was the best option. She wouldn't have been able to take care of you until now." I lift the end of my shirt up to wipe his cheeks dry.

"Did I hurt her feelings by running away?.." He looks up at me sadly.

"I think you did a little bit but it's ok. She still loves you to death. I know this is a lot to process, and I hope you're not mad at Y/n for too long." I smile as he shifts on my lap.

"I'm not mad.. I'm confused.. well I guess not really anymore you helped." He stands up wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me. I wrap my arms around him hugging him tightly.

"Do you want to go back inside now?" I ask as he slowly lets go of me.

"Yea. I need to apologize to sissy- or.. my mommy." He smiles making my heart melt.

"Well then let's go!" I stand up quickly grabbing him and putting him on my shoulders as he laughs.

"Yay! Let's go!" He points to the door. I walk us down and to Y/n's apartment to hopefully make things better.

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